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General Discussion => General Discussion Boards => Lifestyle and Entertainment => Topic started by: costargh on January 25, 2008, 05:37:41 pm

Title: My views on relationships
Post by: costargh on January 25, 2008, 05:37:41 pm

It aint gonna be an intellectual blog. Just my thoughts.
Title: Re: My views on relationships
Post by: Ren on January 27, 2008, 05:58:46 pm
i dont think you can put every single teenage relationship in a box and claim they are all the same...
Title: Re: My views on relationships
Post by: Collin Li on January 27, 2008, 06:19:13 pm
i dont think you can put every single teenage relationship in a box and claim they are all the same...

That was similar to my thoughts when I read it. I thought it generalised quite a lot but it didn't really irritate me enough for me to comment on it.
Title: Re: My views on relationships
Post by: costargh on January 27, 2008, 07:53:45 pm
i dont think you can put every single teenage relationship in a box and claim they are all the same...

That was similar to my thoughts when I read it. I thought it generalised quite a lot but it didn't really irritate me enough for me to comment on it.

Lol. Yeh I don't mind generalising in this situation cause its easier to write that way but obviously people will have slightly differing situations which may alter my views on their type of relationship but yeh I guess they're my views and it took me a while to realise them. I also never wanted to realise them, but at my age its the only way relationships make sense

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Title: Re: My views on relationships
Post by: excal on January 28, 2008, 01:21:27 am
i dont think you can put every single teenage relationship in a box and claim they are all the same...

Very true.

+1 karma

I'm in such an exception of a relationship, I would say.

I think you're quickly casting all teenages as 'immature' - this is where your generalisation lies. I would say that there are some teenagers that are probably more mature than adults ten years older than them. While age can be a good general indicator of maturity over a large population, it is definitely not a template for everyone to stick to (ref: outliers).