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Re: ThunderDragon's Journey Through Uni
« Reply #15 on: February 19, 2021, 01:03:13 pm »
Hey Thunderdragon,
I see some ambitious goals that would require lots of hard work and time commitment (tryharding over the three years). Good Luck!

Haha bro won't expose you. Hopefully it's just this year that I need to try hard so I can avoid the GAMSAT (ewwww) but realistically, GAMSAT woohoo so excited....
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Re: ThunderDragon's Journey Through Uni
« Reply #16 on: February 19, 2021, 01:03:31 pm »
Hey ThunderDragon!!  ;D

It's great that you're happy with your timetable! Mine had so many clashes, it's not even funny.

Woww, Science is so big!! I must say that the neuroscience club sounds super fun and it's great that you're getting back into volleyball!

All the best for your SAT exam!! ✨

Loved the journal update and have fun at Orientation Week!


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Re: ThunderDragon's Journey Through Uni
« Reply #17 on: February 19, 2021, 01:08:51 pm »
Hey ThunderDragon!!  ;D

It's great that you're happy with your timetable! Mine had so many clashes, it's not even funny.

Woww, Science is so big!! I must say that the neuroscience club sounds super fun and it's great that you're getting back into volleyball!

All the best for your SAT exam!! ✨

Loved the journal update and have fun at Orientation Week!
Haha thanks Evolio! Hope your clashes get sorted out soon. Have fun at O-week too!
2019 - Geography [41]
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Re: ThunderDragon's Journey Through Uni
« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2021, 05:52:48 pm »
Week 1 Update

Just finished my first week of Uni and thought it would be a good idea to update everyone. I will most likely make a post once a week providing an update on Uni and other things. In general, first week through Uni was pretty good. Didn't get lost too many times even though the Campus was even bigger than I thought. Was able to get a feel of my classes and meet new people. Now I'll just go into more depth about each individual unit.

The first week was rather uneventful. We were learning about the real basics and also a lot of Chemistry. The timetable for this unit is kind of annoying with having to opt in each week for On Campus Workshops and a lot of online seminars being at weird times such as 5 pm. Hopefully as the weeks go by, the content becomes more interesting though I think it will having looked at the syllabus.


Currently this is probably the subject that will give me the most headaches. First week content was on VSEPR theory and extremely boring. Already getting bombarded with Quizzes, Pre Lab Quizzes and Post Lab work that contributes to my final grade. So far disliking this subject but I guess I will stick with this unit at least for Semester 1 and see how it goes.

So far this subject has been rather decent. With having almost no physics background, the content is a little bit difficult but once I figure out which formulas the question is asking for, it actually flows decently well. The concepts become pretty interesting once applied to the human body and Medicine so I just need to overcome the slight difficulty and mundane-ness of the Physics calculations.

I switched out of Astronomy and into Earth, Atmosphere and Environment because it seemed like Astronomy was also quite Physics heavy and I felt I didn't want to do too much Physics. I also kind of missed Geography and this seemed kind of close to it with a bit more Science emphasis. So far I've been enjoying this unit especially looking at the different origins of rocks so far. Our professor seems very knowledgeable and approachable which is great! Only complaint I have is that my Practical class finishes rather late so my brain is pretty much dead by the end but I can't be bothered to change to an earlier time due to a Clash and the fact that I have quite a few new friends in this class.

Other News:
I rescheduled my SAT exam to May because I've kind of been bombarded with Uni work and want to get to a good start. Also registered for my UCAT exam which will be in the middle of July. For both these exams, I'm thinking of doing a little bit of study each week because I've found that my usual method of cramming doesn't work and I always get stressed out and disappointed with my results.

That's it for this week. Hope everyone had a good first week of Uni.
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Re: ThunderDragon's Journey Through Uni
« Reply #19 on: March 12, 2021, 08:26:48 pm »
Week 2 Update

Some big news since the last update. I decided to drop CHM1011 (Chemistry 1) because I felt that I wasn't really enjoying the content and that it was extremely Physics heavy which isn't really what I want to do. I weighed up between the fact that CHM1011 may help with GAMSAT and the fact that it might ruin my WAM quite a bit. I do plan on potentially picking up CHM1022 next semester since that is mainly Organic Chem and Inorganic Chem which is a bit more up my alley and not as boring. Due to dropping this unit, I ended up picking up ATS1310 (Extreme Earth Hazards) which seems pretty similar to VCE Geography so hopefully that will be good.

So far, still pretty basic and kind of boring. Had a Quiz which contributes to our final grade which was a little bit scary but managed to get 19.5/20 so pretty happy with that. Have a lab next week so hopefully that will be more interesting. I think content-wise, it will probably take up until Week 5 or 6 for the content to ramp up and become more exciting instead of being pretty much a repeat of the start of VCE Biology.

