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SACE Class of 2019
« on: November 17, 2019, 01:56:43 am »
Hi Everyone,
I figured since there is not already a thread for SACE 2019 (from what I have seen), to create one :)
As there is almost 1 month remaining until results are released, feel free to voice your predicted scores and any concerns you may have :)

Personally, I am stressing a bit about what my ATAR score will be. So if anyone could give me an estimated result that would be great :)
For HSC and VCE students, you may be a tad confused with the weightings (as most of my friends over there were haha:))
Our internal marks are worth 70% while our external marks are worth 30% and we don't really get predicted results (since trial exams are not really taken seriously here)

My subjects are:
English Literary Studies: My best subject by far - Straight A's
Psychology: Probably my weakest subject with a B+ overall for internal (not sure about my 30% external exam, but I think I did fairly well)
Modern History: Most likely an A-/B+ internal (again unsure about my 30% external exam, went not the best but not the worst)
Ancient History: Also most likely an A-/B+ internal (also unsure about 30% external)
Legal Studies: I did this in year 11 and ended up with a 17.2/20 (A-)

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated :)

Thank you


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Re: SACE Class of 2019
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2019, 06:40:47 am »
Hey Gaya5568! Victorian student here- I find it super interesting that your internal marks are weighted so heavily. Do you find it good or bad? How do they compare an A* from one school with an A* from another?  ;D


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Re: SACE Class of 2019
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2019, 12:22:21 pm »
Hi there laura_ :)
I actually prefer the internal marks being weighted more than the external marks purely because i’m not the strongest with exams :).
And to answer your second question, internal marks get sent to SACE and are moderated. They don’t tend to go through each assessment to double check grades but they will check a couple and if they believe the teacher is being fair, they leave it as it is :). Teachers sometimes (it’s not compulsory), cross check grades with teachers from other schools. I guess that’s how they compare grades haha :)