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VCE Stuff => VCE University Enhancement Programs => VCE Subjects + Help => VCE Monash University Enhancement Program => Topic started by: mattrossi1 on November 24, 2010, 06:58:40 pm

Title: Applying for MUEP Comp Systems/Programming... Thoughts on grades?
Post by: mattrossi1 on November 24, 2010, 06:58:40 pm
Title: Re: Applying for MUEP Comp Systems/Programming... Thoughts on grades?
Post by: Furbob on November 24, 2010, 10:20:06 pm
and i think the grade range for my exam was E+ (let's just say we were given an extremely complex commercial exam that the majority of us were not prepared for).  I haven't received an overall grade for the unit yet.

haha that's EXACTLY what the Chemistry teacher did to us and it destroyed my A-average with a D on the exam x_x

I know how you feel :(
Title: Re: Applying for MUEP Comp Systems/Programming... Thoughts on grades?
Post by: Andrewstein on November 26, 2010, 12:33:56 am
Not many people do this enhancement subject.. however I did it this year. The last thing you have to worry about is actually getting in to the subject, just prepare for the actual coursework :) painful..
Title: Re: Applying for MUEP Comp Systems/Programming... Thoughts on grades?
Post by: Furbob on November 26, 2010, 09:44:22 pm
I asked Monash about how strict they are with reports and how much they take into account of subjects we dont intend to continue next year while assessing reports and I got this reply (although she didn't really answer everything)

We have a requirement that the applicant will need to have a study score of 41 or more in the preparatory study required and do well in other subjects (which is normally A's).
However, since you will be required to come to the Japanese interviews, your eligibility will be assessed by the coordinator as well.
Also, we will need to physically see your Semester 2 report so we can have a better understanding of your application.

Title: Re: Applying for MUEP Comp Systems/Programming... Thoughts on grades?
Post by: Andrewstein on December 07, 2010, 01:47:04 pm
sorry about the late reply mate :)

Yeah the comp systems course was pretty split into 2 semesters (1st Comp Systems, 2nd Programming).

I found the 2nd semester very easy as I have been programming for many years, however the 1st semester was a royal pain in my ass. The problem with computer architecture and system design stuff is that it is so old and unheard of these days. The computer systems unit is the same of what it was 15 years ago, so you are learning ancient computer information (binary, system architecture, instruction set architecture), don't worry if those terms don't ring a bell, they still don't for me ;)

However, I found the 2nd semester great! Not just because I love programming, but mainly because they teach it extremely well. They have modern teaching resources and great online quizzes. Also, Java is a great language to get your head around as it is very similar to most languages, .NET and non-.NET.

Despite first semester being ridiculous, I do not regret doing it at all, in fact I am so happy I did it because it gave me a pretty simple 5.0, and I did so little work for it compared to my other subjects.

A couple words of advice for those do wish to do it though are:
- Make sure you get to know the other people in the course doing it (there won't be many) and help each other out
- Try to find simple videos, articles and explanations on the content in 1st semester. (The resources they give are sometimes hard to follow)
- Don't be afraid to ask questions with people who know the course (A tutor would be ideal in this subject, someone to guide you through the content)
- If you can go to tutorials at Clayton that would help (although I never did)
- You can do poorly first semester and make up for it 2nd semester if you are familiar with programming.
- I found the lecturers useless most of the time, didn't answer questions etc, so independent learning is helpful here.

If you have any other questions etc just let me know :)