Thanks DJALogical.
I recall someone (won't state names in case I get it wrong) stating that Open Day pens from universities are very good. I personally loved one that I got as a freebie at a school expo a couple of years back. University of Melbourne's free pens are generally good, but for short time frames. e.g. signing a form, writing a paragraph.
Bic and Papermate a relatively cheap, getting one of their more expensive (and justly so) 4 colour pens does a decent job, but hurt after a long time. (Bic clssic fine, Papermate Kilometrico and Inkjoy recommended by Reus, mikehepro and walkec respectively)
psyxwar has also recommended Uniball jetstream
auds recommends Pilot pens
... and I can't recall who else has said stuff, so I apologise now for all the people I have left out. (Please don't hate me.)
This is just a summary of the stuff I've seen in the Class of 2014 thread.