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Author Topic: Wingdings' VCE Journal  (Read 23270 times)

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Wingdings' VCE Journal
« on: January 03, 2021, 07:35:27 pm »
Hey everyone! I'm Wingdings, a class of 2021 student, and this is a chronicle of my imminent year 12 experience. I go to a selective school and am doing Chemistry, English Language, and Methods this year. I'm aiming for 40+ on all three and have an ATAR goal of 99.15 (I plan to do Biomed at Melbourne Uni (minimum ATAR 96.00), but I'm trying to meet the Monash scholars cutoff too for vAnitY/oh yeah that might give an extra option)

My slightly boring VCE history so far
I did Chinese SL in year 10 (2019) and Bio/Music in year 11 (2020), along with 1/2s for my current subjects + Physics. I wouldn't say I have struggled too much so far, although CSL oral was definitely a bit of a pain and I found Chemistry to be quite intense (ahaha don't know anything about routine neglect). Hopefully it all pans out this year though :3
I hope this might be entertaining to you (or my Costco employee self in 15 years) : D
« Last Edit: January 03, 2021, 07:39:50 pm by wingdings2791 »
ATAR: 99.75
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The Cat In The Hat

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Re: Wingdings' VCE Journal
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2021, 08:06:47 pm »
Hey everyone! I'm Wingdings, a class of 2021 student, and this is a chronicle of my imminent year 12 experience. I go to a selective school and am doing Chemistry, English Language, and Methods this year. I'm aiming for 40+ on all three and have an ATAR goal of 99.15 (I plan to do Biomed at Melbourne Uni (minimum ATAR 96.00), but I'm trying to meet the Monash scholars cutoff too for vAnitY/oh yeah that might give an extra option)

My slightly boring VCE history so far
I did Chinese SL in year 10 (2019) and Bio/Music in year 11 (2020), along with 1/2s for my current subjects + Physics. I wouldn't say I have struggled too much so far, although CSL oral was definitely a bit of a pain and I found Chemistry to be quite intense (ahaha don't know anything about routine neglect). Hopefully it all pans out this year though :3
I hope this might be entertaining to you (or my Costco employee self in 15 years) : D
Hello! Nice to see a new journal!
VCE 20
HHD MM Revs (F/R) Eng T&T
Uni 21-24: BNursing/BMidwifery @ Deakin
HNN122 (double)
I hope I don't fail....
Listens to Amira Willighagen and Alma Deutscher and a little Marjolein Acke
~English - PM for P&P/creatives help~
Creative excerpts
Nur/Mid uni journal

For Narnia and for Aslan!


Basically inactive now. May change. Have a nice day.


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Re: Wingdings' VCE Journal
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2021, 05:30:48 pm »
Thanks Cat In The Hat! Might I say your headwear is looking rather snazzy : D

The last few weeks
I guess I'd be lying in saying I haven't gotten very, very comfortable doing absolutely nothing since around the start of December. Still putting off getting Ls, brain habitually emptying out the little Chemistry content I scraped together the morning of the exam, eating myself sick at Brunetti, and lots of Netflix shows (highly recommend You, The Crown, and I'm sure everyone's watched Queen's Gambit by now hehe)

My Eng Lang tuition has started again today, so I guess I've been plunged back into harsh reality- honestly I realise now that I seriously need some work on Chemistry 1/2 and maybe polynomials (trial and error of factors...yikes) in Methods before school starts. Anyway, it was a pretty chill class and I didn't get much homework other than a few short answer questions. I go to a private tutor, which is good for ahem procrastinators such as yours truly because you're forced to actively pay attention all the time.

For this year, I'm probably the most terrified of Eng Lang, mostly because I just struggle with writing well and quickly (2 hours for the whole exam???) and because it'll be in my top 4. Since my CSL and Music scores almost reach 50 after scaling, the prospects are not good on either Chem or Methods making it to the top 4 so they're not as important, but I'll try and give it my best shot anyway. I'm pretty confident low 40s may be possible if I can persist through my nightly transformations-induced tears. On the side, I'll also be attempting the UCAT, the Melbourne Uni music audition, and maybe Melbourne Recital's Bach competition if I have time, although I'm definitely not really counting on a good UCAT result (more just for fun... like a personal challenge?)

