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VCE Stuff => VCE Mathematics/Science/Technology => VCE Subjects + Help => VCE Science => Topic started by: bar0029 on July 25, 2010, 09:15:35 am

Title: university of melbourne extension program or physics?
Post by: bar0029 on July 25, 2010, 09:15:35 am
i dont know which one i should do?  :-[
Title: Re: university of melbourne extension program or physics?
Post by: Russ on July 25, 2010, 09:32:22 am
Which one are you better at/will enjoy more?

What's the extension subject? They're not easy but neither are they super hard.
Title: Re: university of melbourne extension program or physics?
Post by: /0 on July 25, 2010, 11:24:51 am
If you think you'll do relatively well in your other subjects, pick UMEP. If not, pick physics, just in case.
Title: Re: university of melbourne extension program or physics?
Post by: AzureBlue on July 25, 2010, 11:39:55 am
What UMEP subject are you intending to take?
Title: Re: university of melbourne extension program or physics?
Post by: bar0029 on July 25, 2010, 12:06:36 pm
well i wanted to do the biology UMEP, and im really good at biology, my SAC marks are really good
but im also doing really good in physics, so i dont know which one to do
and i don't want to do both because
this is my current subjects:
- english 1.2
- biology 3.4
- methods 3.4
- physics 1.2
- chemistry 1.2
- advanced maths 1.2

so if i pick up UMEP biol, then i wont get credited for one of my subjects
so i was thinking ill either do physics or umep biol!
and i want to do biomedicine, and so i dont know if its worthwhile to do biol if im going to have to re-pick up physics in uni...
Title: Re: university of melbourne extension program or physics?
Post by: Russ on July 25, 2010, 12:32:59 pm
and i want to do biomedicine, and so i dont know if its worthwhile to do biol if im going to have to re-pick up physics in uni...

The physics you do in first year biomed at UoM is based on whether you did it in VCE. If you did, you do hard physics and if you didn't you do easy physics.

Doing biology will be more useful than physics for biomed.

I'd still just recommend doing whichever one you prefer. If you can't choose, toss a coin (i did this)
Title: Re: university of melbourne extension program or physics?
Post by: |ll|lll| on July 25, 2010, 12:35:19 pm
IMO, just do both UMEP + Physics since 4 subjects + 1 UMEP is a very manageable workload. Otherwise, you can consider UMEP at the end of Year 11 when you receive your 3/4's results. If they are up to your expectation, then only then you can think about dropping Phys or UMEP :P If they aren't good enough on the other hand, do both UMEP + Physics so that they might push your 3/4's you did in Year 11 to your 5th/6th/7th subject :)
Title: Re: university of melbourne extension program or physics?
Post by: Russ on July 25, 2010, 12:39:12 pm
won't it be 5 + UMEP?

english/methods/specialist/chemistry/physics + UMEP biology
Title: Re: university of melbourne extension program or physics?
Post by: _avO on July 25, 2010, 12:41:15 pm
He's doing methods 3+4 this year
Title: Re: university of melbourne extension program or physics?
Post by: bar0029 on July 25, 2010, 06:03:13 pm
***She's doing 3.4 methods this year haha
thanks heaps everyone, this actually really helped!

Title: Re: university of melbourne extension program or physics?
Post by: luken93 on July 25, 2010, 06:53:17 pm
haha this is exactly the same situation as I am in, I can either drop physics or do muep chem which is run at my school (yay!)

But as others have said, I'm confident that I can do well in 3 outta 4 of bus man, methods, spesh or chem (with bus man being decided this year), so therefore there is no point for me to do physics as well, because I'd rather do 1 night per week and  ~5 study periods per week extra, than no nights per week and an extra 5 periods of class!

but then again, how well do you think you will do in physics?
Title: Re: university of melbourne extension program or physics?
Post by: m@tty on July 25, 2010, 08:39:37 pm
Just do both.
Title: Re: university of melbourne extension program or physics?
Post by: vexx on July 25, 2010, 08:46:13 pm
Just do both.

Title: Re: university of melbourne extension program or physics?
Post by: Dmytro on July 25, 2010, 09:29:09 pm
I recommend physics.
Title: Re: university of melbourne extension program or physics?
Post by: bar0029 on July 25, 2010, 10:03:14 pm
except a lot of people say physics gets really hard!
my teacher is the UMEP biology teacher, and she says i would be very capable at doing it
so at the moment im thinking UMEP more than biology

but i think the safest thing to do is:
-  wait until the end of the year to obtain by statement of results
- if i achieve a study score of 40+ for biol, then i would have meet the requirements & will be able to do it
- if not, then i will continue with physics
- if i dont get a 40+ in methods then i will do both physics and umep biol to ensure that i have a better study score to fall back on...

is this a smart approach?
Title: Re: university of melbourne extension program or physics?
Post by: vexx on July 25, 2010, 10:05:31 pm
except a lot of people say physics gets really hard!
my teacher is the UMEP biology teacher, and she says i would be very capable at doing it
so at the moment im thinking UMEP more than biology

but i think the safest thing to do is:
-  wait until the end of the year to obtain by statement of results
- if i achieve a study score of 40+ for biol, then i would have meet the requirements & will be able to do it
- if not, then i will continue with physics
- if i dont get a 40+ in methods then i will do both physics and umep biol to ensure that i have a better study score to fall back on...

is this a smart approach?

very. try and do both anyway and see if you are coping, you may do fine with being able to handle both and you never know waht could happen at the end of the year.
Title: Re: university of melbourne extension program or physics?
Post by: |ll|lll| on July 25, 2010, 10:15:41 pm
except a lot of people say physics gets really hard!
my teacher is the UMEP biology teacher, and she says i would be very capable at doing it
so at the moment im thinking UMEP more than biology

but i think the safest thing to do is:
-  wait until the end of the year to obtain by statement of results
- if i achieve a study score of 40+ for biol, then i would have meet the requirements & will be able to do it
- if not, then i will continue with physics
- if i dont get a 40+ in methods then i will do both physics and umep biol to ensure that i have a better study score to fall back on...

is this a smart approach?
You mean Physics? :D

That approach was what I suggested. You might want to aim slightly higher than 40 (maybe 42?) because the added advantage Physics brings is that it scales slightly more than Bio. Physics isn't hard once you understand the concept, but in general, all the science subjects have large content.

Many students in my school do 6 subjects in Year 11 then drop 1 in Year 12 because we can only do a max of 10 units in year 12 (but stuff that...) because that's the VCE policy for my school. They probably did this so you can choose a wider variety of subjects that you enjoy and make your final decision end of year 11.
Title: Re: university of melbourne extension program or physics?
Post by: /0 on July 26, 2010, 05:29:04 pm
except a lot of people say physics gets really hard!

Really I wouldn't worry about this. As long as you devote a reasonable amount of time to it then I think you'll find it manageable and also far more interesting than VCE physics. When I did UMEP physics heaps of people got H1s and they said it wasn't that stressful.