Are we not allowed to give our applications (as in is there a rule), because I should be able to send mine if its allowed
I don't think there is an actual rule, but more of an unsaid one.
To be completely honest, I'd love to help too, but I think, for our own privacy - and a myriad of other reasons, we have decided to leave the applications out of this.
Let's just stick to what we've already got, in case we run into too many issues. (Sorry to disappoint you, Splash-Tackle-Flail.)
For any KLD program applicants out there, don't fret the application. Regardless of whether you make it in or not, you have had the experience. If your school is like mine and nominates a very select board of students, instead of telling everyone to try, you are certainly on the right path for VCE, IB, HSC, SACE or whatever you're doing in your Year 11/12 years. This program does offer opportunities, but it is not the
only thing to try for at this point in time. Just apply as well (and honestly) as you can and you will be fine.
Good luck!