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Anyone have any notes or practice exams?
« on: November 01, 2018, 12:20:13 pm »
Hey, so I am doing VCE VET IT at Tafe and I don't even have a text book or anything, so I am a bit stuck for resources at the moment, if anyone has any practice exams other than the VCAA ones it would be much appreciated or any notes or knows where I can find notes or resources it would be very much appreciated.
Also if you have any hints or tips that too would be awesome

Thanks :)


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Re: Anyone have any notes or practice exams?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2018, 09:58:09 pm »
This subject is far too niche for there to be actual practice exams other than the VCAA ones so they are probably your only reliable option. Unless you found some, in which case send them my way.
The crowd that picks VET IT typically chooses it because their coordinator recommended it as the alternative to an actual VCE subject like Software Development or IT applications. That is why it's difficult to find any sort of notes for this subject. There isn't exactly a high demand what with maybe 250 to 300 people actually enrolled in the course. As far as hints or tips go, I can think of a few.

Have a good handle on the difference between batch, multitasking and real time processing. You might have to explain the difference between them This still confuses me and I don't know why.
The basic layout of a network.
The questions they usually put on the VET IT exams range from basic common sense types like 'what are environmental assets?' to that one question about the pink keyboard. There are going to be questions on these exams that a surprisingly low amount of people will have gotten right because some questions are so far out of left field that they'll probably annoy you.
PROTOCOLS. Stuff like HTTP, IP, TCP and DHCP. DHCP refers to dynamic host configuration protocol and has been on the exam in the past two years. Know what a protocol is and how they work. A basic understanding will help in answering all these types of questions or at least getting 1 mark.
There will be a question that has a scenario and involves you helping someone with their problem. Could be something like a printer not working or a guys computer mysteriously won't turn on. These scenarios are typically common sense so just try and think of what you'd do. If it mentions the guys name e.g. "Rendi", then you should use that name in your answer. I don't know why examiners like this so much but they really want to see their name.
Pay close attention to the wording used in a question. If it asks for an efficient way to reduce energy use, while 'parking the heads' sounds nice in reducing energy, the question says "efficient" and parking the heads apparently takes too long and is inefficient.
You should also try to use IT vocabulary. This exam question helps illustrate my point. In the 2014 exam there was a question that asked for a device that would display a GUI. I saw that and immediately thought of a monitor. HOWEVER, that isn't specific or 'correct' IT terminology, you have to use the words "Human interface device" such as a monitor or touchscreen. Seems stupid imo but sure why not. Use words like functionality, features of the OS, efficiency, topology, connectivity, requirements, and protocols.
An A+ on the IT exams usually range between 67 to 69 out of 90 marks which is very achievable. This could go as low as 60 marks out of 90 but that's more likely to just net you an A.

If you're not going for a top mark, it should be very easy to walk away with at least a B on the exam whilst using a bit of common sense. Don't worry about not having a text book, my teacher told me about how he met with someone who had the textbook and it was filled with a bunch of pink post it notes. Apparently ALL of those pink post it notes were errors within the textbook. IVET makes a low quality textbook that doesn't prepare you for any sort of exam done by VCAA. It prepares you to get a C+ and not much else unfortunately.

My teacher handed us a bunch of study guides for the subject. I might email him for a digital copy of them to send, or just get them scanned. Sorry for the late response. This kind of feels like too little too late especially considering how close the exam date is. Good luck by the way and I hope that if you see this in time, you're able to get some use out of it.

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Re: Anyone have any notes or practice exams?
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2018, 10:01:31 pm »
Such a shame too, i'd imagine you'd get more out of a VET IT subject... given it's meant to be hands on.

If the VCE equivalents only rack up a few thousand enrolments, then of course the VET version will be lower. Again, such a shame.

Thanks for your contribution to the thread TheBamboozler. It is much appreciated.
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Re: Anyone have any notes or practice exams?
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2019, 10:58:00 pm »
can anyone pls send some notes for IT VET VCE.