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VCE Stuff => VCE Mathematics => VCE Mathematics/Science/Technology => VCE Subjects + Help => VCE Mathematical Methods CAS => Topic started by: MethodsFailure1231 on October 26, 2021, 07:58:16 am

Title: Homestretch to methods - What to do and not do?
Post by: MethodsFailure1231 on October 26, 2021, 07:58:16 am
Only a week left before the exam!!

Tbh I’m not doing that well.. Although I got decent scores for my SACs, I’m a bit stressed out and it’s affecting how I am going with my practice exams, especially when there is a question that I don’t know and my mind becomes blank.

To all those amazing high achievers out there, can you give me and my fellow peers some advice on what to do and not do in this last week of the exam? How did u manage ur stress, and how did you revise?
Title: Re: Homestretch to methods - What to do and not do?
Post by: james.358 on October 26, 2021, 12:06:52 pm
Hey there,

A week is still plenty of time! You can definitely make the most of it, and increase your exam score by more than a few marks. With that being said, don’t do overboard and grind endless papers. If you feel confident enough, I would even suggest doing only one or two exams at most. It is better to use this time to review your past mistakes instead, or even better, doing the difficult questions in the previous exams you come across. This is a light but efficient form of study, and can also be a confidence boost! You can really see how much you have improved, and rest assured that there are countless mistakes you have discovered which you won’t make again.

At this stage, confidence and mindset is key. Make sure to take plenty of breaks, eat and drink well, get sleep etc. It is more important to focus on making sure that you can perform to your optimal level on the day of the exam, rather than stressing about any obscure bits of maths that you're unlikely to encounter.

Hope this helps, and best of luck for the exam!
Title: Re: Homestretch to methods - What to do and not do?
Post by: mabajas76 on October 26, 2021, 08:32:01 pm
I looked over your scores from previous posts cause I remember you need to have more confidence! Your scores r great so don't underestimate urself!
If I could give one peice of advice, maybe make some UDF's and practice them, make sure you know ur bound reference book enough so u won't have to use it, and just grind practice exams TIMED, no point going through soloutions and just trying to understand them, really try to get them urself ok? But don't waste too much time ya know?
Anyway have faith! U r gonna do great.