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Author Topic: should i do italian?  (Read 4052 times)  Share 

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should i do italian?
« on: June 30, 2020, 04:21:24 pm »
Hi guys!
I’m unsure if I should do Italian for vce. I’m in year 10 and the other subjects I will chose are:
-Business management
-Media 3/4 in yr 11

I’ve been doing Italian since year 7 and get scores between 85-100%
I really don’t know whether it’s worth doing it because if it’s not going to be in my primary 4 then is there really any point in spending so much time and effort on it?

My background is Italian but my family speaks the dialect which is very different and I do enjoy learning the language, my only concern is spending so much time on it and then it ends up in my bottom 2. Instead, should I pick an “easier” subject like pe so that then I can focus on my other subjects without worrying about pe being in my primary 4?

Do you guys think it’s worth doing Italian or not?


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Re: should i do italian?
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2020, 05:54:32 pm »
This depends on whether you like Italian or not. In terms of subjects, I usually look at three main things:
1. Do you like it? - this you’ll have to answer yourself.
2. Do you require it? - Italian isn’t required for any courses after VCE as far as I know. (Neither is PE though.)
3. (This is only used as a tiebreaker and as a last resort.) Are you good at it? - again, another question you’ll need to answer yourself, if not already decided by the first two questions.

The only other thing that you might consider (although it’s purely for fun) is that you can get the VCE Baccalaureate certificate instead of the normal VCE certificate if you do a LOTE like Italian (info here and here). In reality, it just changes two things:
1. You get a different coloured certificate to everyone else. (It looks special.)
2. You get a slightly different title to put on your resume/ CV when you apply for jobs instead of your standard VCE...
... but some people do end up doing this for these rewards.

To answer your main question: it’s entirely up to you whether you think Italian is worth it, but I’d ask myself those three questions above to help with your decision.
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Re: should i do italian?
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2020, 06:56:22 pm »
Thank you AngelWings that was very helpful