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Author Topic: University of Newcastle Subject Reviews and Ratings  (Read 8548 times)

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University of Newcastle Subject Reviews and Ratings
« on: March 22, 2018, 11:41:48 am »
University of Newcastle
Subject Reviews & Ratings

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Biomedical Science: 0
Business and Economics: 0
Education: 0
Engineering: 0
Information Technology: 0
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Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences: 0
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Majors: 0

Total: 0 Reviews
Updated to post #001

(2) (3) etc. denote 2nd and 3rd reviews.


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This is a thread for subject or majors reviews only.  If you have any questions, then please PM the member who wrote the review.  The views expressed are those of the authors and do not represent the opinions of the university.  Keep in mind that despite best efforts, information provided may not be accurate.

We encourage you to review the subject(s) you have completed, even if someone else has already reviewed your subject(s).  The more reviews we have, the more helpful this resource will be. Please try to avoid overly denigrating lecturers and keep your review relatively objective.

Please use the following template for subject reviews:

Code: [Select]
[b]Subject Code/Name:[/b] [url=insert link here]SUBJECT CODE - SUBJECT NAME[/url]  Please insert the handbook link for the subject, and replace SUBJECT CODE - SUBJECT NAME with the appropriate details

[b]Workload:[/b]  (specify how many lectures, pracs, tutes etc. and their duration)

[b]Assessment:[/b]  (Outline the various assessments which make up the subject and how much each counts for)

[b]Recorded Lectures:[/b]  Yes, with/without screen capture

[b]Past exams available:[/b]  Yes, how many?  No. Was there a sample exam?

[b]Textbook Recommendation:[/b]  What must you buy?  What is "recommended"?  Do you need it?


[b]Year & Semester of completion:[/b]

[b]Rating:[/b]  out of 5

[b]Your Mark/Grade:[/b] (Optional)

[b]Comments:[/b] Give your overall opinion of the subject, lecturers, assessment etc. and a recommendation, plus anything else which you feel is relevant.

and the following template for majors reviews:

Code: [Select]
[b]Major:[/b] [url=http://insert link here]Major Name[/url]  Replace "insert link here" with the handbook url for the major and replace "Major Name" in the URL tags with the appropriate name of the major. Also delete this text.

[b]First Year Subjects:[/b]

[b]Second Year Subjects:[/b]

[b]Third Year Subjects:[/b]

[b]Year of completion:[/b]

[b]Rating:[/b]  out of 5

[b]Comments:[/b] Please include all relevant comments about the major, briefly explaining how you found individual subjects and giving some background about the major itself. Feel free to detail your personal experiences, though do not include unnecessary rancour. Including where you hope the major to take you, or indeed where it has taken you is also very welcome!

Template courtesy of stonecold's University of Melbourne subject review page.

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Re: University of Newcastle Subject Reviews and Ratings
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2019, 01:58:59 am »
Subject Code/Name: MATH1210 - Mathematical Discovery 1

Workload: Two 2 hour lectures, and one 2 hour tutorial a week.

Assessment: 12 online quizzes (10%); 6 assignments (20%); mid-semester exam (20%); final exam (50%).

Recorded Lectures: Yes, with screen captures. Various methods were chosen to capture, such as recording the front of the lecture theatre with a camera or writing on a tablet and screen capturing it.

Past exams available: Yes. The 2018 final exam was provided with solutions. A sample mid-semester exam was also provided with solutions, although it wasn't a past exam.

Textbook Recommendation: An extensive set of notes has been built up by the lectures over the years, so no textbook is provided; these notes are provided for free (and have beautiful formatting). There are some textbooks named in the course outline if you want more sample problems although these are not necessary.

Lecturer(s): Prof. Florian Breuer and Dr. Alejandra Garrido

Year & Semester of completion: 2019 Semester 1

Difficulty: 4-5 out of 5 (depends on how confident you are with math)

Rating: 5 out of 5

Comments: This course is designed to not show you how to do math, but instead to show you why the math works. It's very focused on the proofs of the theorems behind math. If you're doing a math degree (or just love math), then you should enjoy this course, especially when it proves the things skipped over in high school such as the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (Spoiler Alert: It's kind of disappointing how simple the proof actually is for something so important).

Note that this course is heavily linked to MATH1010 which runs simultaneously. MATH1010 has similar content although it focuses much less on on why the math works. While this course (MATH1210) is considered the hardest introductory math course at UON, the final exam contains content common to MATH1010 and MATH1210, and the MATH1210 marks are scaled up based on the performance of the MATH1210 students. This means that you aren't penalised for taking the "harder" course.

The course prerequisite is a Band 5 in 2 Unit HSC Mathematics or other equivalent merits within the university. It is recommended that you complete Extension 1 Mathematics. Extension 2 Mathematics is not a prerequisite or recommended, so you are fine to take this course if you did not do Extension 2. However, there is a fair bit of overlap with the Extension 2 course, so it is advantageous to do it.