Had a lab this week and we got to measure our Diastolic Blood Pressure, Systolic Blood Pressure and Heart Rate which was pretty cool. Due to COVID, only one person in our group was able to get those parameters measured so unfortunately didn't get mine read but still cool. Got a bit of catching up in terms of the worksheets to do but so far, this unit has been the most interesting since it's got splashes of Medicine.

The content for Week 2 was pretty boring and the lectures were so hard to get through. However, just had a Practical and it went 360 and actually was pretty interesting. I'll just blame the monotone, repetitiveness and over 139 slides of the lectures as the reason why I didn't enjoy the content.

Since I joined this unit pretty much today, I haven't actually looked at anything yet. Will need to catch up on Lectures but hopefully my previous 3/4 Geography knowledge can carry me through.

Other News:
Not much has happened though I need to remind myself to start UCAT prep and not make the same mistake as last year.
2019 - Geography [41]
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Re: ThunderDragon's Journey Through Uni
« Reply #20 on: March 27, 2021, 11:06:09 pm »
Week 3 and 4 Update

Been a little while but here's an update of the last two weeks of Uni.

Somehow this is my worst performing unit at the moment which is kind of sad. I stuffed up a Quiz pretty bad and even though its the top 10 quizzes so it might not get counted and even if it does, its only worth 2%, I'm still mad because I haven't gotten this bad in my other units. My post-lab work for Lab Practical 1 was due a few days ago and that was quite frustrating to do since the questions were so vague and there was a very limited word limit. Need to revise all the Chem stuff and hoping Bio improves as we start to get into Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration.

Surprisingly this is my 2nd best unit at the moment. Despite this, I still feel like I need to spend the next week or two revising everything I've learnt because I don't exactly feel comfortable with the content. Lab was pretty decent despite being a week behind in lectures haha. Complete my first quiz for this unit a few days ago and got 9/10 which I was pretty surprised about but also mad that I spent half the time limit on the last question and got it wrong. Need to revise all the blood fluid stuff before we get into muscle movement which should be interesting.

I was able to redeem my "poor" quiz result from the week before by getting 9/10 for the content quiz and getting 10/10 for the Practical quiz. Need to catch up on the Practical since I skipped this due to recovering from my wisdom teeth surgery. So far the unit has definitely improved since Week 2 thankfully. Almost up to date with this unit.

Submitted my first essay which was worth 15% of my entire grade. Kind of nervous waiting for my result since I have no idea how well I'm going to do on it. Had to do a group oral presentation at 7:30 pm which was kind of annoying but oh well. Up to date with this unit at least.

Need to stop procrastinating and actually start studying for these two properly lmao.

That's all for today. Hopefully I'll see you in a week as next week is the last week before our Mid-Semester break.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2021, 11:10:04 pm by ThunderDragon »
2019 - Geography [41]
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Re: ThunderDragon's Journey Through Uni
« Reply #21 on: July 25, 2021, 11:50:20 pm »
Semester 1 Recap and Pre Semester 2 Update

Hey everyone
It's been a really long time since I've updated this journal but here's an update for what has happened in regards to Semester 1 and also what I'm looking forward to in Semester 2. I will try and update this journal a bit more regularly (maybe every 2 weeks tho don't quote me on that).

Semester 1:
Overall, I think I did decently in my marks although I definitely could've achieved better by having better study techniques which I'm planning to implement in Semester 2. My grades for my Semester 1 units are:
  • BIO1011 (Biology 1): 72 Distinction
  • PHS1031(BioPhysics): 67 Credit
  • EAE1011 (Earth, Atmosphere and Environment 1): 81 High Distinction
  • ATS1310 (Human Hazards and Geography): 81 High Distinction
Despite getting decent marks, I have decided to SFR my grades (essentially get rid of my marks due to COVID impact but still fulfill the unit requirement) as I feel like I can definitely do a lot better in Semester 2 and would like to have a clean slate to work with.

Semester 2:
This semester I am doing some continuation units as well as a couple of new units.

BIO1022 (Biology 2):
After my abysmal study techniques in BIO1011 (pre much studied the week before the exam), I have decided to put a lot more consistent effort into this unit. In terms of content, I am excited about the Immunity content however am not so excited for the Plant and Evolution stuff but oh well.

EAE1022 (Earth, Atmosphere and Environment 2):
Pretty excited for this unit considering I did fairly well last Semester and actually kind of enjoyed it. Very happy that there is no exam for this unit so it is a bit more of a 'Chill' unit for me. Again, I still think I can do better this semester for this unit.

