ATAR Notes: Forum

VCE Stuff => Victorian Education Discussion => Topic started by: squance on November 05, 2007, 10:23:18 am

Title: A Question....
Post by: squance on November 05, 2007, 10:23:18 am
Just wondering....

You know all the VCE exams we still....

After they get marked and everything, what does VCAA do with them??
Surely they don't file them away or whatever because there is like a milllion exams......

Does anyone know what happens to these exams?
Title: A Question....
Post by: brendan on November 05, 2007, 10:58:50 am
they get destroyed
Title: A Question....
Post by: BA22 on November 05, 2007, 11:19:08 am
yeh, lord Xenu throws them into volcanoes, where the trapped demons of lost dreams escape and plaque the youth of the world. Study you say! No, just pay celebrities ridiculous amounts of money for something that sounds oddly psychologically inspired, despite their apparent fear of the concept

What were we talking about again?
Title: A Question....
Post by: AppleXY on November 05, 2007, 11:20:13 am
Yeah, I think they destroy the answer papers. But they record the marks and other official stuffs to the VCAA student database for 10 years. ;)
Title: A Question....
Post by: joshuamorgan on November 05, 2007, 01:17:22 pm
Don't you hate threads like these? They may as well be called 'thread'. :P

Destruction of exam papers (or 'scripts' as VCAA calls them) isn't immediate - it happens in April the following year. This allows for students to inspect their scripts if they required. []
Title: A Question....
Post by: sjcvde05 on November 05, 2007, 03:39:13 pm
They keep them for (i think) 6 months, then recycle them.
Title: A Question....
Post by: Eriny on November 05, 2007, 07:10:01 pm
They should give them back so that we can complain, just like with SACs.
Title: A Question....
Post by: SilverBullet on November 05, 2007, 09:46:27 pm
Quote from: "Eriny"
They should give them back so that we can complain, just like with SACs.

So we are able to show them all the marks they miss!