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Re: VCE English Language Question Thread
« Reply #210 on: March 20, 2019, 11:39:59 am »
hey y'all I posted this in Lit but thought maybe here as well I just need some critiquing on my essay, be as mean as you like I wanna pass  :)

The death of the maids was not the fault of Odysseus and Telemachus but rather, Greek Society

The Penelopiad written by author Margaret Atwood is a story about the death of twelve innocent maid servants. Margaret Atwood’s goal in this novel is to properly explore the reason why they were killed and who is to blame. Odysseus and Telemachus, two powerful greek men who are the ones to take the lives of these innocent girls are not only to blame but the disgusting abuse of Male Privilege, the Gods and Penelope’s desire for a voice.

The social hierarchy of Greece in this time allows men to have the privilege of weapons and words. Men are perceived in this novel as tainted and evil and so they should be as all they do is use their privileges as a way of selfish gain and for the gift of power and are yet still “never punished.” Having power in this era is the same as money and authority. Men are the prison guards and women are the prisoners. “it was not fair.” After learning that women have practically given up and “could not refuse,” as every man’s gain was at the expense of a woman, it is appalling to know there was a society as corrupt as this one. An example of men committing to selfish and vial acts at the expense of a woman is when the Odysseus leaves for Troy and the Suitors take it upon themselves to rip away any ounce of authority from under Penelope’s feet and drown her in the override of devilish masculinity. “They were like vultures when they spot a dead cow…every vulture from miles around is tearing up the carcass.” This quote refers too Penelope being left in Ithaca alone without Odysseus because the life of a woman is following the shadow of a man. The Suitors take this opportunity to force Penelope into marrying one of them, not for the want of Penelope but for the desire of the money and power given to them if marriage was to occur. This alone, shows how women are seen as nothing else but powerless property to be traded. They also helped themselves to the maids and the kingdoms food, “they probably thought nothing of it.” Men are evil and will snatch anything they can for a speck of power, hence why the maids were brutally murdered. It was at their expense that Odysseus and Telemachus could take a stand to remind the women that they have the power and are capable of many things, so they have to abide by them.

The Gods should certainly be blamed for the death of the maids as from a young age, men are bought up and encouraged to destroy and conquer the enemy. Although this refers to war, men are still fixated on using brutality and deceitful acts as a way to gain power. Everything people did in these days was for the Gods “because the gods were just.” But even the gods aren’t as innocent as they seem as even “they were always raping someone.” Men are taught by the Gods that violence equals justice, this is another factor to the murder of the maids. “it was demeaning.” While Odysseus was away he pretended to expect the women to be disloyal and took it upon himself to justify his authority by murdering the maids simply because its what the Gods want, but even though the gods seem wise and powerful they are described as “nasty” and “childish.” This is unfair to the extent that it is one of the worst acts to be committed, murder for no reason but your own gain. Twelve innocent fragile lives for one selfish leader. Why? Because the suffering of women is celebrated by men. In greek myths and stories, men are always the heroes, the warriors but no one ever focuses on how women were the price. It proves the fact how Greek religion is corrupt. Greek Gods are celebrated for their achievements in violence and brutality, whilst Goddesses are more celebrated for their spirituality and purity. The gods encourage other men to attempt and commit such celebrated crimes for the prize of power. Women are basically “doomed by the gods to a life that is a living death.” To draw on the fact more, men are the dirty, corrupt warriors who win pure women as a prize for their achievements.

Of course, it could just be of human nature and Penelope’s “determined nature” and unwinding desire for a life like a mans that is to blame for the death of the maids, Penelope even admits that her fathers “desire to protect himself” was “understandable.” Does that mean if Penelope was handed the same privilege as men they would do the same? Atwood even asks herself “what was Penelope really up to?” Is it just fate or misfortune that had lead them to be on the receiving end of this absurd brutality? Human’s are known to be selfish to protect themselves from harm, even Penelope chose those specific twelve maids to help her in acts destined to be punished for. It was doubtful knowledge to know that a murder was just waiting to happen, Penelope knew the consequences of risking her maids like this. She even took it upon her selfish mind to force the maids to pretend to be in love with the Suitors, which lead to the rape of the maids. Early on in the book she is described as “a stick used to beat other women with”, and this is exactly what she is doing for her own selfish gain when it comes to her faithful and innocent maids. It’s not only Male Privilege to blame, but also Penelope. It just shows how if the roles were reversed women such as Penelope would not hesitate to do just the same.

To conclude, whilst Odysseus and Telemachus are victims of the prejudice society they inhabit,  it is down to  Male Privilege, The Gods and Penelope  to blame for the cold-blooded murder of the poor innocent maids, simply because of the yearning for power and money, and the monumental influence by the Gods on how money and power is the key to a successful life. The maids were killed with no reason and never got the justice they deserve.


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Re: VCE English Language Question Thread
« Reply #211 on: March 20, 2019, 05:31:03 pm »
Does anyone know whether an expletive is any swear word, or whether expletives only refer to swear words used in frustration/surprise?


