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General Discussion => General Discussion Boards => Other General Discussion => Topic started by: Toothpaste on October 20, 2007, 10:35:36 pm

Title: Wisdom teeth
Post by: Toothpaste on October 20, 2007, 10:35:36 pm
My bottom-right wisdom tooth hurts. This is the third time this year. Who thinks I should get it taken out?

(Lulz, Toothpick made a thread about teeth.)
Title: Wisdom teeth
Post by: enwiabe on October 20, 2007, 10:44:28 pm
Too much of... well, I don't wanna say it on the forum. :P
Title: Wisdom teeth
Post by: Toothpaste on October 20, 2007, 10:57:43 pm

Title: Wisdom teeth
Post by: enwiabe on October 20, 2007, 10:59:07 pm
It's more of an :O thing. :D
Title: Wisdom teeth
Post by: Toothpaste on October 20, 2007, 11:05:54 pm
The lake at Monash awaits you.  :x
Title: Wisdom teeth
Post by: AppleXY on October 20, 2007, 11:59:47 pm
LOL. Theres gonna be a mono-e-mono :S near the monash lake :p

But I say, take it out if it really is a nuisance
Title: Wisdom teeth
Post by: Odette on October 21, 2007, 07:59:34 am
Well i think you should just go to your dentist and ask them whether or not you should take it out. Mine hurt for a while then the pain went away, so i guess give it some time, then if the pain persists see your doctor (lol hehe)
Title: Wisdom teeth
Post by: azhtey on October 21, 2007, 12:21:16 pm
i have to get mine taken out after the exams. Shouldnt be too bad. Def go to your dentist and get an opinion. Its just gonna get worse if you leave it
Title: Wisdom teeth
Post by: Toothpaste on October 22, 2007, 09:16:45 pm
Yup, I'll go next month probably.

LOL, what if I get all four taken out at the same time? Ouch. The pain would be... wow ... AN EXPERIENCE LIKE NEVER BEFORE.

But I'm an idiot when it comes to decision making, so expect the above to happen. :lol:
Title: Wisdom teeth
Post by: asa.hoshi on October 22, 2007, 10:30:10 pm
after the exams. take it out right after the exams or after new years. coz you dont wanna miss out the christmas celebrations and new years celebrations. you would want to party like theres no 2morow. i took mine out a month before my chem mid-year exam. it was alrite. it hurts the first 2 days. but after that everything's fine. i was taught to use salt with with water to wash your month while your wisdom teeth out.
Title: Wisdom teeth
Post by: Toothpaste on October 22, 2007, 10:42:44 pm
Quote from: "asa.hoshi"
after the exams. take it out right after the exams or after new years. coz you dont wanna miss out the christmas celebrations and new years celebrations. you would want to party like theres no 2morow. i took mine out a month before my chem mid-year exam. it was alrite. it hurts the first 2 days. but after that everything's fine. i was taught to use salt with with water to wash your month while your wisdom teeth out.

Awesome, only two days!

... times that by four for each tooth... hence 8 day's pain bundled up in 2! :D

What did you eat/drink?
Title: Wisdom teeth
Post by: ninwa on October 25, 2007, 03:59:43 pm
I got 5 teeth taken out at once before I got my braces on , two of which were wisdom teeth .... and the dentist didn't allow enough time to let the anaesthetic set in before she attacked me with her drills

It ... wasn't nice ... I still get shivers when I hear one of those dentist drills lol

Title: Wisdom teeth
Post by: asa.hoshi on October 25, 2007, 05:57:06 pm
i took out all four.

hrm i drank pumpkin soup and other kinds of soup for like a week though. you'll find it hard to brush your teeth, so just use salt water to clean your mouth. lol.

i actually enjoyed having my wisdom teeth out because i got to stay at home instead of going to school for 10 days and i got to have a tv in my room during that period too. so i basically watched tv 24/7 and did literally no hw. it was AWESOME!
Title: Wisdom teeth
Post by: preshi on October 25, 2007, 06:15:43 pm
Quote from: "asa.hoshi"
i actually enjoyed having my wisdom teeth out because i got to stay at home instead of going to school for 10 days and i got to have a tv in my room during that period too. so i basically watched tv 24/7 and did literally no hw. it was AWESOME!

lol... your post makes me look forward to the day i get my wisdom teeth out!   :)