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Author Topic: sodacat's vce voyage ~  (Read 6967 times)

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Re: sodacat's vce voyage ~
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2022, 10:47:44 pm »
Hello everyone! It has been some time since I last updated, so here I am! The holidays have been a good time to relax, I have been staying up until 2am and sleeping in 'til 12! It is severely annoying my parents; however, I am enjoying myself!

I have finally garnered the motivation necessary to do some Japanese study! You know that feeling when you're finally at home? When you're so focused in on what you're doing because it feels right? That's what finally doing Japanese study in a new notebook felt like for me. I was so burnt out, for so long, then... I wasn't. I had taken my long break, it was enough. I am saddened to have lost some knowledge, I do admit. However, it wasn't as much as I thought it would be. Studying once more was a thrill, it was exciting. It felt like home, oddly enough, though I don't think it should have been able to affect me in that way. I love the sound the pencil makes when I practice kanji, I always try to make a beat whilst doing it (I used to do percussion and I practice each kanji 10 times so doing this again and again is extremely satisfying). I plan on studying more and more in the holidays, I hope to have brief coverage of Year 11. I want a good idea of what I'll be doing for my SACs, etc. Hopefully I can get high marks.

I do not have a huge cohort for Japanese, there are less than 10 kids in my class (myself, Year 11s and Year 12s included). This subject is probably one of the smallest, if not the smallest in my school. Japanese is not a popular subject at all, it's almost ridiculous. And I am not exactly excited about my teacher either, I haven't had him before but people I know have and he isn't looking too good... let's hope he teaches this subject well.

My study score aim for VCE Japanese... above a 40 would be nice. I'm aiming for that. I need to get onto the honour roll on this subject. I have people in my family (and perhaps some of my friends too) who are expecting me to achieve a raw 50. It's a lot of pressure, I hope I can make it through. Internally, I yearn for a 50, though it is not a realistic goal. I want to work as hard as possible in order to get high marks, ones I have the potential to achieve. Everyone has high expectations for me in Japanese, people were telling me last year that if I failed in the exam, they were fucked. When I got a 99% on said exam, my friend and perhaps a couple of others asked me where the 1% was. It's a lot to handle. But I'll try my best, I am trying my best.

I've been reading more lately, which is great! It's a good way to spend time, I've found, to immerse oneself in the pages. A way to escape reality for a little while. I've borrowed some books from the library, so I hope to do lots of reading in the final week of the holidays.

Tonight, I plan on doing the second powerpoint for my self-study of VCE History. I love History, it is such a great topic, and I hope this bit of studying can give me a push to ease myself into the apparently quite difficult subject next year.

I also plan on searching up about VCE English, another subject I want to do really good in!

I just want to have some relaxation this holidays, some fun~ I hope everyone is having some good ol' fun on their holidays! Enjoy yourselves everyone! <3
2022: VCE Japanese SL 1/2 []


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Re: sodacat's vce voyage ~
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2022, 10:21:51 pm »
It's been a long while since I've last been here! Whoo! G'day everyone, it has been a rather relaxing weekend (believe me, I am grateful for the extra day off that I had today). Life has been very busy! I'm just trying to have fun before it becomes nearly impossible and I get too worried to even think about enjoying myself.

Okay, so I am one of two students doing Year 11 Japanese. There are more Year 12s than 11s, which I expected. However, seeing that number in person compared to on a screen was a massive difference and the contrast was very stark. The good thing about having Year 12s in the same classroom is that I can listen and watch the Year 12 lectures and the things they're being taught (my teacher actively encourages me to listen in, to note it down and to participate in their lessons. it's so good!). Our first SAC is a speaking SAC :( speaking is one of my weakest points, I really will have to practice!

The content and the classwork has been easy, so far, which I expected. Going into this I knew that Year 11 would be easy and it would be Year 12 that I found very hard to do. All I'm grateful for was that I'm doing it earlier so I can give it all my focus next year instead of having to do it along with other 3/4 subjects. It was actually quite wise, I think.

I have not studied. At all. I have been extremely unmotivated, I am even struggling to find the motivation to do something as simple as my homework (pretty small, pretty easy). I could do it, I just don't have that motivation to. I keep putting it off. "I'll do it next week, I'll do it Monday, I'll do it tomorrow." And it always leaves me doing it the night before, which is a nuisance.