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Re: VCE English Language Question Thread
« Reply #212 on: March 20, 2019, 05:39:34 pm »
Does anyone know whether an expletive is any swear word, or whether expletives only refer to swear words used in frustration/surprise?
Expletives are often defined as being that but I'm not sure how much it matters in the context of assessment. It might be best to ask your teacher.
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Re: VCE English Language Question Thread
« Reply #213 on: March 20, 2019, 06:00:53 pm »
Does anyone have any practise sacs for Unit 3 AOS 1. I feel so unprepared for this sac. Our whole class feels like we've learnt nothing! help!

Yeah my class I think feels the same. What type of sac are you doing? I have an essay soon on informal language and I'm finding it difficult to find more than one essay topic about informal language, which is making it kinda hard to revise...


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Re: VCE English Language Question Thread
« Reply #214 on: March 30, 2019, 01:08:21 pm »

I was just wondering if coherence and cohesion contribute to the formality of a text? For instance, would it be correct to say that 'the lack of coherence in the piece reflects its informality?



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Re: VCE English Language Question Thread
« Reply #215 on: April 05, 2019, 04:39:33 pm »
when answering a question about informal language - how does one explain why a certain lexical item is informal?
for example an online chat was given and the lexeme 'geeeeeee' was used - how do u explain how it lowers the register??
aside from 'it is a non-standard lexeme'
It being non-standard is pretty much central to it, maybe clarify through its use in an informal setting (eg. texting a friend).
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Re: VCE English Language Question Thread
« Reply #216 on: April 24, 2019, 01:07:56 pm »
Anyone looking for a student to tutor for Y12 EL?

I have a student who's seeking additional assistance who is located in the inner-north west. This particular student is a high achiever and wishes to seek assistance from someone who has also performed well and is a recent graduate.

Please feel free to DM me for further details if you are interested with a brief guide about yourself.

Thank you!


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Re: VCE English Language Question Thread
« Reply #217 on: April 25, 2019, 12:01:59 pm »

I was just wondering if coherence and cohesion contribute to the formality of a text? For instance, would it be correct to say that 'the lack of coherence in the piece reflects its informality?


Informal texts (ie. spoken conversations, text conversations etc.) tend to have instant feedback from the listener/reader compared to formal texts (ie books, news reports etc.) where the speaker doesn't get instant feedback from the listeners/readers.

So formal texts need to be absolutely clear/coherent off the bat if they want to be understood, whereas speakers in informal texts can get away with not being completely coherent as the other interlocutors can ask for clarification if they don't understand something.


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Re: VCE English Language Question Thread
« Reply #218 on: April 27, 2019, 02:36:04 pm »

I was just wondering if coherence and cohesion contribute to the formality of a text? For instance, would it be correct to say that 'the lack of coherence in the piece reflects its informality?


Although it isn't technically wrong to say that a lack of coherence reflects informality, I reckon that there are probably quite a bit more salient features that you could use in your analysis to back up your idea of the register of a text. IMO a lack of coherence might result from use of non-standard english or an off-the-cuff speaking style, both of which would probably relate better to register than incoherence.

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Re: VCE English Language Question Thread
« Reply #219 on: May 26, 2019, 11:27:26 am »
Hey! I was wondering where we could find essay questions to practice for English Language.
Thank you!


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Re: VCE English Language Question Thread
« Reply #220 on: May 26, 2019, 04:52:20 pm »
Hey! I was wondering where we could find essay questions to practice for English Language.

A good source of essay prompts is the bank of past VCAA exams.
If you're looking for essay prompts on a particular topic, let me know what the topic is and I can give you a list of past VCAA prompts on that topic and maybe some other ones as well  ;D


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Re: VCE English Language Question Thread
« Reply #221 on: May 28, 2019, 04:34:30 pm »
how does one actually enjoy english language. I'm primarily a math/science student and do better at eng lang than standard english, but hate it anyways. Is there any techniques anyone has to make it somewhat enjoyable


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Re: VCE English Language Question Thread
« Reply #222 on: May 28, 2019, 04:39:46 pm »
how does one actually enjoy english language. I'm primarily a math/science student and do better at eng lang than standard english, but hate it anyways. Is there any techniques anyone has to make it somewhat enjoyable

Welcome to ATAR Notes! Are you in Year 11 or 12 atm? :)

Are you mostly disliking the content itself or more like, the assessments/structure of the course?

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Re: VCE English Language Question Thread
« Reply #223 on: May 31, 2019, 08:49:59 pm »
If you're looking for essay prompts on a particular topic, let me know what the topic is and I can give you a list of past VCAA prompts on that topic and maybe some other ones as well  ;D
 I'd like essay's on Social identity, language change and Jargon

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Re: VCE English Language Question Thread
« Reply #224 on: May 31, 2019, 09:39:13 pm »

I'm currently year 12. I don't struggle with the content it's just I find the whole subject completely boring, likes theres nothing worse that I could think of doing, than sitting down and doing a section A and B

As a STEM student I liked that eng lang has a strong focus on looking for evidence,  applying it to the context & using jargon.

I knew that in eng lang I was learning, not just making things up,  and that's how it engaged me.

 Hopefully that approach can help you but I can't be confident it will since obviously there's a lot of differences between STEM students. 

Good luck and feel free to update us with if/how your attitude to eng lang changes :)