ATAR Notes: Forum

VCE Stuff => Victorian Technical Score Discussion => Topic started by: Collin Li on October 23, 2007, 11:58:41 pm

Title: Ahmad's ENTER score
Post by: Collin Li on October 23, 2007, 11:58:41 pm
It's 98.45 (rounded to the nearest 0.05) according to his signature!

The integral in his signature is equal to pi (I looked that up). The brackets in "19.(...)" is a standard limit converging to exp(x), so it corresponds to exp(pi^2 / 6), which means his ENTER is:

19 exp(pi^2 / 6) ~= 98.4329804
Title: Re: Ahmad's ENTER score
Post by: Odette on October 24, 2007, 12:47:20 pm
Quote from: "coblin"
It's 98.45 (rounded to the nearest 0.05) according to his signature!

The integral in his signature is equal to pi (I looked that up). The brackets in "19.(...)" is a standard limit converging to exp(x), so it corresponds to exp(pi^2 / 6), which means his ENTER is:

19 exp(pi^2 / 6) ~= 98.4329804

Wow, i reckon he'd get it... :) good luck to him
Title: Ahmad's ENTER score
Post by: bilgia on October 24, 2007, 01:43:38 pm
without a doubt he would get it...just needs to do okay on the engl exam and the rest is a walk in the park fo him
Title: Ahmad's ENTER score
Post by: Ahmad on October 24, 2007, 03:24:56 pm
You're too smart Coblin haha, well done!

Here is how you might want to go about proving the integral. :D

Oh, and thanks guys!  :)
Title: Ahmad's ENTER score
Post by: melodrama on October 24, 2007, 04:04:43 pm
LOL i tried to work it out, and i thought it was 19. so i was like ahmad... are you taking the piss? 19 doesn't even register; you just get a <20.

are we supposed to know that for spesh, or is that like a uni maths thing? if so, i'm screwed.
Title: Ahmad's ENTER score
Post by: Ahmad on October 24, 2007, 04:15:15 pm
It's in neither. You'll probably learn it if you take real analysis, or complex analysis.  :)
Title: Ahmad's ENTER score
Post by: AppleXY on October 24, 2007, 04:48:08 pm
Good stuff. Yeah, Real/Complex Analysis is quite Pgradish.
Title: Ahmad's ENTER score
Post by: Collin Li on October 24, 2007, 05:27:11 pm
Quote from: "AppleXY"
Good stuff. Yeah, Real/Complex Analysis is quite Pgradish.

Pretty sure it's second or third year in most undergraduate maths degrees,  :P