Hey there! May i know what topic did you do for your detail study? and how did you make it more interesting to the examiners (not like just reporting out informations?) ? Thanks!
Hey there c: I did CFL but I presentation skills are the same, so for CFL we had to pick a topic and read three relevant books/ watch movies/ research for poems and what I think my topic was about loss!
Looking through other posts I reckon y'all needed to pick a topic relevant to Chinese History, if you don't know what you want to do, I would suggest 戰國時代 because it's a really fun period to study about
Presentation wise, you'll need to ENJOY your topic- pick out poems that are written during the period - and understand the meaning behind them (they love poems, esp when no one really mentions poems and chinese poems are beautiful) , also try to include folklores, even just a brief mention!! The Zhan guo period has tons of stories like zhu ge liang, and it should be fairly easy to talk about! As you study this period on your own, I reckon you'd start to gain interest and you'd enjoy this period of time
I'm not sure if they'd ask you questions but question wise, keep in mind they can ask you anything about the dynasty to the backgrounds/ details of the characters you mentioned, but if you have poems, they would most likely ask you about the meaning of the poem, so remember to understand your topic and do some research
Good luck ^^