ATAR Notes: Forum

Uni Stuff => Universities - Victoria => Victoria University => Topic started by: Odette. on September 02, 2008, 10:35:54 pm

Title: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on September 02, 2008, 10:35:54 pm
Thought I'd make a thread for VU since there wasn't one...

Thoughts on VU?
Students at VU?

Me! And it's NOT THAT BAD! except my friend got stuck in the lift on Monday Dx Course content is good though x3 facilities, not so much, but still alright ^_^
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: RD on September 02, 2008, 10:36:21 pm
So what course are you doing at VU?
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on September 02, 2008, 10:38:46 pm
Bachelor of Accounting/Banking and Finance, 3 years.
Subjects this semester: Accounting for Decision Making, Economics (Macro and Micro), Management and Organisational Behaviour, Professional Development 1.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: mz_luvable_ on September 03, 2008, 10:50:45 pm
omg are you serious, thats one course i dont mind doing at VU..Bachelor of Accounting/Banking and Finance. would you be able to give me a little insight on the actual course is it really worth me doing it?
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: dusty_girl1144 on September 03, 2008, 11:03:31 pm
hahahah when i told everyone one of my prefs were VU everyone was like OMGGGG wat the?? lol

a bit like when i said i mite consider TAFE... lol...

cracks me up..
but neway... VU is on my prefs :P
bachelor of Arts/Law im pretty sure if my memory serves me good :)
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on September 04, 2008, 10:37:55 am
omg are you serious, thats one course i dont mind doing at VU..Bachelor of Accounting/Banking and Finance. would you be able to give me a little insight on the actual course is it really worth me doing it?

Sure thing x3 hehe
Although it's pretty much what's in the course guide,

If you have specific questions then just ask x3
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: koko on September 05, 2008, 02:41:55 am
I know its prejudiced to say that VU is probably.. not a 'bright' school, but I hang around with a lot of kids who're likely going to melbourne or monash, period. It's not secret that many people have adopted this premise, what with rankings and enter scores being such a big part of high school life. I know what dusty_girl1144 means when people have that sort of reaction, like it's THAT blasphemous to even consider such a thing. I think it's pretty offensive. I mean, I'm not saying VU has the rep to match other unis, but come on, it's a respectable and legitimate course and people should be more mindful of what they say.

Anyway, man VU is super close to my house! It'd be soo convenient to study there! =D My sister does accounting/law there atm, says the course isn't half bad, though  most of the teachers aren't very good a english.. ??? And most of the students don't stay very long either. My sis started the course with 80+ students in her class and those numbers have dwindled down to 10? Oh well, at least there's less competition?
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: dusty_girl1144 on September 05, 2008, 09:38:35 pm
but who says vu isant a bright school? :s

does it HAVE to be a bright school? :P
like its good to have the enviroment and all, but its just a course in the end yeah? i say HOORAY for VU hahaha

koko thats REALLY convenient that ur so close. do u think ur gonna study there? or are u already?

hahaah thats like my chem teacher... doesnt speak the best english... but hey, make the most of it and i guess it encourages you to kinda take it into your own hands and study further.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on September 05, 2008, 09:45:27 pm
VU isn't as bad as most people make it out to be, I mean sure the facilities could be better, but you're there to study, and the lecturers and tutors seem to know what they're talking about (well from my experience anyways) and it has a pretty good rep for business/IT fields, so I guess each uni has their own area in which they shine... at the end of the day, a degree is a degree, it's the person's willingness to stand out, experience, passion and ambition that gets them the job, not which uni they went to. Just my opinion though.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: transgression on September 05, 2008, 09:58:21 pm
I have a Paramedic preference at VU :D
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on September 05, 2008, 10:04:25 pm
I have a Paramedic preference at VU :D
Hehe well done x3 Good luck xD
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Mao on September 05, 2008, 10:18:03 pm
VU isn't that bad, though their recent finance reports indicate a pretty big downturn for many aspects...

the place isn't half bad, its health sector provides for many that don't necessarily want a high-powered employment.

despite being the second last ranking university in the nation, I like that place. haha.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: ed_saifa on September 05, 2008, 10:18:56 pm
VU isn't that bad, though their recent finance reports indicate a pretty big downturn for many aspects...

the place isn't half bad, its health sector provides for many that don't necessarily want a high-powered employment.

despite being the second last ranking university in the nation, I like that place. haha.
What's the last ranking uni?
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Mao on September 05, 2008, 10:31:41 pm
wait, I was wrong...

according to, there's quite a few unis worse off

including ACU, University of Ballarat, Central Queensland University.

we also see that La Trobe is the third ranking university in Victoria... mmm
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on September 05, 2008, 10:33:19 pm
:O! ACU is not bad rofl... it's just lacking in variety x3
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: AppleXY on September 05, 2008, 10:50:38 pm
VU isn't as bad as most people make it out to be, I mean sure the facilities could be better, but you're there to study, and the lecturers and tutors seem to know what they're talking about (well from my experience anyways) and it has a pretty good rep for business/IT fields, so I guess each uni has their own area in which they shine... at the end of the day, a degree is a degree, it's the person's willingness to stand out, experience, passion and ambition that gets them the job, not which uni they went to. Just my opinion though.

not to be rude, but a degree can vary uni to uni. Some subjects taught in UoM (such as Math I) is (i think) very difficult compared to VU math. Some commerce subjects are not taught in other unis in Victoria, or taught much more professionally or in an advanced manner. I mean, if I was an employer for Citigroup Aust, I would pick the UoM graduate over the VU graduate who have done the same amount of extra-curricular activities.