SCI1020 (Introduction to Statistics):
Not exactly excited for this unit because maths and I don't like maths but we are forced to take a maths unit at some point in the first year so here we are. Despite this, I heard this unit is fairly chill compared to other Maths units so while content-wise, it may seem boring, I'm hoping to do well in this unit. 

HSC1300 (Human Health and Disease):
So excited about this unit. This unit is a Public Health elective and I'm so excited since it covers different parts of the body system such as the Nervous System, Skeletal System, Endocrine System, etc. As someone who is going for Medicine, I am very excited and this unit seems like a good introduction and taste into what Medicine will be like.

I did my UCAT today and have studied for the last few months. Despite my efforts, I am quite gutted with my result considering it is only slightly higher than my score last year. I doubt it will be competitive enough for Nonstandard Med since percentiles will probably go up but oh well, it is what it is. I'll probs give UCAT one more crack at it next year (kinda getting sick of this exam but eh) but probably focus more on GAMSAT and aim for UniMelb or USyd Postgrad Med.
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Re: ThunderDragon's Journey Through Uni
« Reply #22 on: July 26, 2021, 02:29:42 pm »
Hey ThunderDragon,
As a fellow science degree-er, I’m enjoying relating a lot to your journal.
You did really well considering how stressful it was to transition back to real life after being behind a screen for most of 2020!
With BIO1022, I also wasn’t a fan of the plant section and found it confusing when I was first learning it, but I think Khan academy + Crash course helped massively. I guess some tips that helped me keep up with the content were, 1: an overarching timeline with deadlines intentionally written 2 days prior to the actual date, 2: attending drop-ins early on, just listening in and 3: PASS.
Don’t be intimidated by SCI1020, trust me I nearly failed methods and this unit is surprisingly doable and yea, fairly chill. The unit is very structured, and you’re taught exactly what you need for the assessments, so try your best to keep up with the lectures because sometimes they have assignment qs as examples.
All the best with this semester!
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Re: ThunderDragon's Journey Through Uni
« Reply #23 on: July 28, 2021, 03:23:21 pm »
Hey ThunderDragon,
As a fellow science degree-er, I’m enjoying relating a lot to your journal.
You did really well considering how stressful it was to transition back to real life after being behind a screen for most of 2020!
With BIO1022, I also wasn’t a fan of the plant section and found it confusing when I was first learning it, but I think Khan academy + Crash course helped massively. I guess some tips that helped me keep up with the content were, 1: an overarching timeline with deadlines intentionally written 2 days prior to the actual date, 2: attending drop-ins early on, just listening in and 3: PASS.
Don’t be intimidated by SCI1020, trust me I nearly failed methods and this unit is surprisingly doable and yea, fairly chill. The unit is very structured, and you’re taught exactly what you need for the assessments, so try your best to keep up with the lectures because sometimes they have assignment qs as examples.
All the best with this semester!
Haha great that you follow and enjoy my journal! Yeah, SCI1020 does look rly dry but I can see how someone could score well in it though.
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Re: ThunderDragon's Journey Through Uni
« Reply #24 on: July 31, 2021, 12:26:32 am »
Week 1 Update:

Just wanted to provide a little bit of an update after the first week of Semester 2 as well as to rant a little bit. Looking forward to going back to Uni in person next week and not being in lockdown.

Haven't actually looked at the Week 1 material too much so I'll need to do that this weekend. I'm waiting for when we get to Immunity because right now Natural Selection and Evolution aren't exactly topics I enjoy.

Had our Practical session online and it went alright. Tbh 2 hour sessions on Zoom are hard to stay awake even if the content is relatively interesting so I'm really glad that we will be back on campus next week.

Just finished watching the lectures for this week today. Having to watch 3 hours of lectures each week on Statistics is quite draining and the content is rather boring. However, the good thing is that I actually seem to comprehend the content which hasn't been the case when it comes to Maths for several years.

Loving this unit so far. Had a tutorial for this unit already and really enjoying my tutor who is also a registered nurse and brings her stories as a nurse into the unit which is quite relevant. I am looking forward to the rest of this unit especially as we get into the specific body systems and can definitely see this as being my favorite unit.

Other Life Stuff:
Started to rewatch the Kdrama ''Crash Landing on You'' which is one of my favorite Kdramas however this time I'm aiming to limit Kdramas to Friday/Saturday/Sunday nights instead of taking over my life like what happened in Year 12. Also planning to try some sports and attend some more club events in the next few weeks.

