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Past Papers Per Topic?
« on: October 10, 2019, 11:48:59 am »
Hi everyone, I am going into year 12 next week (oof) and have heard about doing past papers throughout the year. How does one do past papers without knowledge of the full course? Or should you do it per topic?

Thank you!


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Re: Past Papers Per Topic?
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2019, 04:32:49 pm »

Initially I did past papers per topic. I have the Excel HSC Maths success one book and in the front and back covers it splits the questions up by topic so can you work on any topic specifically. Just start doing the questions you know how to do. You will begin to familiarise yourself with the format of questions and how they are structured. The earlier you start preparing the more ready you will be when that dreaded exam day arrives.

Hope this helps!
HSC 2019: Advanced Maths 92 || Standard English 89 || Physics 80 || Business Studies
95 || Information Processes and Technology 94 || Studies of Religion 1 45

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Re: Past Papers Per Topic?
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2019, 04:34:14 pm »
Hi everyone, I am going into year 12 next week (oof) and have heard about doing past papers throughout the year. How does one do past papers without knowledge of the full course? Or should you do it per topic?

Thank you!


When I was in year 12 I bought the "success one book" which contains all the HSC past papers (granted there are changes with new syllabus but some fundamental q's would be the same). However as you said it's hard to do this before knowing all the topics so this was more useful towards the end of the year. Instead for earlier assessments I used websites like thsc online to get other schools past papers for a specific task (eg task 1 paper) as well as ones provided from my own school as these usually focused on relevant topics at that stage of the year. It's still relevant to use the full papers if that's all you can get access too; just use the questions that are relevant and mark the others to complete once you've learnt. Especially for maths there's so many questions out there and the benefit of past papers is exposure to questions; so the more questions you can get the better. If you do have access to your schools previous papers these are great to do close to the assessment to time yourself and practice exam questions.

Good luck
HSC 2018 - Standard English [88] || Mathematics [89] || Biology [89] || Chemistry [83] || Legal Studies [92] || Studies of Religion 1 [45]


UTS 2019 - Bachelor of Advanced Science (Infection and Immunity) and Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation


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Re: Past Papers Per Topic?
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2019, 07:05:57 pm »
Hey, thanks guys! Much appreciated.