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Author Topic: Could I get a 98 ATAR with subjects that scale down?  (Read 4243 times)  Share 

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Could I get a 98 ATAR with subjects that scale down?
« on: June 26, 2021, 01:18:44 am »
Im looking to get a 98 ATAR so I can get into UWA's Juris Doctor programme directly, however I am doing what I guess many people would say "easy" subjects and worried that scaling will effect me too much even though I enjoy these subjects. Could I reasonably still expect to get that ATAR if I did well in them? I am doing
Modern History


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Re: Could I get a 98 ATAR with subjects that scale down?
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2021, 01:30:19 am »
Absolutely! The dux last year at my school did humanities-oriented subjects. She either got a 99.95 or somewhere in the 99s. Sadly, my school isn't as good as producing individual standouts than assuring a high median ATAR...(don't mind me, just throwing shade at my school kaljedkajakf)

From what I remember, she did...
- Geography
- Literature
- Modern History
- Methods
- Accounting/PAL/psych/econs/chem (I forgot, I'm pretty sure her last 2 subjects were out of those though-)

->Of course, this also depends on cohort strength too. If your cohort really isn't it, aim for rank 1-2 in every test.
->I'm not sure if you're already in y12, but if you are capable of doing subjects that give a 10% bonus, definitely do those. Don't just do 4 if you're capable of doing more.
On another note, 98 is not hard to achieve if you put in the work. According to one of my teachers, a 75 average across all subjects is equivalent to a 97.55 ATAR (at my school. I assume it would be similar for other schools too though)