Hello! Firstly sorry if my formatting is weird I’m typing on my phone.
I don’t do accounting so I can’t give you any advice there but I do 3/4 softdev.
In terms of lacking programming skills, I don’t think that’s an issue with 3/4. Programming IS a big part of the course (the first AOS is programming and there’s a huge SAT that involves programming) however you learn everything as you go.
With programming, your school will choose a language to learn. That might differ from the 1/2 class. For example I did 1/2 and I learnt python, but in 3/4 we got assessed on PHP. Some of the basics were similar (eg theory- pseudo code) but the code itself was different and useful for different things so I wouldn’t say lacking programming knowledge is a setback.
I will be honest though, as someone who wants to go into computer science next year.. the theory can get hella dry. Not sure if it’s just me but it really does get so boring at times.
The biggest issue I find with softdev is that there’s a SAT that takes up 6 months, essentially a project version of a SAC. Because you spend so much effort and time on it, it’s easy to lose track of the theory needed for the exam. If you do softdev I’d recommend keeping up with theory whilst doing the SAT- this makes ur SAT better AND studying for the exam easier. Otherwise you’ll end up like me, relearning the course a few weeks before the exam
You’re right though, the theory is not difficult, it’s quite easy. Just gets a bit boring and tedious at times imo.
I personally think accounting would require more effort, but the theory may be more enjoyable? Not too sure.
I hope this helped a little ahaha I’m very sleep deprived so sorry if it’s a mess. I’m willing to answer any questions about the course as well ^^