I know it's been almost a week since I've taken the UCAT however I just wanted to rant a bit about it. Feeling quite down about it even now and I'm trying my best to move on and accept it but it's quite hard considering I've worked a lot harder this year preparing for this exam yet I only managed to score marginally better than last year. Hearing about other 2nd time sitters getting scores of 300 - 400 higher than their 1st sitting just makes me feel even worse. I guess the worst thing is that it delays me into getting into Medicine for another year and was really hoping to get into my dream course which is Medicine at UNSW but my score is most likely too low for it this year. I guess I am planning to do the UCAT one more time and try and get into my dream course but honestly feeling so sick and tired of this exam but at the same time, deathly scared of the GAMSAT.
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Re: ThunderDragon's Journey to Med
« Reply #25 on: August 16, 2021, 11:40:23 pm »
It's been a few weeks since my last update but we have arrived in Week 4 already. While I am bummed that lockdown is extended once again... I'm hoping to use these few weeks to catch up and solidify some of the new study strategies I plan to implement. I'll provide a small update on my subjects.

BIO1022 (Biology 2):
In terms of the content so far, it is a repeat of 3/4 Bio so I am a little bored but I guess my grades from Quizzes so far have been pretty decent (81% and 88%). Hoping to crack 90% in my next quiz.

EAE1022 (Earth, Atmosphere and Enviro 2):
Online Practicals are extremely different and I feel myself being bored instead of being excited when we had in-person practicals. That being said, could be because we are currently studying Atmospheric Science and I don't particularly enjoy that area of EAE. I am looking forward to when we move into Geology this week but sad that we won't be able to touch and interact with the rocks.

SCI1020 (Intro to Statistics):
This unit is still pretty dry but I guess my grades are pretty good. I managed to get a 90% and a 100% on my last two quizzes and a 100% on the worksheet. Just submitted my worksheet for Workshop 2 but I feel like I didn't do as well for this one due to it being a bit more Algebra heavy but oh well.

HSC1300 (Human Health and Disease):
Best unit by far at the moment. We are currently looking at Chronic Infections and looking at certain diseases like HIV, TB, Malaria, HIV/AIDS, and Leprosy. Really interesting learning about these different diseases and the biology behind them as well as ways to detect, treat and prevent people from getting these diseases. It would be nice to learn a bit more about the pharmacology and medications used to treat these diseases but regardless I am still enjoying this unit greatly. Looking forward to looking at Nervous Disorders next week especially as Neurology is one specialty I'm interested in rn.

Other News:
In terms of my UCAT, I don't actually mind whether percentiles go up or down that much anymore. I've done a bit of reflection and realized that I wouldn't actually mind spending another year doing Science and doing more extracurricular activities, improving socially, and also aiming to save a bit more money. I do plan to sit both GAMSAT for the first time and UCAT again next year so next year is going to look pretty packed for me haha.

That's it for now. Hope everyone is doing alright in lockdown and lets hope it isn't extended again.
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Re: ThunderDragon's Journey to Med
« Reply #26 on: September 04, 2021, 07:34:12 pm »
We have officially reached halfway through the content of Uni (Week 6). Honestly, I've almost lost track because of lockdown, and lockdown looking like it will remain for the rest of this semester  :( . Feeling a little bit of a mid-semester slump but my fear of getting a bad WAM is keeping me kind of on track. Anyways I'll give a little update on all my units in the last few weeks.

The content is finally getting somewhat more interesting. Just learned about the movement and digestion of animals which I am enjoying a little bit more. Despite this, still annoyed at how the content is being taught (or lack of - HOW HARD IS IT TO RECORD A HOUR LECTURE AND UPLOAD IT ONTO MOODLE). Had an online lab last week which went decently although I was having trouble keeping focused at the 1.5-hour mark. Next week we will be going through Immunity so something I am a bit more familiar with from 3/4 Bio and also got a Post lab activity due which should be exciting...

The content for the last few weeks has been relatively interesting as we learned about Geology, Geomorphology, and Soil Science. In terms of assessments, just submitted my Infographic poster yesterday which I'm ok with but I'm pretty bad at design so I'll probs get marked down a bit on that aspect, oh well. As for the quizzes, been getting around 80 - 90% so I need to make sure I don't lose any more stupid marks in the future. I am looking forward to next week's content which is Ore Geology. Hopefully, my past Minecraft experience will help me here  ;)

Honestly, this unit is so boring and really hard to get through. My grades have been good and averaging around 90 - 100% on the Quizzes and Worksheets however the content is so boring. Just submitted my assignment yesterday which I think went decently except for the last bit of the last question which I honestly guessed but that's 2 ish marks out of the 100 so I'm not too pressed.

