But, OP, if you are wanting to write up an analytical essay,, following a few formulas. My teacher taught me these for English and they have made essay writing a bit more easier.
For the introduction, use REAL.
R standing for the Restatement of the Thesis (Topic)
E standing for Elaborations
A standing for Argue,
L stands for Linking Sentence.
Then for your body, using the TEEL formula.
T for Topic Sentence. Bring out the main point of the argument.
E is for Elaboration/Explain your argument.
E is for Evidence, provide sources that can lead up/help your argument.
L for Linking Sentence, How it applies to your Thesis/Topic.
Hope it helps.
You should know that the MHS exam was a while ago now
How did you go mate?
Hey, I haven't quite done it yet. Its in 2 weeks for the year 10 examinations. (: So I still have some times left to do it.