I guess for the rest of today I'm going to be finishing off a Methods 1/2 test I started yesterday, relearning some Chemistry basics (metallic/ionic bonding etc.), and maybe running a few errands after dinner : D
« Last Edit: January 04, 2021, 05:32:54 pm by wingdings2791 »
ATAR: 99.75
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Re: Wingdings' VCE Journal
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2021, 05:41:19 pm »
It's been nearly a week since January started! Anyone else feeling like the last month has gone by so quickly but exams were forever ago? Anyways, I thought I'd post a quick update while I'm waiting for dinner (so hungry lol).

On Tuesday, I did pretty much no studying, but I did start yet another TV series. sighhhhhhhh

In other news, my books for this year have all come already, so that's good. It's reassuring but also really speeding up the onset of my year 12 panic : 0

Chemistry thoughts
Honestly, I really like Chemistry. It has a surprisingly similar vibe to Bio?? I don't even mind reading the textbook much. What stresses me out is that it seems so vast, I never have a clue where to start... and it seems like you really need to know the content inside and out to make sense of the questions, whereas in Physics it's a lot more straightforward and as long as you know the formulae (at least to me hehe)
As the start of term 1 keeps creeping closer, I'm starting to have doubts about how to tackle studying this year. Especially since there were no consequences for ignoring 4/6 of my subjects last year! Hours upon hours of the same two subjects all year just doesn't seem like a good idea. There's also the question of piano, which I really don't want to give up, but my teacher says I can't maintain my standard without multiple hours of daily practice :' )

How do you guys balance school with music/do you guys have any tips for studying or routines? I would love to know... : >
« Last Edit: March 24, 2021, 09:15:30 am by wingdings2791 »
ATAR: 99.75
UCAT: 95th

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Re: Wingdings' VCE Journal
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2021, 03:09:46 pm »
Less than two weeks until school starts again! Decidedly ambivalent about that honestly but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The past week or so has been a little hectic, with so many different things going on. I've been shuttling between things constantly so I haven't really done much studying (wow, what a surprise right?)

I was lucky enough to be able to go to TSFX's Chemistry head start lecture series over the past three days. Having everything explained definitely was a lot easier than trying to read the textbook, which I struggled to understand a lot first time around. Being there was sort of a reality check, both in a good way and a bad way; while the prep required is a bit overwhelming, it doesn't seem to be quite as hard as I had expected.

My impressions of TSFX
Since I haven't really gone to any other lectures or commercial tutors before, I guess I don't really have anything to compare to TSFX, but I do find TSFX to be quite good. The lecturers usually have a good pace and a do a good job of explaining concepts, especially when I went to the revision lectures for Bio last year.
I do think Chem has been harder to follow and a little too fast-moving for me, but it's probably because I was hearing all the content for the first (and a half?) time. I'm going to be going to their weekly masterclasses for Chemistry at least for unit 3, kind of excited to see how it compares to their cram sessions
On Wednesday, I finally had an in-person piano lesson for the first time since May or June. Then went to the beach around sunset. Very nice. Forced my mum to let me get an ice cream from the truck. : P

A dramatic piano teacher backstory
My piano teacher is absolutely the most chaotic teacher I've ever had. She is a sight-reading, line-separating, perfect pedaling GOD, but I would have to say she's a bit... odd (it seems I only talk in rhyme now).
She sometimes stays up until 3 am making 20 kg of pickled salad right before my lessons and has a (strictly decorative) stick for beating kids on the wall, next to the piano. Having been through the USSR has given her some frankly wild stories to tell to me, including hand copying 300 sheets of music in less than a week and being buried alive in snow for nearly 24 hours.
She can be a bit disorganised, sometimes booking someone else in for my lesson time, and even forgetting about results day, but she certainly is a great teacher nevertheless.
Today I'm finally sitting down to try and get through the better part of EL holiday homework. I'm really glad I decided to do EL, it seems manageable enough and surprisingly like Bio when it comes to answering questions (actually pretty repetitive, just make sure to know the metalanguage etc.). My impression of EL is that I'll do all right with short answer and maybe the essays, but not the analytical commentary. Covering everything in one piece of writing? No prompt? Literally 48 minutes to do it? A bit worried but hopefully tuition can save me. D :

