ATAR Notes: Forum

Uni Stuff => Faculties => Engineering => Topic started by: kaanonball on December 04, 2008, 09:54:35 pm

Title: Electronic VS Electrical Engineering
Post by: kaanonball on December 04, 2008, 09:54:35 pm
hey everyone i was just wondering what the differences are between electronic and electrical engineering?, are the courses very similar/different to each other? and what exactly do each type of engineering specialize in?

Title: Re: Electronic VS Electrical Engineering
Post by: mark_alec on December 04, 2008, 10:05:40 pm
Electronic == micro
Electrical == macro

Title: Re: Electronic VS Electrical Engineering
Post by: kurrymuncher on December 04, 2008, 11:41:06 pm
I think we have had a thread like this before, but anyway: from wikipedia:

Electrical engineering may or may not include electronic engineering. Where a distinction is made, usually outside of the United States, electrical engineering is considered to deal with the problems associated with large-scale electrical systems such as power transmission and motor control, whereas electronic engineering deals with the study of small-scale electronic systems including computers and integrated circuits.[1] Alternatively, electrical engineers are usually concerned with using electricity to transmit energy, while electronic engineers are concerned with using electricity to transmit information