I am not looking forward to this SAC, I want an A. No, I need an A. But I find no motivation to practice. I just hope that I manifest it soon or I'm screwed. :(

They're all going well, I'm having a surprisingly good time with all of them this year (even math!). I am enjoying English the most, I think. I really like the teacher and I have a really close mate in that class who's great at English and he supports me and is willing to read over my work and stuff when I need it (and I do the same for him). It works very well academically. I just wish we'd do more writing and less analysing, the analysing is getting boring, I just want to write stories!!

Life isn't too bad right now, I have a lot of books on my to-read list that I have to get through. Right now I'm reading Little Disasters by Sarah Vaughan - it's got me hooked!

Tonight I'm also going to procrastinate everything I need to do and busy myself by answering loads of PIP questionnaires (for the HSC Culture and Society subject, I think it is). I already answered one and it was very thought provoking, I enjoyed it very much. I shall answer quite a few more, I hope they have helped the people who made the questionnaires!!

I will try to update this once a week, or once every two weeks, depending on how ~eventful~ it has been.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2022, 10:23:33 pm by sodacat_ »
2022: VCE Japanese SL 1/2 []


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Re: sodacat's vce voyage ~
« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2022, 06:32:05 pm »
Hi everyone, I have so much schoolwork to do and I've been very busy. I went out with friends today, which was ridiculously fun. I am absolutely screwed, I have my Japanese SAC, my History assignment and an English assignment all due within the week. The only one I have any motivation to complete is my English assignment, which is creative writing. I was super excited with the idea for this one.

My SAC is tomorrow. It is a speaking SAC, my weakest area. I am absolutely and most utterly screwed. I did some practice yesterday but I'm going to do even more today. We have to have a conversation with our teacher about our summer holidays. I've prepared a rough script for it based off of the questions my teacher said were going to be asked (we have a task sheet). I'm trying to 'take control' of the conversation and force the conversation to float naturally.

My goal is to achieve a Very High, though a High would be decent too. For me, it is important to score high in Japanese especially because it scales so well. It will be the one to lift my ATAR so I have to work at it very hard.

I'm very nervous, please wish me luck for tomorrow!

I am enjoying most of my subjects so far, even if Health just is an easy pass and nothing more than that. English and History are the ones I'm enjoying the most, and the two I happen to have assignments in. We're finally writing in English, we're doing our creative writing assignment - which I'm stoked about. I have to remind myself that I have other work which needs to be prioritised over it.

For History, I have to research WW1 and write like 3000 words on 6 different points if I want a high grade. Let's hope I get a high grade - I have worked too hard on this assignment not to!

Not much more to do other than practice. Wish me luck! <3
2022: VCE Japanese SL 1/2 []


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Re: sodacat's vce voyage ~
« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2022, 08:50:20 pm »
Oooo, Japanese seems so cool! Good luck fellow sailor! You've got this!

 - jinx_58
Class of 2022!
Currently doing Unit 4: QCE
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My Year 12 QCE Journal!


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Re: sodacat's vce voyage ~
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2022, 10:17:07 pm »
Guess who's back after who knows how many months... me! I apologise for being gone for so long, I kind of forgot that I had an ATAR notes account :/ ... whoops. Anyway, I'll be summarising how I've done in the past few months with this post! My mental health hasn't been the best lately, but I'm trying to live through it.


As I'm sure you'll know, I'm doing SL Japanese as my accelerated Units 1&2. I am lucky enough to have good grades despite having only studied it like once this year and often rushing or not handing in my homework. I know I need to work harder because it's going to get difficult, but I find sitting down and studying difficult. Despite this, I will try my best! Now that I'm on holidays, I have finished my three SACs and midterm exam for this subject.

SAC 1 (Speaking) - High
SAC 2 (Reading & writing in test conditions) - High
SAC 3 (Creating a presentation) - Very High [Very high is the highest grade for SACs at my school, not sure if other schools use this system]
Exam - 98%

My feelings about these results are neutral. I don't care too much since Year 11 doesn't matter much for this subject and this unit was an easy one. I know that I could have gotten a very high if I tried harder but that didn't end up happening... it never does. My attention span is low and my ability to concentrate is also shockingly low. I could work harder, but I can't. I keep getting told to imagine how much higher my grades would be if I actually studied. But I'm trying my best, and that's all I can ask myself for.


Remember how I said something about wanting to do Psych?

Heh. Psych has been replaced! My desired subjects for next year are - English, Methods, Spesh, Japanese, Revs and Applied Computing. I've taken a strong interest in IT and coding and such. I'm going to be teaching myself Python and reteach myself the basic Python and Java I learned last year and the year before. Hopefully it all goes well!
2022: VCE Japanese SL 1/2 []