So far the only unit keeping me sane this year HAHA. Learned about Nervous System and Cardiovascular Disorders which has been really interesting. Most of the nervous system disorders were rather depressing since most of the prognosis isn't great so I'm doubting specializing in Neurology a little bit in the future but it was very interesting. I do need to catch up a little bit on the Cardiovascular Disorders lectures as I am having a bit of trouble reading some of the ECG graphs. Looking forward to looking at Tumours and Cancers next week. We also just finished our group presentation last week and our topic was COVID-19 :/. It went pretty well so hoping for a decently good result.

Also planning to do a Summer Unit this year. Does anyone know if that means I can underload to 3 units next Semester?
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Re: ThunderDragon's Journey to Med
« Reply #27 on: December 06, 2021, 03:19:38 pm »
It's been quite a while since I've posted an update but seeing as I got my uni results back today, I might make an update. I was quite nervous waiting for my results and got the notification during my work break. As I SFR'ed my results last semester, my WAM for this semester was 82.25 which is quite a bit better than my 75.25 last semester leaving me with an overall WAM of 82.25.

BIO1022 (Biology 2): 71 D
Was expecting around 75 so did a bit worse than expected. Must've stuffed up the exam a bit more than expected. I am honestly so glad this s*** subject is over. I really despised this unit especially with how it's structured/organized. Overall, while I'm not too happy with this result, I'm glad I'm done with first-year biology.

SCI1020 (Intro to Statistics): 84 HD
This was slightly higher than my prediction of 82. I did fairly well in my in-semester assignments but found the exam to be a little bit harder than expected. That being said, I must've done better than expected on the exam. Overall, while I found this unit to be quite dry and boring, I am happy with the result and also happy I'm done with maths.

EAE1022 (Earth, Atmosphere and Environment 2): 87 HD
Since there is no exam for this unit, I already knew the score. I enjoyed this unit especially the Geology content. I found this unit to be extremely organized and Marion was a legend. Overall, I'm very happy with this unit and the mark I received for it.

HSC1300 (Human Health and Disease): 87 HD
This was also a bit higher than my prediction of 85. I really enjoyed this unit as it provided a good introduction to the different systems of the human body like the circulatory system, endocrine system, etc. I found this unit to be so much better than Biology. Overall, I'm very happy with this unit and also very happy with the mark I received.

Overall, I'm decently happy with my results especially given lockdown and online learning. I am currently doing a summer unit UMH1101 (Mental Health Essentials) which is going pretty well so far. I'm hoping to bump up my WAM to around 87 by the end of next year which will put me safely over the WAM needed for a Monash Med interview. Might do unit reviews sometime in the next week or two once I find the time to actually do one especially since I'm working almost everyday in the next 2 weeks  :'(
« Last Edit: December 06, 2021, 03:28:01 pm by ThunderDragon »
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Re: ThunderDragon's Journey to Med
« Reply #28 on: February 08, 2022, 09:32:19 pm »
A small update before O-Week and Uni starts again. Currently, I am doing a Summer Unit (UMH1101 - Mental Health Essentials) and have been traveling pretty well so far. I just have 1 more assignment due tomorrow and I will have finished all the assignments for this unit.

The units that I will be doing this semester are:
- PHY2011 (Sensory Neuroscience)
- DEV2011 (Early Human Development from Tissues to Organs)
- ASP1010 (Intro to Astronomy)

I am quite excited as I am finally able to start majoring (Physiology and Developmental Biology) and learn content that is more geared towards what I'm interested in/want to go. I am completing ASP1010 just because it seems interesting and gives me a bit of a break from the other Biomedical Sciences.

On non-uni-related news, I have been to an ADHD Specialist, and the doctor strongly believes that I have ADHD and has referred me to a psychiatrist for an official diagnosis and to get started on medications. It is a bit of a relief to think that these symptoms I'm experiencing aren't just me being lazy. Unfortunately, it won't be until May at the earliest when I can get started on medications so sitting the March GAMSAT will definitely be a struggle. That being said, I am hoping to use it as a way to see how the test is and hopefully use that to perform well on the September GAMSAT when I will hopefully be on medications. That is all for my update and hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their last few weeks of the holidays.
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Re: ThunderDragon's Journey to Med
« Reply #29 on: February 08, 2022, 11:00:44 pm »
Hello fellow ADHD candidate :)

The self-doubt, and feelings of inadequacy pre-diagnosis are awful, so I'm glad that you're on the path to treatment and feeling relieved.

It's great you're doing units that are more related to your interests now (can't entirely relate haha). Hope you enjoy the rest of the break and all the best for the coming semester and the GAMSAT.
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