ATAR Notes: Forum
VCE Stuff => VCE English Studies => VCE Subjects + Help => VCE English Language => Topic started by: hello_kitty on June 02, 2011, 08:34:39 pm
1. What organs and/or parts of the body are involved in speech production?
2. Where are the following located:
The soft palate is located at the ________________________
The uvula is located at the _____________________________
3. How do humans change our pitch when we speak?
Thank You so much!!!
1, Shouldn't this be parts of the sound articulation system? Otherwise, it'd literally be 'Lungs' and 'Mouth, Vocal tracts', respectively
If not, then Labio (Lips), Dental (Teeth), Alveolar ridge, Hard Palate, Soft palate.. and the part that is responsible for the 'glottal' and 'velar' sounds
2, Back of the mouth, around the tonsils
Back of the mouth, in front of the tonsils
3, Contracting and relaxing vocal cords
I have never heard of any of these questions, so my answers are probably irrelevant or too broad.. sorry :\