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VCE Stuff => VCE Mathematics/Science/Technology => VCE Subjects + Help => VCE Science => Topic started by: AzureBlue on April 17, 2010, 11:57:25 pm

Title: Biology or Physics?
Post by: AzureBlue on April 17, 2010, 11:57:25 pm
So, basically, I've chosen Biology 1/2 this year because I just wanted to get some extra science knowledge and preferred it over the other electives left this year. When I was choosing it, I did not intend to go into 3/4 next year, however, now upon doing biology, I find that I really enjoy it and I'm also doing very well in it (ie. 97% average on tests so far) so I am considering doing it next year. However, it is significantly more time-consuming then most of my other subjects, probably because there's a lot of rote learning in it, and I put in more of an effort into the subject.

My science teacher last year really encouraged me to do physics too, I enjoy maths and physics has more application than rote learning. Therefore, I told her that I was going to do physics.  It also sounds very interesting :)

I was also considering economics but now I've cut it down to either physics or biol (after realising that economics in uni is ok with vce economics) because under no circumstances am I to unnecessarily kill myself with 9 subjects, 2 of which won't count anyway. I could do 8 subjects (ie. both physics and biol), but I would prefer 7, because the workload would be lighter. Either way, I will have the prereq subjects for my uni course (methods, eng l/lit/eng, specialist).

My timetable options are as follows:

If Biology:
2011 (Y11)
Biology 3/4, Methods 3/4, English Language 1/2 Chemistry 1/2, General Maths (S) 1/2

2012 (Y12)
Specialist Maths 3/4, English Language 3/4 Chemistry 3/4, Uni Maths (UMEP), Chinese SL 3/4

If Physics:
2011 (Y11)
Methods 3/4, Chinese SL 3/4, English Language 1/2 Chemistry 1/2, General Maths (S) 1/2, Physics 1/2

2012 (Y12)
Specialist Maths 3/4, English Language 3/4 Chemistry 3/4, Uni Maths (UMEP), Physics 3/4

If Both:
2011 (Y11)
Biology 3/4, Methods 3/4, Chinese SL 3/4, English Language 1/2 Chemistry 1/2, General Maths (S) 1/2, Physics 1/2

2012 (Y12)
Specialist Maths 3/4, English Language 3/4 Chemistry 3/4, Uni Maths (UMEP), Physics 3/4
Title: Re: Biology or Physics?
Post by: brightsky on April 17, 2010, 11:59:30 pm
Does Chemistry need to be in there? What's your two favourite science subjects thus far?
Title: Re: Biology or Physics?
Post by: m@tty on April 18, 2010, 12:03:37 am
Do 8. ;D
Title: Re: Biology or Physics?
Post by: AzureBlue on April 18, 2010, 12:04:41 am
Does Chemistry need to be in there? What's your two favourite science subjects thus far?
I don't know - but chem is pre-req to most uni courses so I just need to keep my options open (although I am 95% going to do actuarial studies at Melb). I don't have two clear favourites yet... but I really enjoyed chem last year. Biology's good too! Physics is good because it's interesting with all this electric stuff. Ahhh I can't choose! Let's just lump everything into next year.

Problem is, if I lump all 3 science, 3 maths, 2 languages (incl english) in, I end up having a killer year... next year.
Check it out: Biology 3/4, Methods 3/4, Chinese SL 3/4, English Language 1/2 Chemistry 1/2, General Maths (S) 1/2, Physics 1/2
Title: Re: Biology or Physics?
Post by: stonecold on April 18, 2010, 12:17:38 am
I was going to do Physics 3/4, and ended up changing to Biology instead at the last minute.

Really depends what you prefer, but for me it was definitely the right choice because I want to do medicine, and I had a change of heart from once wanting to be an engineer which required Physics.

I did 1/2 Physics, went pretty well, but I had a pretty bad teacher, and I am of the opinion that a bad Physics teacher makes it harder to do well, whereas in Biology, there is a plethora of resources available and if you put in the study, you should do well.

Also, for a 50 in Biology you can lose ~6 marks on each exam, whereas I anticipate that it is much less in Physics.  
So far Biology has been my best subject this year in terms of results, and I probably enjoy it the most, but I also quite like Chemistry.  The two go hand in hand, which really helps out.  Part of the Unit 3 biology course is just a less detailed study of part of the Unit 3 chemistry course.

At the end of the day, if you prefer maths, then go Physics, as you'll probably enjoy it more, however for me, the more I do maths, the more it tends to irritate me, and my recent lacklustre methods sac performance only makes me more and more happy that I've chosen to go for a more science orientated VCE.

Just my opinion, but I find maths very dry at times...

Edit: Just having read your post again, I'd probably do both, and try and knock off 3 3/4's in Year 11, then Year 12 will be a breeze.  And whilst year 11 may seem like a big workload if you do both, you can honestly wing your Year 11 subjects, and just focus on the Year 12  ones.  You'll reap the rewards and be laughing in year 12. Whilst everyone else is stressing out, you'll have three scores in the bank, and can focus on English to ensure you get a nice ATAR. :)
Title: Re: Biology or Physics?
Post by: /0 on April 18, 2010, 08:49:04 am
Probably not a good idea to do 8 subjects...
VCE physics is the further maths of the sciences in terms of difficulty and competition.
If you want to keep your options open, you would probably benefit more from biology... you could always do the physics course in the summer holidays and jump straight into university physics. (Especially since a lot of Unit 3 is covered in spesh)
Title: Re: Biology or Physics?
Post by: AzureBlue on April 18, 2010, 09:00:54 am
I'm doing commerce (actuarial) so biology is basically completely unrelated... and so is physics LOL
How does this sound? (But it kinda screws up if I enjoy physics in year 11 and want to do it in year 12). Then, I'll have a killer year in year 12 (6 subjects).

