ATAR Notes: Forum

QCE Stuff => QCE Results and ATAR Discussion 2021 => Topic started by: Daniel15 on June 12, 2021, 10:13:53 am

Title: I need your help to make the QCE ATAR Calculator more accurate!
Post by: Daniel15 on June 12, 2021, 10:13:53 am
Hi! I'm the maintainer of the ATAR Calculator. The QCE calculator is a recent addition to the site, and while I've made some improvements to its accuracy recently, it's still not as good as I'd like. The main issue is that QTAC aren't providing data for TEA to ATAR scaling.

In comparison with other states:
UAC provide a small (but still useful) aggregate to ATAR table for HSC in their scaling report:

Similarly, VTAC provide an aggregate to ATAR table for VCE with every single possible score, which is very useful:
(just a small subset; the real report is 15 pages long)

However, QTAC doesn't provide any data like this, and they've said to me that they have no plans to do so :(

I was previously using the HSC data for the QCE calculator, but the QCE cohort and scaling are sufficiently different from HSC that this was quite inaccurate. I've improved the accuracy a bit now but using a few crowdsourced data points, but I need more data to make it even better.

What I need is to gather data similar to the above scaling tables - That is, aggregates and ATARs from 2020 students, especially for lower scores (like ATARs below 80). The more data we can collect, the more accurate the calculator will be. If you completed QCE in 2020 (or know someone who did) and got an ATAR, please help (only if you'd like to, of course) :)

Title: Re: I need your help to make the QCE ATAR Calculator more accurate!
Post by: Daniel15 on June 14, 2021, 01:34:20 pm
Thanks to the people who have messaged me so far :)

I found that a few curve fitting algorithms fit the data I've gotten so far pretty well, but I'd like to gather some more data for lower ATARs (less than 60) to ensure I choose the correct algorithm.


(red is a Four Parameter Logistic (4PL) curve, purple is a power curve y = ax^b, and blue is an exponential proportional growth function)