I’m a year 8 student that is thinking about self studying spesh 1/2 as well with methods 1/2 next year. I already know how to do rates of change, trigonometry application, logarithms and polynomials. Any tips on studying self studying spesh and is it a good idea to do that?
It usually depends on the person tbh. Some people find it easy to go ahead and learn by themselves since they go at their own pace and have the liberty of being flexible. But I know many of my friends, who just can't do math without being taught by a teacher.
If you're the kind of person who has done self-studying before and has the motivation for it, I don't think it should be an issue, as long as you prioritize school exams of course
For studying ahead for methods and spesh I usually find Khan Academy and youtube good for learning the concepts, but make sure to practice by checking over answers and ensuring you follow mistakes, especially for math. Good luck!