2011 (Y11)

Biology 3/4, Methods 3/4, English Language 1/2, Chemistry 1/2, General Maths (S) 1/2, Physics 1/2

2012 (Y12)

Specialist Maths 3/4, English Language 3/4, Chinese SL 3/4, Chemistry 3/4, Uni Maths (UMEP)
Title: Re: Biology or Physics?
Post by: brightsky on April 18, 2010, 09:15:52 am
Have you considered doing a "business"-based subject? If your interested in actuarial studies, then such subjects may interest you more than the more sciency ones. If not, your revised version looks much more practical.
Title: Re: Biology or Physics?
Post by: AzureBlue on April 18, 2010, 09:19:49 am
Have you considered doing a "business"-based subject? If your interested in actuarial studies, then such subjects may interest you more than the more sciency ones. If not, your revised version looks much more practical.
Thank you :) Yes, I was considering economics (got interested in it after doing the viewpoint debates), but I've found out that I don't really need it to do macroeconomics in uni, but I will look over the economics textbook after year 12, just in case. It's just mainly the principle of "supply and demand".
Title: Re: Biology or Physics?
Post by: Edmund on April 18, 2010, 10:13:53 am
They have subjects that cover Physics 3/4 or Biology 3/4 in first year, so it is not necessary to try do everything. You might change your mind next year, so it's actually quite hard to plan too far ahead :P
Title: Re: Biology or Physics?
Post by: Gloamglozer on April 18, 2010, 01:16:59 pm
They have subjects that cover Physics 3/4 or Biology 3/4 in first year, so it is not necessary to try do everything. You might change your mind next year, so it's actually quite hard to plan too far ahead :P

I'm pretty sure they don't have a bridging course for Biology.  My friend who didn't do Bio in year 12 had to go straight to "650-141 Biology of Cells and Organisms", which is a first year biology subject.  I know they have a bridging course for physics and chemistry so that's no problem.
Title: Re: Biology or Physics?
Post by: AzureBlue on April 18, 2010, 04:14:14 pm
I'm not too worried about uni subjects - I'm doing commerce, but I could do some science subjects for breadth (if DipMSc doesn't fit into the breadth sequence). I just mainly want to do more science subjects for fun...

Or just...
2011 (Y11)
Biology 3/4, Methods 3/4, English Language 1/2, Chemistry 1/2, General Maths (S) 1/2, Physics 1/2

2012 (Y12)
Specialist Maths 3/4, English Language 3/4, Chinese SL 3/4, Chemistry 3/4, Uni Maths (UMEP)

And physics in year 12 depending on the study scores I get in year 11.
Title: Re: Biology or Physics?
Post by: /0 on April 18, 2010, 06:04:10 pm
Wait, so you're not doing Chinese in year 11? Are you learning outside of school?
Title: Re: Biology or Physics?
Post by: appianway on April 20, 2010, 05:37:25 pm
In contrast to /0, I'd say that physics isn't the further maths of science - the exams are easy, but the cohort (IMO) is much stronger than the cohort taking biology or psychology. Physics doesn't involve much maths at VCE level though. Don't make a decision based on that.

Although I must concur - electromagnetism is pretty cool.
Title: Re: Biology or Physics?
Post by: Gloamglozer on April 20, 2010, 10:58:54 pm
In contrast to /0, I'd say that physics isn't the further maths of science - the exams are easy, but the cohort (IMO) is much stronger than the cohort taking biology or psychology. Physics doesn't involve much maths at VCE level though. Don't make a decision based on that.
Although I must concur - electromagnetism is pretty cool.
Yeah, main reason I want to do it is cos it sounds really awesome and I really enjoy all the sciences (mainly chem, biol, phys) :) Too hard to choose from all these awesome subjects, so I'm just going to take all 8 VCE subjects, maybe 9 LOL and see how it goes :D 3 maths, 3 sciences, 2 languages - a lot of variety ehh?

I like your enthusiasm.  :)
Title: Re: Biology or Physics?
Post by: slothpomba on April 21, 2010, 01:15:15 am
Although you seem really smart, try not to overload on subjects, come exam time it might just all pile up and you wont know what you just got hit in the face with..

If you can handle it though i don't see a reason why not.

I vote biology cause its awesome.

I picked biology on a whim, didn't even think i would like it, now i love it.

I'm not sure how this happens (its not even that hard of a subject) but at my school most of the people i've asked get abysmal marks in biology (or maybe they dont care cause its not going to be their top 4) so the competition isnt very strong at all.

Do you really find that biology that much work? I pretty much just showed up to class did homework and a little study before the exam and killed 1/2.

(hopefully this makes some kind of sense its 1am and im tired..)