Just my 2cents.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on September 05, 2008, 10:59:49 pm
VU isn't as bad as most people make it out to be, I mean sure the facilities could be better, but you're there to study, and the lecturers and tutors seem to know what they're talking about (well from my experience anyways) and it has a pretty good rep for business/IT fields, so I guess each uni has their own area in which they shine... at the end of the day, a degree is a degree, it's the person's willingness to stand out, experience, passion and ambition that gets them the job, not which uni they went to. Just my opinion though.

not to be rude, but a degree can vary uni to uni. Some subjects taught in UoM (such as Math I) is (i think) very difficult compared to VU math. Some commerce subjects are not taught in other unis in Victoria, or taught much more professionally or in an advanced manner. I mean, if I was an employer for Citigroup Aust, I would pick the UoM graduate over the VU graduate who have done the same amount of extra-curricular activities.

Just my 2cents.

That's only because you love UoM lol x3
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: chubz90 on September 06, 2008, 02:13:12 am
Look despite what anyone say VU is not all that bad, what i have heard is that they offer a more hands on learning experinece. I will be putting atleast one or two on my list as a saftey net sort of thing. Although i do agree about the whole 'OMG no not tafe, or no not VIC UNI' im soo sick of it- i hear it everyday at school because apparently everyone in my school is going to get 99 as an enter and have melbourne begging for their placment. ALthough about ACU, my impressions of ACU based on the open day is honestly not that high- i suppose it just didnt capture me.... that and i swear to god every floor or entrance i went in or through smelt like farts- like REALLLLLLY bad. :D

Well either way and the end of the year, what will be will be.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on September 06, 2008, 09:27:26 am
Lol.... 99 from your school -falls on the floor from laughing so hard- let's be realistic here, if anyone get's above 97, heck above 95, I'll be shocked. Sure some of you are bright young individuals, but you're not going to get 99,well not all of you anyways. Hope I didnt sound offensive, but I know the standard of the school (I went there remember :P)
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Ken on September 06, 2008, 10:10:44 am
My uncle graduated from VU with a science (Hons) degree. He used to be a computer programmer and a builder, now he's an architect with a large house and everyone loves him :D
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: dusty_girl1144 on September 06, 2008, 10:18:44 am
lol. 99 is a greaaatttt ambition and all, majority of us have it. but to be realistic... i agree odette.... * laughs so hard i get stiches * .. UoM ISANT the only uni out there and it annoys the living hell when i say TAFE or Deakin Uni... let alone VU and they all go... WTF? i think this site is also a bit bias towards UoM only coz alot of people attend there. UoM is not even one of my prefrences why.... coz they are gay... JKS... ;D just coz its not suited for me. law is a post grad? ??? .... yeah nup im not gonna get into the arts then transfere, its a waste of time.

applexy, i disagree with you.... not eveyone will pic people from UoM to employ. what matters is the interview and how they present themselves... would an employer what a smart arse shit from UoM who think they are all top shit just coz they studied there? or someone from VU who has done the same type of course, well presented and down to earth who can GET THE JOB DONE?  :P

Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: cara.mel on September 06, 2008, 10:25:10 am
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on September 06, 2008, 10:41:29 am
Well it all depends on the job I guess Dusty, but when it comes to the technical stuff, or business-type fields VU is pretty well off (My mum's boss' son went to VU, landed his first job at some accounting firm, a year or so later made partner) So it just depends on the person and their love of what they're doing, if you love something you'll go the distance, that extra mile or whatever you want to call it. Oh and another thing, in the business world it's a dog eat dog world. so it's who you know not what you know xP (Build up your networks little ones)
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: AppleXY on September 06, 2008, 10:43:26 am
Not exactly dusty. It's more about who can do the job most efficiently than effectively. In simple terms, they want people that give them a bang for their buck.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: ninwa on September 06, 2008, 11:13:23 am
Not exactly dusty. It's more about who can do the job most efficiently than effectively. In simple terms, they want people that give them a bang for their buck.
Yes, but personality matters too. No employer would want a UoM graduate who is a "smart arse shit from UoM who think they are all top shit" (lol) and who pisses off the other employees and makes a crappy work environment. Even if they were the most efficient people in the world they still cannot do the jobs of all those pissed off employees who leave the company in frustration :P
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Mao on September 06, 2008, 01:12:21 pm
Not exactly dusty. It's more about who can do the job most efficiently than effectively. In simple terms, they want people that give them a bang for their buck.
Yes, but personality matters too. No employer would want a UoM graduate who is a "smart arse shit from UoM who think they are all top shit" (lol) and who pisses off the other employees and makes a crappy work environment. Even if they were the most efficient people in the world they still cannot do the jobs of all those pissed off employees who leave the company in frustration :P

