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[UNSW] 2018 Semester 1 Results Thread
« on: June 13, 2018, 12:06:57 pm »
Hi all! Use this thread to share and discuss results for UNSW 2018 Sem 1. :)

Please remember this important information regarding results discussion before posting.

NOTE: Kicking these off pretty early, will bump closer to relevant dates. :)

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Re: [UNSW] 2018 Semester 1 Results Thread
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2018, 08:04:44 pm »
This year, final results are set to be released by 10 Jul (Tuesday). You will receive an email outlining the mark you received for a said course, and the corresponding grade. You will also have a "semester WAM" and an overall WAM. The semester WAM calculates only the average of your marks in this semester, whereas the other one is a running total based off all of your marks. (For first years, these two will always be equal.)

Typically, these emails are sent out on the night before (so 9 Jul this sem). Emails start being sent out at around 5:30 PM, and go in order of zIDs.

Remember, the WAM stands for "weighted average mark". It's literally an average of all of your marks (unless you have 3 UoC courses later down the road). It's not like the ATAR, which is a rank.

Some faculties will have already released provisional marks. This may be shown on moodle or some other source. Some arts courses may have these already released, and as an example typically first year math marks are released a week before the official released (so around 3 Jul). In general, your final mark can NOT be lower than a provisional mark - if this happens, you have full rights to take it up with your faculty.

Marks are a very sensitive topic, so remember that you do not need to disclose anything here if you prefer not to. Nor do you need to read onwards if you'd rather not.

Some courses are subject to scaling. Scaling is entirely up to the lecturer's own discretion. This could be due to the difficulty of the course in the corresponding semester (e.g. spiked exam, trouble in assessments). Lecturers want to aim for pass rates and HD rates that are reasonable; in some faculties, bad rates reflect badly on their teaching. Down-scaling is rumoured to exist but I've never seen concrete evidence of it; most of the scaling I see is always up.

The mythical stream declaration glitch
At UNSW, marks typically start getting entered into the system 2-14 days before their official release. Whilst you never get to see what course it's for (until official release), you can watch the marks progressively get entered in.

This glitch is known by heaps of students, and a lot of students use it. (It's up to you if you wish to use it.)

On myUNSW, in your student profile, there is a button that says "Stream declaration". The primary function of this is to declare a major if your degree requires it (or double major, minor, etc.). As far as I know of, once you declare a stream you are ALWAYS allowed to change it later on.

Unfortunately, not every student gets access to this (e.g. engineering students, any degrees that don't involve majors whatsoever). So this glitch doesn't work for everyone.

It typically takes 1 working day for the UNSW system to register your major declaration (or redeclaration). Once that's done, you'll notice a "View" button appears next to your stream. When you click into it, you'll see what your WAM is over the past semesters. This value updates itself as soon as a new mark gets entered in.

Because the WAM is just an average, doing some year 10 level maths with your calculator allows you to single out each mark you got. The strategy is essentially to use what I call the "decimal point approach"
- If your WAM is reported with a decimal point value of .333 or .667, 3 courses of yours have currently been added in.
- If your WAM is reported with a decimal point value of .250 or .750, 4 courses of yours have currently been added in.
- If your WAM is reported with a decimal point value of .500, 2 or 4 courses of yours have currently been added in.
- If your WAM is reported with a decimal point value of .000, sadly it's hard to say (unless you're experienced enough to work around this issue).
Of course, this continues onto later semesters. A decimal point value of .200 or .800 would, for example, indicate 5 courses have been added in.

(For the bothered reader, it's basically just terminating decimals and repeating decimals rounded off once you do the division.)

However, if you keep checking the thing often enough, you'll notice that the values change. This is because not every mark is entered in at the same time; typically marks for one faculty are put in all at the same time, but for example if you do an accounting and economics course, they won't both go in at the same time. So you can keep a running record of what has gone in.

The hard part is trying to figure out which course(s) they might have been. There is no concrete way of doing this; typically students gossip around with their friends to make a deduction about what's been added and what hasn't been added.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2018, 08:41:33 pm by RuiAce »


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Re: [UNSW] 2018 Semester 1 Results Thread
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2018, 07:19:28 pm »
Just really pissed about COMP. I've accepted my math marks a while ago.

zID 511____, got sent at 6:48PM


Session Course    Title                           Result


  T1    COMP2521  Data Structures and Algorithms...85 HD
  T1    MATH3611  Higher Analysis..................85 HD
  T1    MATH5505  Combinatorics....................88 HD

Term WAM:  86.000  Overall WAM:  88.143  Undergraduate


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Re: [UNSW] 2018 Semester 1 Results Thread
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2018, 12:01:33 am »
I did satisfactorily ;)

 T1    ENGG4913  Industrial Training Co-Op...........SY