Anyway, I'm going to procrastinate try do some EL work now, read up for my learner's test, and maybe go back over unit 3 Chemistry so it doesn't all leave my brain.
Hope everybody has a good rest of the weekend!
« Last Edit: March 24, 2021, 09:16:54 am by wingdings2791 »
ATAR: 99.75
UCAT: 95th

2022-2025: B. Radiography and Medical Imaging (Honours) @ Monash


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Re: Wingdings' VCE Journal
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2021, 04:53:20 pm »
Have enjoyed your entries so far! :)

Re: EngLang, I get the trepidation, but honestly I think confidence will come with practice. If you're concerned specifically about getting everything done in time under time conditions, that's something you can work on throughout the year. You're not expected to be able to write an A+ analytical commentary right now - that's what 2021 is for!

Re: there being no prompt, I guess there's no essay topic or anything like that, but you're provided with the text(s) to analyse, so it's not like you have nothing to go off whatsoever. In fact, I'd argue there's probably more of a prompt than the essay! :)

How are you feeling for this coming week?

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.


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Re: Wingdings' VCE Journal
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2021, 09:17:48 pm »
Have enjoyed your entries so far! :)

Re: EngLang, I get the trepidation, but honestly I think confidence will come with practice. If you're concerned specifically about getting everything done in time under time conditions, that's something you can work on throughout the year. You're not expected to be able to write an A+ analytical commentary right now - that's what 2021 is for!

Re: there being no prompt, I guess there's no essay topic or anything like that, but you're provided with the text(s) to analyse, so it's not like you have nothing to go off whatsoever. In fact, I'd argue there's probably more of a prompt than the essay! :)

How are you feeling for this coming week?

Haha thank you for the reassurance! The lack of prompts definitely can be an asset or a disadvantage, usually for me the problem is that I have no clue where to start, whereas when there's a clear topic the planning is much easier (instead of quantum phasing between different areas of the text xd). It's so much better when you remember that practice can solve these problems so thanks for that : )

As for right now, I'm feeling pretty all right so far. A few of my friends are definitely getting the pre-year 12 adrenaline already and I fear it's rubbing off on me! Slowly starting to study again and get back into a decent schedule helps I guess.  :)
ATAR: 99.75
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Re: Wingdings' VCE Journal
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2021, 02:08:50 pm »
Another week almost over and alas, exactly a week until school starts for me! Hope everyone is having a good Friday so far : )

I'm admittedly pretty relieved that I've finally crawled out of the procrastination hole in the last week or so; completely finished EL work and covered most of unit 3 Chem. Phew! Just gonna hope the instant gratification monkey doesn't take the wheel again.
Σ(‘ ◉     ⌓     ◉’)
My first day of school is going to be mostly a foundation assembly for just the year 9s and 12s. No schedules out on Compass yet but hopefully they'll appear soon. I'm going to have a lot of study periods because I have only three subjects this year, which could go either way. Maybe the time will help me smash out a lot of extra studying, but it could definitely go down the 'oh, I have hours and not that much to do' route (and we all know where that ends). Just hoping that school will motivate me to have more discipline and not let me inveigle myself into slacking off.

Here's to our last week of freedom (for most schools anyways I think) :)
ATAR: 99.75
UCAT: 95th

2022-2025: B. Radiography and Medical Imaging (Honours) @ Monash


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Re: Wingdings' VCE Journal
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2021, 11:03:47 pm »
My first official day of year 12 is over! Well uh, technically that was yesterday, but close enough! xd

I've gone through at least a period for each of my subjects now. Mostly has consisted of my teachers going through the study design, setting up our resources and everything, and even a rather interesting round of would you rather? (sure it's creepy but there's just too many pranks to pull as a giant bird)

