Hey everyone I have some questions concerning the GAMSAT. I will be undertaking the BACHELOR OF BIOMEDICINE AT UNIMELB. [new course starting 2021]
1. Does completing most of the degree itself allow you to cover enough CHEMISTRY and Biology for section 3?
2. What physics content will be required for S3 [I haven't taken physics in VCE]? e.g WHAT TOPICS FOR PHYSICS?
Does the subject "Physics for BIOMED" cover sufficient knowledge for GAMSAT?
1. First year is usually enough to cover the science portion of GAMSAT. However, the actual GAMSAT is not really about scientific knowledge but the way you think. Understanding phys/chem/bio helps to an extent since you will be familiar with the language of the questions but none of the questions are pure recall so you will still need to have good critical thinking skills.
2. Most people say Y12 physics is fine. Physics for BIOMED should cover those concepts nicely. However, like in question 1 you can still do very well without that specific knowledge if you are good at problem-solving.
Lately, the GAMSAT has trended more towards problem-solving/critical thinking, maybe a decade ago it was more about pure scientific knowledge.