ATAR Notes: Forum

VCE Stuff => VCE Mathematics => VCE Mathematics/Science/Technology => VCE Subjects + Help => VCE Mathematical Methods CAS => Topic started by: ReganM on November 06, 2010, 03:25:49 pm

Title: "Determine the Rule for the Inverse Function"
Post by: ReganM on November 06, 2010, 03:25:49 pm
Hey, when they ask us something like this, do we also HAVE to define the domain? The domain was in the answer in the solutions, but it's not asked for in the question ... or is it implied that you should state the domain?
eg. f(x) = blahblah, x>3 ??

The question was worth two marks.
Title: Re: "Determine the Rule for the Inverse Function"
Post by: superflya on November 06, 2010, 03:28:11 pm
if it asks for the function then yes u have to write out that the domain is mapped onto all real values. if it asks for the rule then the domain isnt required.
Title: Re: "Determine the Rule for the Inverse Function"
Post by: kenhung123 on November 06, 2010, 03:29:55 pm
Yea but also, it doesn't mean you ignore the domain and range you still need to eliminate the rule you obtain that you don't require.
Title: Re: "Determine the Rule for the Inverse Function"
Post by: ReganM on November 06, 2010, 03:33:32 pm
ooh, okay, that makes sense!

Let's hope I remember that for Monday..