I'm definitely starting to work more on EL now, mostly with improving my speed and proficiency at short answer, as I hope I can properly get the hang of it under timed conditions as early as possible (and before the thick of the work comes along in the form of a lovely SAC in week 7). Other than that, I've only been lightly revising redox (my school does AOS 2 first). I guess I haven't fully entered the tunnel vision mode I had in mind for year 12, especially since my classes so far haven't really delved into the courses yet. Once school properly moves into content, that'll hopefully change : P

I'm pretty excited for this term! Really looking forward to camp, which was really depressingly cancelled last year a day before the 2020 cohort were due to go. Fingers crossed everything works out and the pathogen-that-must-not-be-named will be kind to us this time. I'm extremely pumped for the water activities (we get to go both kayaking and power-boarding, as well as having a day on the beach), although I'm wondering if that will be my fatal flaw as someone who put Swimming Level: Weak on their forms. That would make this a rather short journal ;D

Hope everyone is having a good week so far!
ATAR: 99.75
UCAT: 95th

2022-2025: B. Radiography and Medical Imaging (Honours) @ Monash


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Re: Wingdings' VCE Journal
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2021, 01:03:09 pm »
Happy Friday everyone (and happy CNY for those who celebrate)! Crazy how it's already almost week 4, isn't it?

I've had a fairly relaxed week; most of my teachers are away on year 10 camp, so I've had even more study periods than classes. Didn't go to school yesterday because I had no classes at all! Aside going to EL tuition, finishing some overdue Methods exercises, and getting told by my piano teacher to stop attacking loud phrases with the force of six siege helicopters, I've also had some time to binge The Office a bit and go on some really nice walks, so not complaining about that : )

Eng Lang
Our diagnostic task for SAC 1 is quickly creeping up: only a few days left! Since the SAC is going to be an AC around a spoken transcript, we're going to be simulating that for this diagnostic next week. I've been a little more focused of Chem and Methods lately; I'm still shocked at how several days or weeks just disappear if I let things escape my notice for a bit. However, I'm not too worried as it doesn't count towards the actual SAC. Besides, even if it doesn't turn out well, that's the whole point of a diagnostic right? Surely it'll just be a good learning experience instead of a grim warning... right?

Not sure how I feel about this so far. On one hand, I'm finding the classwork fairly easy and straightforward and our class has already powered through functions and most of transformations! Because my teacher isn't here this week, I also got to sit in on the next door class for a few periods. However, the thing is that I much prefer the next door teacher to my own. I think the next door teacher really understands students' intuitive assumptions and puts everything into a perspective that naturally makes conceptual sense. Sometimes, my class seems to get more and more confused as the lesson goes on because we're fighting our gut instincts in class (e.g. function notation for x-coordinates in transformations). That being said, I still think my teacher is fair, just a bit less engaging.

Not bad. Going to TSFX head start in the holidays has proved to be a great help; I'm understanding everything first try now. My school does the second half of AOS 1 first, so I've been trying to get redox/galvanic totally under my belt and feeling pretty content with my progress so far. Having entered the year most worried about Chem, I'm so relieved that it seems to be much smoother than anticipated. I just really hope I'll be able to maintain that sentiment when we venture further into the year, especially with the more technical aspects of the subject : P

Best of luck to everyone for our upcoming first rounds of SACs! Hope you have a great weekend guys :)
« Last Edit: February 13, 2021, 09:27:57 pm by wingdings2791 »
ATAR: 99.75
UCAT: 95th

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Re: Wingdings' VCE Journal
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2021, 10:05:48 pm »
Hey Wingdings,

How's only doing 3 subjects compared to the usual 5 or 6? Does it ever get to the point where it feels like it's not worth travelling all the way to school for one or two classes, or is it pretty nice and chill?

Also, have fun (or hope you had fun- I'm keeping the tense ambiguous here) on your school camp!

