Hi, like many of you i'm doing italian 3/4 in 2011. I started this topic because after searching through the forum for italian I realised there hasn't really been many topics on grammar or useful vocabulary etc.
Grammar, though a pest, is one of the many key essential dotpoints in units 3/4 and of course much of it is assumed knowledge.. It would really be great if anyone has past italian grammar sheets to upload here, as it would be a great head start for next year. So far these holidays i've been searching my dictionary for useful italian grammar for units 3/4 only to find myself writing down pointless words, I most likely will not end up using.
So anyway, any past italian students who have grammar notes and notes on useful vocabulary would be appreciated and anyone who has some insight on italian 3/4 to give some much needed advice on how to do well are also welcome.
Thanks in advance.