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Author Topic: Cherryblossom's Year 12 Journey  (Read 3806 times)

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Cherryblossom's Year 12 Journey
« on: February 09, 2022, 02:42:50 pm »
Hi everyone!

After reading through dozens of VCE journals, I’ve decided to start my own! I’m hoping it will help me ground myself this year, and it should be fun to read this back in the future and laugh at the trivial things that I’m going to stress over.

About me:
I’ve just started Year 12. I’ll be completing my VCE online with VSV. I’m taking English, Accounting, Economics, and Methods (without 1/2… Yes, I hate myself), and I did Business Management last year and received a SS of 34. I’m also enrolled to start Deakin’s Accelerate program in March, but I’m currently trialling my VCE workload to see if I’ll be able to handle it.

I don’t have a specific ATAR goal, but I am interested in studying Commerce. Possibly a Commerce/Science double - I’ll see how I feel at the end of the year.

I also don’t have much of a plan for this journal. Although, I’ve seen others who post mini-weekly updates, which seems fun, so I might start with that.

I can’t think of anything else to write about right now, but thank you for reading this. I’m looking forward to writing an update and following along everyone else’s VCE journey’s!  :)

- CherryBlossom
2021: Business Management [34]
2022: English - Accounting - Economics - Methods - Management (Deakin)

beep boop

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Re: Cherryblossom's Year 12 Journey
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2022, 03:12:02 pm »
Hey CherryBlossom!

Nice to see another yr 12 around here. I'll be defs keeping up w/ this journal this yr.

beep boop
class of '22
'21: viet sl [36], bio
'22: psych, methods, spesh, chem, eng lang
"Distance makes the heart grow fonder and proximity makes the heart want to barf."-Mr K, Never have I Ever
yr 12 stuff :)


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Re: Cherryblossom's Year 12 Journey
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2022, 05:10:43 pm »
Hey Cherryblossom !!

Awesome to see another journal! Also welcome  ;D
I'm in year 12 too, can't wait to read your journal as the year goes on!
What subjects did you take last year? Why not methods 1/2?

class of 2022!
my year 12 VCE journal :)
2021: music
2022: english, methods, spesh, chem, french


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Re: Cherryblossom's Year 12 Journey
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2022, 09:33:41 pm »
Hey Cherryblossom !!

Awesome to see another journal! Also welcome  ;D
I'm in year 12 too, can't wait to read your journal as the year goes on!
What subjects did you take last year? Why not methods 1/2?


Hi Lemur!

Last year I did Units 1/2 of English, Accounting and Economics. And then Units 3/4 of Business.

I was actually enrolled in Unit 1 of Methods - at the start of Year 11 -, but I decided to drop it after 6 weeks because I was in a bad headspace and was struggling to keep up.
2021: Business Management [34]
2022: English - Accounting - Economics - Methods - Management (Deakin)


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Re: Cherryblossom's Year 12 Journey
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2022, 10:11:25 pm »
Mini Update - Week 3

Hi everyone.

I can't believe it's almost been a week since I started this journal. Time is absolutely flying by. I thought I'd give a small update on each of my subjects.  :)

Methods -
My previous entry was posted the night before I gained access to the course and since then it's been... a lot. I knew methods was going to be a heavy subject, but the workload has hit me quite hard. Although, I'm really enjoying it. I've been taking the time to complete every practice question in the course, and have so far had no trouble with any of the topics. I also got some positive feedback from my teacher - within two days of posting my week 1 submission! -, which was very motivating. And, I purchased a book for my bound reference today - any advice on what to include in that would be much appreciated!

Accounting -
Accounting is currently the only subject that I'm up to date with (ready to start week 3), however, I'm yet to receive any feedback! I was assigned a new teacher today, so I'm hoping to hear from them within the next few days, but it's still quite frustrating. My fellow VSV students will understand how difficult it is to continue a subject when it feels like your work is being submitted into a void.

Economics -
I'm not feeling very motivated for Economics right now, but I'm getting through it, slowly. Our weekly submission tasks are exam-styled questions, which I get, but they haven't really taught us how to structure our responses. I think I'm going to buy the Cambridge checkpoints or another resource for further guidance on them.