-- Sawyer
please read this journal where i try to be funny
subjects 2021: EngLang|Spec|Chem|Phys|Bio


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Re: Wingdings' VCE Journal
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2021, 09:50:25 am »
Hi Sawyer, haha you absolutely hit the nail on the head! I know I probably shouldn't complain since my workload is a lot lower than most but it does feel so ANNOYING and underwhelming when I turn up after hours of PTV... to find I've got my only class cancelled. I definitely try to capitalise on it too, because I can afford to spend a lot more time on each subject. My teachers are super relaxed; sometimes I do find it difficult to invent study activities for myself, which is a bit torturous honestly. Is it weird to say that sometimes I'd almost rather receive a lot more homework just so I don't need to figure out what to do? Oh well, I guess everyone's bound to experience it at some point :)

I'm so hyped for camp, it's really unbelievable that it's only two weeks away now when it felt like eons at the start of term. What's your favourite camp activity, if you have one? Everyone is just waiting to get SAC week over and done with so we can escape to the best week of the year. Good luck for any upcoming assessments you've got btw : D and thanks so much for your reply!
I inhaled and it was March. This is illegal.

Anyways, long time no update! It hasn't started to feel like it yet but I am realising that we are now well into the thick of term 1. A chain of week 7 Chemistry and Eng Lang SACs is looming before me already, which is a little intimidating, but I sure am glad I'm not participating in the Philo-Global-Lit-Mainstream sequence.

Last Friday, we had our last swimming carnival; surprisingly very fun. I dressed up enough to garner several shooting looks of disapproval/confusion, cheered for nearly all the relays, and most importantly, showed my support for fundraising by eating several kgs too many brownies. My year 7 self would probably never believe I'd be saying this but I will definitely miss school events like these.

In piano, I've really started to get into Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody no. 12. My teacher gave this to me as a preparatory exercise for La Campanella, which honestly makes both pieces sound a lot scarier (not that the sight of double trills isn't enough to make me faint already). She told me some stories about the Romanian gypsies she lived across the road from as a child; how they lived in wagons and sung and danced every night around a fire, how no one seemed to know very much about them. I like to imagine scenes like this in music; there are these sudden octaves with accelerando in the Rhapsody that are like their constant switching between celebration and fearing persecution. Sometimes it's almost like a fantasy to conjure images like this in my head and it really does seem to help with performance. I really recommend trying this if you guys ever struggle with letting a piece come together. :)

Eng Lang
I sat and got back the diagnostic task in preparation for our first SAC! Unfortunately, my teacher didn't give us a mark/25 as we will on the actual assessment. I know it's the feedback that really matters but having some kind of numerical indication would really help, just to see approximately how well I'll do on the SAC. Maybe they left it out just so that we can't make guesses. Other than that, I think Eng Lang is moving along solidly for me. A bit of a problem for me now is not using enough metalanguage, which is odd as in previous years I'd always be called out by teachers for being trying to be overly technical. :/

Honestly, Methods has definitely been really uneventful. Because of numerous assemblies, swimming carnival, and my teacher being away, I've barely had any classes in the week or so. We've wrapped up transformations and are moving into calculus, which is strange because polynomials comes before for every other class. I probably wouldn't say that calculus is hard to me, but I am becoming quite wary of how fast being mistake-prone can take your marks from 90+ to 70+. I've started seeking out more worksheets and practice papers to try and fix this early on in the year.

Not bad at all. It's going to be my third time going to the TSFX weekly classes on Saturday and for those who are looking I highly recommend them! It's quite intense and the teachers cover information at an extraordinary rate but I find that it's still easy to follow and understand. Plus, they record all the classes so at least I can practice spacing out and then frantically listening to the playback on x2 speed for uni. The only thing is that we're still covering fuels, which is sort of new to me as I haven't done it at school. But getting insight to answering questions will definitely be able to carry over for my SAC (fingers crossed)

My SAC is creeping a little too close for comfort. Yesterday, we did the practical component for the report which we'll be writing, which I'm rather confused about as it only covers galvanic cells and redox. A little worried because I've heard that report writing in Bio is quite different to the standards in Chem; last year, I'd just word vomit as much as possible but apparently Chem penalises you for lengthy explanations or including unnecessary (but correct) information. I just hope that obsessively reading the threads on Chem reports here will save me :(

Anyways, that's all for this already extensive entry xdd, study hard everyone!
« Last Edit: March 03, 2021, 09:57:33 am by wingdings2791 »
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Re: Wingdings' VCE Journal
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2021, 05:20:02 pm »

Been a while since my last update! A lot has been happening, I honestly haven't even noticed that it's already the second last week of term until now.

