BMS1042 96 HD (meme unit, the content and stupid mistakes were highly reminiscent of high school further maths 3/4)
BMS1052 86 HD (felt like torture, d*ck Nic's sarcastic and rude attitude throughout the sem didn't help, myself and the rest of my group got called idiots by him when we asked something about our group project format on the forums)
BMS1062 94 HD (really awesome unit except for the CRISPR CAS questions on the exam, PASS resources are so good)
CHM1022 92 HD (that final exam was murder with all those mechanisms that no one was expecting, messed up the spectroscopy question and didn't have time to write out all the Kfs for a chelating ligand question. I could've sworn I got 99/120 but actually back calculated my exam score to be 109/120, so they may have scaled it)