yeah, there's a lot of that

but then the arts faculty there seems immune from it, haha.
they are too cool
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Collin Li on September 06, 2008, 01:37:12 pm
Bullshit, "there's a lot of that."
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Eriny on September 06, 2008, 03:13:23 pm
I never really understand these arguments about 'which uni is better?' They're all fine.

(.... says an ANU student :D)
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: ninwa on September 06, 2008, 04:32:02 pm
Bullshit, "there's a lot of that."
I don't know about "a lot", but there definitely are quite a few.

e.g. the facebook group "Melbourne is better than Monash"

1. Melbourne attracts the best and brightest students from around Australia and the world.

3. Founded in 1853, Melbourne is Australia's 2nd oldest university. It encapsulates prestige and tradition.

4. Melbourne attracts the most intelligent students. It holds, on average, the brightest 10% of students entering from yr 12.

14. Monash has more students because Melbourne take only the smartest students.

21. Melbourne holds more tradition and pride in its university than Monash.

22. Students at Melbourne are more interactive and engaged with uni life than Monash students.

Can't get much snobbier and "I-think-I'm-top-shit-watch-out" than that.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: AppleXY on September 06, 2008, 04:51:42 pm
Hence why I joined the fb group xD :P
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: ninwa on September 06, 2008, 06:15:25 pm
And hence why I joined the "I'm sick of Melbourne Uni students who think the sun shines out their ass" group :angel:
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: koko on September 06, 2008, 06:19:54 pm
Bullshit, "there's a lot of that."
I don't know about "a lot", but there definitely are quite a few.

e.g. the facebook group "Melbourne is better than Monash"

1. Melbourne attracts the best and brightest students from around Australia and the world.

3. Founded in 1853, Melbourne is Australia's 2nd oldest university. It encapsulates prestige and tradition.

4. Melbourne attracts the most intelligent students. It holds, on average, the brightest 10% of students entering from yr 12.

14. Monash has more students because Melbourne take only the smartest students.

21. Melbourne holds more tradition and pride in its university than Monash.

22. Students at Melbourne are more interactive and engaged with uni life than Monash students.

Can't get much snobbier and "I-think-I'm-top-shit-watch-out" than that.
LOL, i had hoped this superiority complex would cease after high school. I guess that's not the case. ):
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Collin Li on September 06, 2008, 06:21:27 pm
It does... for the most part. See, on the forum the only example of someone caught up in a superiority complex about universities is someone who is still in high school (AppleXY)
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: costargh on September 06, 2008, 06:21:58 pm
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Mao on September 06, 2008, 06:22:58 pm
It does... for the most part. See, on the forum the only example of someone caught up in a superiority complex about universities is someone who is still in high school (AppleXY)
and enwiabe, to a certain degree... :P (but that's mainly on chat, haha)
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: costargh on September 06, 2008, 06:26:33 pm
I've never heard anyone boasting ahout their uni/prespective uni being the best besides for Melbourne and Monash applicants/students. Maybe that says something lol
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: dusty_girl1144 on September 06, 2008, 06:28:17 pm
i like how everyone is quoting my "smart arse shit from UoM who think they are all top shit" LOL!!!


but i find it simply true.
ofcourse employers want a work "efficient" person... but rushing things can get alot of things incorrect. better to get it done right then wrong as i see it.... this whole better uni thing... really isant the way to go in life.... its just out right degrading others... noone is better then another person because in the end we are all human beings!
we all are born and all end up dieing one day.

as u can see there are rankings in the world... but they really mean jackshit in the end. PERSONALLY...

question applexy: when u said "efficiently than effectively"... if u were an employer... would you want someone who got everything out in a day... but had bits missing or incorrect half the time? or someone who took their time to look over stuff and got it 100% right everytime and got the job done perfectly?

in the end i guess its like doing an english exam... once u read over it and take your time you find your errors easily and fix them up vs rushing rushing rushing... cram cram cram and in the end screw the whole thing up!
im not tryin to challenge you, im just tryin to make you see things in perspective.. coz i get the hint that you dont see VU being a "top of the range" school for people .... or have basically a lower academic standard.

Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Collin Li on September 06, 2008, 06:29:09 pm
Try telling that to an employer who does not have the time to investigate each person thoroughly, and will make rational generalisations to make time-efficient decisions.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: dusty_girl1144 on September 06, 2008, 06:32:02 pm
Try telling that to an employer who does not have the time to investigate each person thoroughly, and will make rational generalisations to make time-efficient decisions.

but you can generally tell if someone is talkin shit... or really does have the knowledge. it could just so happen you could go to UoM and totally bludge or go to VU and get GREAT grades and know the stuff inside out
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: ninwa on September 06, 2008, 06:34:53 pm
I do agree that many employers, especially the busy ones, will simply see UoM and go, yep they're in, while they will see a VU qualification as being inferior.

I'm not saying it's right, I definitely don't agree with it, but unfortunately I think this is the case.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: dusty_girl1144 on September 06, 2008, 06:35:49 pm
does anyone actually know how many people go to UoM ont his site? and other uni's?
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Collin Li on September 06, 2008, 06:36:14 pm
I think it's justified. People have better things to do than to investigate people fully (opportunity cost of time). I mean, if it's clear that the person is a bullshit artist, and the VU guy has more potential, and hence the employer favours the VU applicant, then that's also alright. Interviews are mainly an intuitive judgement process, and are just as judgemental as generalising based on the prestige of a university sometimes.

If these judgements are not effective ones, then that firm will simply fail to thrive and survive in the competitive marketplace, as they will be paying for duds, while the other firms are paying the same for better quality, due to a better judgement process, but it is unlikely that firms will jump to full investigations about their employees. They will resort to quicksnap intuitive judgements because of the lack of information available to them and the costs associated with obtaining the information.

It can be non-ideal, but I think generalisations are fine.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: costargh on September 06, 2008, 06:36:29 pm
Employment prospects for Melbourne University graduates outstrip any other University in Victoria. Doesn't that tell us something? Employers do care, or simply the best applicants for jobs do go to Melbourne. (as in out of 100, the, the largest group would be represented by Melbourne Univeristy graduates, but obviously there will be lots of other applicants in that pool from other Unis)
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: dusty_girl1144 on September 06, 2008, 06:41:03 pm
HOWWWWW GAY.... so potentially if i do end up say outta deakin or VU... and im up against UoM grads for a job employers .... mite...take them? :( * sniffles *

reality sucks...
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: ninwa on September 06, 2008, 06:43:09 pm
very likely dusty, unfortunately

life is unfair :(
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: dusty_girl1144 on September 06, 2008, 06:43:41 pm
* cries *

im still not putting UoM as a pref... LOL

ILL SHOW THE WORLD!!!!!  :laugh:  :idiot2:
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: costargh on September 06, 2008, 06:44:11 pm
Yeh, it just means you probably have a harder road to make your way up the ladder, but after you gain experience, IMO your degree becomes less of a factor ie. your experience with respectable firms/ organisations counts for more
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: costargh on September 06, 2008, 06:44:51 pm
life is unfair :(

Don't worry nina. Im sure you'll find some inspiration in your sig :P
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: dusty_girl1144 on September 06, 2008, 06:46:11 pm

I got it from target...
LOL I got a karma from it :laugh:
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: chubz90 on September 06, 2008, 07:16:27 pm
Lol.... 99 from your school -falls on the floor from laughing so hard- let's be realistic here, if anyone get's above 97, heck above 95, I'll be shocked. Sure some of you are bright young individuals, but you're not going to get 99,well not all of you anyways. Hope I didnt sound offensive, but I know the standard of the school (I went there remember :P)

Hey Oddette lol, i think you misunderstood me- what i was trying to say is that a lot of the kids at the school are really cocky and all think they are top shit, not that im going to get 99  :P Man if i get into the mid 80's i will do a backflip ;) Come on you know how it is at our school ::)~ you went there remember, LOL
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: xox.happy1.xox on September 06, 2008, 09:17:55 pm
I have had a sweet spot for VU for a long time. Not sure whether it is the interesting fonts they so succinctly use, or all the great success stories they have. But one thing is for sure, I'm drawn to VU. :P
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: brendan on September 06, 2008, 09:45:27 pm
VU = super tafe
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: dusty_girl1144 on September 06, 2008, 09:48:57 pm
Super tafe? are u saying its a really good tafe to go to? :D
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: xox.happy1.xox on September 06, 2008, 09:50:59 pm
Hehe, VU is sort of like a TAFE equivalent... But much better in my opinion :)
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: bubble sunglasses on September 06, 2008, 11:00:14 pm
Bullshit, "there's a lot of that."

Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Mao on September 06, 2008, 11:15:58 pm
I have had a sweet spot for VU for a long time. Not sure whether it is the interesting fonts they so succinctly use, or all the great success stories they have. But one thing is for sure, I'm drawn to VU. :P

Thirst for knowledge - water bottle

Grow your career - Jelly beans (beanstalk)

<3 VU
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on September 07, 2008, 12:01:47 am
Lol.... 99 from your school -falls on the floor from laughing so hard- let's be realistic here, if anyone get's above 97, heck above 95, I'll be shocked. Sure some of you are bright young individuals, but you're not going to get 99,well not all of you anyways. Hope I didnt sound offensive, but I know the standard of the school (I went there remember :P)
Hey Oddette lol, i think you misunderstood me- what i was trying to say is that a lot of the kids at the school are really cocky and all think they are top shit, not that im going to get 99  :P Man if i get into the mid 80's i will do a backflip ;) Come on you know how it is at our school ::)~ you went there remember, LOL

Yeah sorry misunderstanding there, but i mean no one from our school will see 99 for a long time now, they think they'll get it, but the truth of the matter is they wont, they just wont, those who went to our school and got that 99+ score left the school xP
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Fitness on September 07, 2008, 11:53:20 pm
ofcourse employers want a work "efficient" person... but rushing things can get alot of things incorrect. better to get it done right then wrong as i see it....

question applexy: when u said "efficiently than effectively"... if u were an employer... would you want someone who got everything out in a day... but had bits missing or incorrect half the time? or someone who took their time to look over stuff and got it 100% right everytime and got the job done perfectly?

I think you need to check your understanding of the word 'efficient'.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I go here. It's not that bad, really. Not the best, but not that bad.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on September 08, 2008, 09:42:01 am
ofcourse employers want a work "efficient" person... but rushing things can get alot of things incorrect. better to get it done right then wrong as i see it....

question applexy: when u said "efficiently than effectively"... if u were an employer... would you want someone who got everything out in a day... but had bits missing or incorrect half the time? or someone who took their time to look over stuff and got it 100% right everytime and got the job done perfectly?

I think you need to check your understanding of the word 'efficient'.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that I go here. It's not that bad, really. Not the best, but not that bad.

Yay another VU student x3 Lol.

Who knew my thread about VU would actually start a conversation ^_^
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Eriny on September 08, 2008, 11:25:54 am
I think also that uni and 'academic standards' can't count for passion. For example, most people would probably prefer a doctor who couldn't get into undergrad medicine because their ENTER and UMAT was just under what they needed, but enrolled in another degree, tried really hard and had their mind set on postgrad med and eventually got in through sheer determination then someone who reported that the UMAT was 'piss easy' and decided to apply for med 'because my ENTER was high enough and everyone thought I should'. Likewise, I'd prefer to go to say, a Deakin graduate lawyer who is extremely passionate about Law and justice then a Melbourne graduate who only did law because they got the ENTER for it.

Of course, I'm not saying that the Melbourne graduate or the person who finds their way into their course of choice an easy process will lack passion, but if they do they should pale in comparison to a hard worker who loves every second of what they do, regardless of what school they are a graduate from.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: bubble sunglasses on September 08, 2008, 06:47:41 pm
I think also that uni and 'academic standards' can't count for passion. For example, most people would probably prefer a doctor who couldn't get into undergrad medicine because their ENTER and UMAT was just under what they needed, but enrolled in another degree, tried really hard and had their mind set on postgrad med and eventually got in through sheer determination then someone who reported that the UMAT was 'piss easy' and decided to apply for med 'because my ENTER was high enough and everyone thought I should'. Likewise, I'd prefer to go to say, a Deakin graduate lawyer who is extremely passionate about Law and justice then a Melbourne graduate who only did law because they got the ENTER for it.

Of course, I'm not saying that the Melbourne graduate or the person who finds their way into their course of choice an easy process will lack passion, but if they do they should pale in comparison to a hard worker who loves every second of what they do, regardless of what school they are a graduate from.

 The douchebag not known for their wonderful bedside manner might be the best though. Especially for surgery, you'd value expertise over passion
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Eriny on September 09, 2008, 11:18:26 am
Yeah. I'm assuming though that with the right training and experience, the expertise of graduates is fairly homogeneous.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: AppleXY on September 10, 2008, 11:36:39 pm
question applexy: when u said "efficiently than effectively"... if u were an employer... would you want someone who got everything out in a day... but had bits missing or incorrect half the time? or someone who took their time to look over stuff and got it 100% right everytime and got the job done perfectly?

What? When I mean efficiently, I mean efficiently where you do the work effectively just with minimal down-time and high output for the corporation. Yes, you're argument may have truth where it's not always about the University, however, if three people (as a hypothetical) (one from UoM others from VU and RMIT) were in the selection hot seat and only one can be picked, the employer would definitely select the UoM graduate. Not only does the UoM candidate have a strong academic background, the employer can be rest-assured that he/she knows their stuphs and is able to complete the task at end with minimal lag.

Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: wallah11 on October 26, 2008, 01:20:42 pm
I like VU
I put in for paramedics(no 3)
I put in a portfolio partnership application careers said BEST IN SCHOOL
so im happy I should get an offer
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on October 26, 2008, 01:45:30 pm
I like VU
I put in for paramedics(no 3)
I put in a portfolio partnership application careers said BEST IN SCHOOL
so im happy I should get an offer
Yay someone else who likes VU xD woot!
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: transgression on October 26, 2008, 03:06:23 pm
I put in paramedics as well :D
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: wallah11 on October 26, 2008, 05:02:02 pm
i think that VU paramedics is better than monash, and plus VU is very dte they don't bother with all the flashy advertising and marketing stunts
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on October 26, 2008, 05:47:11 pm
i think that VU paramedics is better than monash, and plus VU is very dte they don't bother with all the flashy advertising and marketing stunts

Lol... that's one way to look at it :D
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: mz_luvable_ on October 26, 2008, 07:42:35 pm
VU rockssss!!!!
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: wallah11 on October 26, 2008, 08:08:14 pm
people who say its not very good, i say, have you even been there ?
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Fyrefly on October 27, 2008, 02:44:00 pm

Personally, I like VU.

However, I did have a conversation with a lecturer (Commerce field) who quit in protest of them basically giving out degrees and passing every1.
Judging from a few cases I know of (including my own mother) I understand that it's quite hard to fail a unit.

Perhaps if VU were a bit stricter with who they passed and who they failed, VU graduates as a whole would have a better reputation.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: nitrous1990 on November 03, 2008, 09:32:59 pm
I study at VU and i'm also studying the same degree as Odette, Accounting/Banking and Finance. I got in through mid year intake after studying a semester of mechanical engineering at RMIT. After spending a semester at VU I've grown to enjoy my time at the university. Although it doesn't have the same reputation and prestige as larger universities such as Melbourne or Monash, VU is still a university which you will walk away with a degree after completing your course. By going to VU you might lower your job prospects because of the competition of graduates from the other more prestigious universities. But if you are willing to study hard, get good marks and gain some work experience in your chosen profession, there is no reason why you won't be able to start a successful career after university.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on November 14, 2008, 05:39:27 pm
I study at VU and i'm also studying the same degree as Odette, Accounting/Banking and Finance. I got in through mid year intake after studying a semester of mechanical engineering at RMIT. After spending a semester at VU I've grown to enjoy my time at the university. Although it doesn't have the same reputation and prestige as larger universities such as Melbourne or Monash, VU is still a university which you will walk away with a degree after completing your course. By going to VU you might lower your job prospects because of the competition of graduates from the other more prestigious universities. But if you are willing to study hard, get good marks and gain some work experience in your chosen profession, there is no reason why you won't be able to start a successful career after university.

Spoken like a true VU student ^_^ lol.
Anyways how did you go with your exams?
I entered VU the same time you did, hehe, started mid year.How are you finding the course so far? I kinda like it, although economics was a bore >_>... I just hope I stick to this course, for some reason I'm leaning more to a career in design, possibly either fashion or interior design. I do like accounting though, I'm confused, lol.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: nitrous1990 on November 17, 2008, 09:14:44 pm
I think I did okay in my exams, but economics confused me a little lol. How did you go with your exams? I know how hard it is to decide what you are going to do for the rest of your life and I hope you find the career that is right for you. I'm trying to change to the single degree accounting so I can do the electives to do the ICAA program. With the double degree you can't be a chartered accountant because it doesn't have taxation and auditing. I wish they told me this before I started.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on November 18, 2008, 12:29:14 am
I think I did okay in my exams, but economics confused me a little lol. How did you go with your exams? I know how hard it is to decide what you are going to do for the rest of your life and I hope you find the career that is right for you. I'm trying to change to the single degree accounting so I can do the electives to do the ICAA program. With the double degree you can't be a chartered accountant because it doesn't have taxation and auditing. I wish they told me this before I started.

I think I did alright, I mean yeah economics confused me a little too, I hated economics anyways lol hope you did well ^_^... as for the accounting part, I see where you're coming from, I wasn't told this either, so I was like O_O when I found out that you can't be a chartered accountant. I honestly don't know what I want to do, I mean I like accounting but there is no passion for it, like I do for something to do with say fashion or design. Maybe I'm in the wrong field, my parents are going to kill me, I've changed once already.Looks like I'll need some time to think things through. 
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: nitrous1990 on November 20, 2008, 09:10:19 am
There is no point doing something for the rest of your life that you don't enjoy. Don't worry about your parents because you will be the one working, not them. Many people change professions in there life. It is good that you are realising that you might not want to do accounting now instead of say ten years from now. You have to do something that you are interested in. Have you applied to do fashion or design for next year?
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on November 20, 2008, 10:06:58 am
There is no point doing something for the rest of your life that you don't enjoy. Don't worry about your parents because you will be the one working, not them. Many people change professions in there life. It is good that you are realising that you might not want to do accounting now instead of say ten years from now. You have to do something that you are interested in. Have you applied to do fashion or design for next year?