I went on camp last week and it was actually pretty great, although admittedly I still haven't fully recovered from sleeping about two minutes a night. Mostly, the weather was really nice because it was hot and we had quite a number of water activities. My only qualms with it would probably be the half-water, half-milk 'scrambled eggs' and baked beans served for breakfast, and possibly the very uhh, sensorially captivating smell of the river water. (it really wasn't a surprise that most people steered clear of eggs for the length of our stay)

School-wise, I've finished my Eng Lang and Chemistry SACs for this term! Honestly, neither of them went that well (Eng Lang gave us a rather annoying text type with 2000 interlocutors, 3000 social purposes and a whopping 60 minutes to respond), and I'm still a little mad that I forgot to label my results table in my practical report. (Wow perhaps I should pursue a poetry career instead?) There hasn't been any word on when we'll get our marks but I'm just not going to think about it until then. Otherwise, classes have been really relaxed recently, so not much else going on : )

Happy Friday and let's get through these last four days!
ATAR: 99.75
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Re: Wingdings' VCE Journal
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2021, 11:49:06 pm »

Been a while since my last update! A lot has been happening, I honestly haven't even noticed that it's already the second last week of term until now.

I went on camp last week and it was actually pretty great, although admittedly I still haven't fully recovered from sleeping about two minutes a night. Mostly, the weather was really nice because it was hot and we had quite a number of water activities. My only qualms with it would probably be the half-water, half-milk 'scrambled eggs' and baked beans served for breakfast, and possibly the very uhh, sensorially captivating smell of the river water. (it really wasn't a surprise that most people steered clear of eggs for the length of our stay)

School-wise, I've finished my Eng Lang and Chemistry SACs for this term! Honestly, neither of them went that well (Eng Lang gave us a rather annoying text type with 2000 interlocutors, 3000 social purposes and a whopping 60 minutes to respond), and I'm still a little mad that I forgot to label my results table in my practical report. (Wow perhaps I should pursue a poetry career instead?) There hasn't been any word on when we'll get our marks but I'm just not going to think about it until then. Otherwise, classes have been really relaxed recently, so not much else going on : )

Happy Friday and let's get through these last four days!
Good luck for your results, I got a chemistry SAC next week and I am freaking out. So far my scores have been well below the cohort average.


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Re: Wingdings' VCE Journal
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2021, 04:58:48 pm »
Good luck for your results, I got a chemistry SAC next week and I am freaking out. So far my scores have been well below the cohort average.
Ahaha thanks, and don't worry! You've still got time and besides, Chem is heavily weighted towards the exam. Many people manage 40+ with a few less than optimal SAC scores. Good luck to you too!

I may or may not have forgotten about this journal for a while. uhm The holidays were honestly not as productive as I had hoped they would be; mostly did checkpoints for Chem and did tutor homework but I didn't really buckle down and study as much as I intended to. Especially because I got a fairly bad cold in the last few days and so just moped around (but hopefully Mr. Immune System has learnt a lesson and will not fail me during SAC week ;-;)

Anyways, it's a new term and SACs really are about to come torrenting down. Last term, I managed to do decently on both Chem and Eng Lang SACs, both 22/25. Especially given that I was pretty disappointed just after sitting them, it's kind of a huge relief that nothing went horribly wrong. However, these were meant to be the 'easy' SACs so it seems like the next few may be slightly heartbreaking. Also, I somehow managed to do better on Methods than everything else despite putting in the least effort for it and only got an average report for Eng Lang; not sure how to feel about that but I hope that doesn't mean I was just lucky on SAC days

In other news, I decided over the holidays that I'm going to try for Monash undergraduate Med. (audacity huh?) Although it's really not likely and more just an aspiration, I figured I may as well have a shot. I've registered to do the UCAT in July and from experience with the practice papers, I don't find the time pressure as traumatic as I expected but my brain really does want to waste away during some of those abstract reasoning questions. I'll just cling to the scraps of hope I have that you really can improve at the UCAT before judgement day :' )

Let's hope term 2 isn't too harrowing :)
ATAR: 99.75
UCAT: 95th

2022-2025: B. Radiography and Medical Imaging (Honours) @ Monash