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Author Topic: twinklehello's vce journal. (totally not scared)  (Read 3508 times)

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twinklehello's vce journal. (totally not scared)
« on: March 19, 2022, 09:23:31 pm »
omg hi guys, i was scrolling on atar notes (like anyone does on a fun Saturday night) and I saw people doing journals so I am too.
For reference I am doing psych 3/4 (love psych), lit , eng, methods (don't love), history and chem

I don't know when I will post but feel free to comment or not, #cant wait

Some updates already:
I have my 2nd Psych SAC on the 5th, #yipee
I have my English Essay on a film on Wednesday and I have had to change my whole way of writing because my yr 10 teacher was not the best :/
My year for my methods SAT (I probs did not do amazing) did "really really bad" - quote from my teacher

anyway, join me on the fun, exciting, can't wait to do journey 


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Re: twinklehello's vce journal. (totally not scared)
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2022, 05:15:31 pm »
Hello Twinkle,

Can't wait to follow your VCE journey!


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Re: twinklehello's vce journal. (totally not scared)
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2022, 05:06:15 pm »
hi guys...
guess who got a 30% on their methods SAT!!!! me 😋😋😋
I cried BUT the avg for my year was 34% so....
But! I got 90% on my other assessment for this unit (shocker I know), and got my weighted grade of 52%
Anyways, I have my English tomorrow, feeling okay for that
if anyone has nay tips not to fail pls share now
I am currently watching my dog scratch his ears
okay bye...


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Re: twinklehello's vce journal. (totally not scared)
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2022, 08:48:38 pm »
hiii guys!!
so i had my english, i think it went good
I got a really really good grade for my lit oral which I am happy about and I have my SAT for that tomorrow
I found out I have a chem test on moles, RAM and ionic bonding on the 6th, a day after my sac so that's annoying 😔😔
I told my parents about my maths score and they got mad at the teacher as the whole avg was low depicting how they didn't prepare us properly
anyway, stay cool friends and take care.


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Re: twinklehello's vce journal. (totally not scared)
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2022, 08:56:06 pm »

currently doing psych revision, im in that stage that I want to do it but at the same time, I would rather sleep. I don't remember the last time I slept at 9.30pm, how I took those days for granted 😔

Anyway, I have no tests this week YAYYYY, but it is my "revision' week. On Wednesday I have parent teacher interviews and the way my school does it, it goes for the whole day and they force students to go aswell so um that's fun 😟

I am currently deciding to have icecream or tea. Maybe both. This is more of a bored update about my life. WAIT!!! I do have something interesting, i have a performance on the which I'm excited about. BYE!!

(p.s I don't like proof read these so pls don't judge me on my spelling, punctuation etc.)


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Re: twinklehello's vce journal. (totally not scared)
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2022, 11:36:35 pm »

ii am back, for those who read this.

I got most of my grades back

I got an 73% on Lit, now you might be cringing or whooping, I am furious. In my parent-teach interview my teacher was raving how i am at a high level of writing and lit was made for me, blah blah blah, so i was like okay i did well on my essay. GETS A 73% !!! something doesn't add up. I see her tomorrow
I got an A on my English Essay, tbh i am surprised since i went in, freaked out and chose to write about the topic I did not write a single practice response on. don't do that guys.
I have a maths test on Friday, not a SAT but i am studying so hard i don't want to fail
I got my chem back, i got an A on that, so i was happy.
I haven't got my psych SAC back, super annoying but that's okay, I have one coming up on the 24th. I also have a maths sat on the 20th and a english SAT on the 11th. OKAY BYE GUYS, this was kind of boring because I literally just dumped my results but Its currently 11pm and I want to sleep.omg also did anyone see the met??? Its very interesting...


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Re: twinklehello's vce journal. (totally not scared)
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2022, 11:34:33 am »
Hi! I feel so encouraged when people upvote it, you guys truly warm my heart. I'm thinking of changing my profile picture, but, I'm not too sure what to change it too, any thoughts?
so i talked to my lit teacher, she provided some good feedback, but, i don't understand why she didn't just blankly say it it in the interviews. Anyway, i have a small analysis on Wednesday for that.
I got my psych back, 89%, i was ONE mark away from 91%, they gave it to me before but then removed it, quite disheartening, but i will NOT let it get to me, one SAC will not determine my whole score. Anyway, I have a SAC on 24th so mmm.
I have a maths progress test on Friday for polynomials. I am currently balancing them, if anyone has some strategies, pls share. Overall, I am pretty nervous but I am really trying hard not to let the assessments get to my head. I hope you all manage your distress well, but remember to  go out time to time! (#getlit) I have a chem test on the 30th of may, currently, chem and I are vibing, loving polarity and whatnot. (i feel i will regret this later on). Anyway. I WATCHED BRIDGERTON!!! so good. probably will rewatch Gilmore girls, #teamjess, fight me if you disagree there should be a board for this discussion. OKAY BYE!!!!!!!


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Re: twinklehello's vce journal. (totally not scared)
« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2022, 10:06:46 pm »
IT HAS BEEN farrr to long.
So, what is up with me. exams are coming up, super duper doped #literallylivingmybestlife
Guess who didn;t fail their last methods test, MEEE so proud
Anyway, I think my psych SAC went good, My exams start next week
Im getting my English SAT back 2 DAYS before the ACTUAL EXAM, I do not know how to feel
I just did some maths revision, brain #dead, I always leave it for my last revision or else I hate the world, but I might try doing it first to get it out of the way yk?
Anyway, I went for a run #atheletic for the first time in like, oh god, lemme count, 5 months and I forgot how unathetlic I have become because I so sleepy rn. But it was a good stress reliever, my fellow psych students know where its @ #yas
Okay bye, um what else... YES does anyone know like how to effectively stick your study plan. okay goodnight lovelies