True, but I just don't know where to start I mean, I would have wasted a whole year of university. I guess it's better than wasting 3 and a half years. Hmm I have some thinking to do, and no I haven't applied for fashion or design next year, I have to look into it. I just don't know which institute would be best... Melbourne School of Fashion perhaps? Hmm I'll have to take a look.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: bubble sunglasses on November 20, 2008, 10:43:06 am

  "I would have wasted a whole year of university."
   That's what Nina said regarding the question of her doing Music; it doesn't matter, if  what you go on to do is what you really like, particularly if you had no passion for what you were doing. 
   If you're really not sure, is there a Diploma in Fashion Design you can start off by doing?
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: ninwa on November 20, 2008, 12:16:23 pm
lol, yeah, bubble speaks the truth.

Think of it this way. Would you rather waste just one year of university or decades of your life doing something you don't enjoy?

Plus, I wouldn't call it a waste because you gained something from it - the knowledge of what career paths aren't right for you.

*disclaimer: I am a hypocrite because I won't take my own advice*
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on November 25, 2008, 08:53:56 am
Oh I really don't know, I was looking into it, and it seems like something I'd want to do on the side, I just wanted to be able to incorporate my creative side into my career, but I do love business, if anything I may just transfer from Accounting/Banking and Finance, to just Accounting... I'll just keep designing as a hobby of mine, I mean one day I'll live in a house of my own, I'll design it (well to be honest I've already built a few models and drawn up some plans for my house, lol). Thanks for the advice though Bubble and Nina. :) 
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: xox.happy1.xox on November 25, 2008, 10:24:37 am
*disclaimer: I am a hypocrite because I won't take my own advice*

Aww... We still love you Ninwa. :)
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: mz_luvable_ on December 15, 2008, 04:38:18 pm
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on December 15, 2008, 04:39:22 pm

Yay! another VU student! which course are you doing? :D
Oh and of course "Welcome aboard" ^_^
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: mz_luvable_ on December 20, 2008, 06:15:14 pm
:D  accounting/ banking&finance or baking&finance or banking&finance/international trade, which ever one we will see jan
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on December 20, 2008, 07:12:10 pm
:D  accounting/ banking&finance or baking&finance or banking&finance/international trade, which ever one we will see jan

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! LOL the same course as me :P If you need help during the year just pm me or make a thread ;) (if you choose accounting/banking and finance)
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: xox.happy1.xox on December 20, 2008, 08:38:16 pm
And don't forget me... Doing law at Vic uni! :D
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on December 21, 2008, 11:25:37 am
And don't forget me... Doing law at Vic uni! :D

Yeah I know, but I don't know anything about law unfortunately, and we'll be at different campuses :P
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: xox.happy1.xox on December 21, 2008, 09:14:49 pm
And don't forget me... Doing law at Vic uni! :D

Yeah I know, but I don't know anything about law unfortunately, and we'll be at different campuses :P

Why don't they have law at Footscray? :(... It'd take ages for me to travel, though. :S... I will update everyone as to how it is. :)
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: nitrous1990 on December 22, 2008, 07:46:29 am
:D  accounting/ banking&finance or baking&finance or banking&finance/international trade, which ever one we will see jan

"baking&finance" lol
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on December 22, 2008, 09:30:20 am
:D  accounting/ banking&finance or baking&finance or banking&finance/international trade, which ever one we will see jan

"baking&finance" lol

New course I think ;) :P
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: xox.happy1.xox on December 22, 2008, 05:19:18 pm
:D  accounting/ banking&finance or baking&finance or banking&finance/international trade, which ever one we will see jan

"baking&finance" lol

New course I think ;) :P

Ohhh... My friend is doing law/Banking Finance at Vic uni. :) (I don't know which campus it is? :S)
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: mz_luvable_ on December 22, 2008, 07:39:40 pm
im not sure if its new but they sure have it there, thankyou Odette :)
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: AppleXY on December 22, 2008, 07:44:01 pm
Erm. No offence, but doing fin at VU is like worse than doing Arts. :P

Unless you resume is beefed up with all the extra-circular activities, you won't even stand a chance. :P (no offence lol)
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: brendan on December 22, 2008, 07:57:46 pm
doing fin at VU is like worse than doing Arts. :P

Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: applekid on December 22, 2008, 08:40:09 pm
I have had a sweet spot for VU for a long time. Not sure whether it is the interesting fonts they so succinctly use, or all the great success stories they have. But one thing is for sure, I'm drawn to VU. :P

Thirst for knowledge - water bottle

Grow your career - Jelly beans (beanstalk)

<3 VU

ahahah. i love this too much for words.
good on VU i suppose.
much cooler than all the ugly tote bags all the prestigious unis are flogging out.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: xox.happy1.xox on December 22, 2008, 08:49:39 pm
Erm. No offence, but doing fin at VU is like worse than doing Arts. :P

Unless you resume is beefed up with all the extra-circular activities, you won't even stand a chance. :P (no offence lol)

Lol, as much as I hate to admit it, this is true. :(
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on December 22, 2008, 09:54:02 pm
im not sure if its new but they sure have it there, thankyou Odette :)

Lol you didn't notice the spelling error you said... baking and finance ;)
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on December 22, 2008, 09:55:13 pm
Erm. No offence, but doing fin at VU is like worse than doing Arts. :P

Unless you resume is beefed up with all the extra-circular activities, you won't even stand a chance. :P (no offence lol)

Hey now don't be so cruel (*hides the short courses brochure* :P)
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: xox.happy1.xox on December 22, 2008, 09:58:17 pm
im not sure if its new but they sure have it there, thankyou Odette :)

Lol you didn't notice the spelling error you said... baking and finance ;)

MMmmmm... A degree in hospitality as well as finance. When you finish a hard day at work, you can come home cook while the partner just sits down and relaxes... :smitten:

Baking & Finance FTW!!!