English -
I don't have much to say about English. It seems like everyone else is doing their creative responses first, but we've started the unit off with argument and language analysis'. I'm a little behind because I've been putting off the main task for week 2, but I'm planning on getting stuck into it tomorrow. So, we'll see how that goes.

That's pretty much it for now. It's been nice to see that everyone's had a positive start to the term.

Thank you for reading this, once again.

- Cherryblossom.  ;D
« Last Edit: February 14, 2022, 10:13:20 pm by cherryblossom28 »
2021: Business Management [34]
2022: English - Accounting - Economics - Methods - Management (Deakin)


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Re: Cherryblossom's Year 12 Journey
« Reply #5 on: March 15, 2022, 03:01:21 am »
Update - Week 7

Hi everyone. It's been a little while since my previous update. I've been overwhelmed with personal things, but I'm back!

Methods -
I'm currently working behind in methods. The workload's still a lot... but I feel like I'm managing. I looked ahead and noticed that our first SAC is a 5 hour open-book test and it isn't until next term, so I have plenty of time to catch up and revise.

Accounting -
I had my first accounting SAC last Friday(!) I think it went well. I didn't get around to doing any revision, but I got a decent score on my practise SAC and my weekly work has been at a good standard. Although, I'll definitely be trying to do more revision and practise SAC's for the next one... which is in week 10.

Economics -
My first economics SAC is this Friday and I am not ready for it. I still need to work through the week 5 and 6 content (which is my goal for today), and I'd like to do a practise SAC before I attempt the final thing. I know my grade is going to be humbling either way because our year 11 SAC's were all open-book folio tasks, so I'll happily take anything above 70%.

English -
My first English SAC is also this week. I haven't gotten around to doing a practise essay, I'm honestly just hoping to 'wing it'. But aside from that, my main goal for English this week is to finish reading Nine Days because we're about to start our creative writing unit.

Management (Deakin) -
Trimester 1 started last week! I attended my first lecture (on zoom) and I received a cute box of Deakin merchandise. I've also been in contact with a unique group of students who are also taking the subject, and I'm really looking forward to working with them during our second assignment - which is a group presentation in May.

That's all for now. I hope everyone is feeling okay with this first wave of SAC's. They all seem to hit at the same time, which can be so stressful.

Thank you for reading this once again.

- Cherryblossom  :)
2021: Business Management [34]
2022: English - Accounting - Economics - Methods - Management (Deakin)


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Re: Cherryblossom's Year 12 Journey
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2022, 12:49:27 pm »
Update - Week 9

Hi everyone. Quick update here.

Methods -
I am veryyy behind in methods. I'm really disappointed in myself for falling so behind. But, I've made myself a 'catch up plan' and I'm going to use the upcoming break to get back on track!

Accounting -
I got my SAC results back... 45/50. It's good, but I wish I had done some more revision/practise SAC's because it definitely could have been better. I have my second SAC (1b) next week and I'm hoping to get something above 92%, to push my final grade to an A+.

Economics -
I ended up cramming the content from weeks 5 and 6 into the morning of my SAC... It felt like the definition of leaving things until the last minute haha. But I ended up with a 33/40, which I'm happy with. However, I do want to be more prepared for the next SAC, which is in Week 12.

English -
I haven't gotten my results back for my language analysis SAC yet, however, I feel like it went pretty well. English isn't my favourite subject, so I was honestly just happy to have finished the essay in time. We've been told that we'll receive our results from the 8th of April. So, I should have a grade to share in my next update.

Management (Deakin) -
I haven't been able to motivate myself for this subject, the content has just felt so dull. I really admire students who complete university courses online, because I don't think I'd be able to do it. I have my first assignment due on Tuesday, and I have not started it. It's a 500 word mini essay, so it shouldn't take long - I'm dedicating tomorrow to it. The biggest positive of doing this subject is that I'll get credit towards most Commerce courses, so I'm trying to keep that in mind haha.

Anyway, that's all for now. I hope everyone's having a great weekend.

Thank you for reading this once again.

- Cherryblossom  :)
« Last Edit: April 02, 2022, 01:18:26 pm by cherryblossom28 »
2021: Business Management [34]
2022: English - Accounting - Economics - Methods - Management (Deakin)