ATAR Notes: Forum

Administration => AN Community Lounge => Topic started by: Joseph41 on November 19, 2021, 01:45:43 pm

Title: BLAA 2021: An Annual ATAR Notes Award - Vote Now!
Post by: Joseph41 on November 19, 2021, 01:45:43 pm
Voting is now open for 2021.

Hi everybody! It's my great pleasure today to announce the fourth iteration of what I hope to be one of the most prestigious awards of our very special community.

What is the BLAA?
The BLAA, or the bangali_lok Annual Award, represents everything good about ATAR Notes. Selflessness, empathy and a willingness to help. A sense of genuine community, of trust, and of passion.

It will be awarded to the member of the community judged - by the community - to best encapsulate those characteristics. To best encapsulate the ethos of ATAR Notes.

The award is named after long-time National Moderator, heids (previously bangali_lok). Heidi has been an integral part of ATAR Notes for a long time. She has invested hundreds and hundreds of hours into building this community, and much of how ATAR Notes is now is directly attributable to her.

The inaugural award (2018) was won by Bri MT - see the announcement thread here. In total, 33 different posters were recognised with votes. The 2019 iteration was jointly won by PhoenixxFire and laura_ - see here. In 2020, the winner was Owlbird83.

How does it work?
The BLAA is a community-decided award. Every ATAR Notes user is invited to submit a list of up to five names that they consider have been most influential and reflective of the values above in the last year.* The user deemed most worthy will be awarded five points, the next will be awarded four points, and so on, like this example below:

5 points (best encapsulated AN ethos): User A
4 points (next best): User B
3 points (next best): User C
2 points (next best): User D
1 point (next best): User E

At the end of the voting period, the member of the community with the highest number of points will be awarded the BLAA.

*For this award, from January 2021 - present.

Vote now!
Voting is now open for #BLAA2021.

Please vote using this voting form. Voting is anonymous. Common sense, but please don't take advantage of that, and please only vote once.

PLEASE NOTE: Administrators are ineligible. Any votes for Administrators - for example, Bri MT, literally lauren, Joseph41 - will not be counted. State Moderators, National Moderators, and Honorary Moderators are eligible. See list here.

I just want to reinforce that ATAR Notes is, of course, more considerable than the sum of its parts. This community is only the way it is because so many - countless - members contribute, have an influence and reflect the qualities listed above. For that reason, any number of users would be worthy.

However, I think it's important to sometimes recognise those that have gone above and beyond - and that is the reason for the BLAA.

Any questions, chuck them below - happy voting!
Title: Re: BLAA 2021: An Annual ATAR Notes Award - Vote Now!
Post by: Joseph41 on November 22, 2021, 11:36:06 am
Thanks to all who have voted for this so far! We'll close votes on Wednesday 1 December 2021. :)
Title: Re: BLAA 2021: An Annual ATAR Notes Award - Vote Now!
Post by: caffinatedloz on November 22, 2021, 08:39:13 pm
I had such a hard time putting my preferences in order because there are so many wonderful, helpful people on the forums. Good luck everyone!
Title: Re: BLAA 2021: An Annual ATAR Notes Award - Vote Now!
Post by: Joseph41 on November 29, 2021, 12:41:03 pm
Voting still open - but not for long! :)