Hey, my name is Sami Lee
Last year, for year 11, I did Music Investigation
I found it hard sometimes, as I didn't know what to do, because I couldn't put my work down in a nice way
I got through, but I thought 'why not help out others and make it easier for them?'
http://samileeyear12.blogspot.com.au/Not that flash, right? But here is my Music Investigation 3-4 blog, all the information, all the work, in one easy place! Just go to the 2015 page on the right hand bar, and it's all in there!
I got a study score of 27, I got a B+ for my overall assignment work and a C+ for my end of year exam, so you do need to work hard to get good marks!
It's hard to understand most of the handouts your teachers give you, but I hope that this blog will help a whole lot of you get to the exact place you need to get to!
So good luck with it guys! It's a tough subject, but if you're passionate and work hard, you'll do fine!
Hope this helps,
Sami Lee