(I couldn't restrain myself! XD)
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: bubble sunglasses on December 22, 2008, 10:33:00 pm

  lol, baking and finance

Erm. No offence, but doing fin at VU is like worse than doing Arts. :P

Unless you resume is beefed up with all the extra-circular activities, you won't even stand a chance. :P (no offence lol)

What, worse than doing Arts at VU, or doing Arts in one of the reputable unis for it?
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Ken on December 22, 2008, 11:19:45 pm
Erm. No offence, but doing fin at VU is like worse than doing Arts. :P

Unless you resume is beefed up with all the extra-circular activities, you won't even stand a chance. :P (no offence lol)

Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: Odette. on December 22, 2008, 11:24:23 pm
Erm. No offence, but doing fin at VU is like worse than doing Arts. :P

Unless you resume is beefed up with all the extra-circular activities, you won't even stand a chance. :P (no offence lol)


Why you have no chance of getting a job, after completing a finance degree at VU? .... Well you would get a job, but whether its a good job or not, that's the real question... It's a dog eat dog world out there, plenty of students fighting it out for a place at the top firms in Australia, and most of those places will be taken up by students who attended the top universities (as some places choose their employees by the university they graduated from)
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: xox.happy1.xox on December 23, 2008, 09:42:18 am
Erm. No offence, but doing fin at VU is like worse than doing Arts. :P

Unless you resume is beefed up with all the extra-circular activities, you won't even stand a chance. :P (no offence lol)


Why you have no chance of getting a job, after completing a finance degree at VU? .... Well you would get a job, but whether its a good job or not, that's the real question... It's a dog eat dog world out there, plenty of students fighting it out for a place at the top firms in Australia, and most of those places will be taken up by students who attended the top universities (as some places choose their employees by the university they graduated from)

I'm guessing this is why they have closed down two VU campuses... There is simply a decreasing interest of attending VU.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: mz_luvable_ on December 25, 2008, 05:38:33 pm
I got over excited for a second i think xD
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: wombifat on February 04, 2009, 09:26:49 pm
I think a lot of the students who get the best jobs come from the top universities because the best people for the jobs often GET IN to the top universities.  My friend studied at monash and got a good job at a major accounting firm but they didn't just go " went to're in."  The interview went for hours and they looked at EVERYTHING.  There's a lot more to it than just which university you went to"
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: darlok on February 04, 2009, 09:48:43 pm
VU is easier than VCE
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: clinton_09 on February 04, 2009, 09:50:17 pm
Whatt course did you do at VU Darlok?
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: AppleXY on February 27, 2009, 08:00:48 pm
Erm. No offence, but doing fin at VU is like worse than doing Arts. :P

Unless you resume is beefed up with all the extra-circular activities, you won't even stand a chance. :P (no offence lol)


Why?! Compare the subjects of VU fin and UoM and Monash finance. It is a WORLD of difference, heck they don't even touch basic financial markets?!

And have you ever seen a VU graduate enter into a prestigious firm or financial institution? Exactly.

'Nuff said.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: wombifat on February 27, 2009, 08:13:24 pm
Hm... I don't know if the University counts THAT much though.  Our careers counselor always tells us about his son who went to Swinburne instead of Monash (because he didn't get the marks) and got a prestigious job that a lot of Monash graduates undoubtedly applied for.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: AppleXY on March 01, 2009, 12:25:41 pm
Yes yes it does.

I'm not saying it's impossible to get those jobs, but it's extremely difficult to.
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: garrc90 on April 27, 2009, 02:51:39 pm
Quote from: AppleXY on December 22, 2008, 05:44:01 PM
Erm. No offence, but doing fin at VU is like worse than doing Arts.

great im doing arts at VU.. so Im a no hoper??
And to make things worse they are now canceling LOTE.. thats shit!! grr
I can still do my Japanese major.. but itll be at Melb. UNI
My performance major will still have to be done at VU..
I dont want to be at 2 unis
Anyone know what kind of marks you need to get to transfer both majors to a different Uni??
like Monash or Melb. uni?? Thanks
Title: Re: Yay for VU x3
Post by: wombifat on April 27, 2009, 07:17:52 pm
AppleXY said doing fin at Vic Uni, so doing arts might not be so bad.