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JMSS, Please help me TT_TT
« on: June 24, 2013, 07:21:38 pm »
Ummm well here's what happened,  I've just recently done the test for JMSS (year 9--->10)but i know i won't get in....
1) because about 30+ kids tried for the entrance exam from my school and the cap is 3% and i know more then half of them are smarter then me  :'(

2) I have a feeling that I didn't do so well on the entrance exam either....what i learned at tuition wasn't really on the test, which really screwed me in  :(

Now I'm thinking of trying again next year...starting early, i was also thinking of going to Edu Kingdom a tuition that has a course for JMSS not sure if it's a good tuition or not :/ it goes for 3 hrs a week with:


I also get the feeling that there will be quite a few people trying for the year 11 test as well...so please, please help me i really want to get into the school TT~TT

I was just hoping on some advice from anyone who could help me or recommend me a good tuition/books
I would really, really appreciate it TT 0 TT
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 07:24:54 pm by hana.flower »


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Re: JMSS, Please help me TT_TT
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2013, 07:59:52 pm »
Well, I never went to a selective school so I've got absolutely no advice for you. But I do think that you might really relate to a book called It's Kind of a Funny Story (one of my favourites :))

Good luck with the results and potential second test, and remember that you are not the school you go to :).
✌️just do what makes you happy ✌️


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Re: JMSS, Please help me TT_TT
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2013, 08:15:06 pm »
Well, I never went to a selective school so I've got absolutely no advice for you. But I do think that you might really relate to a book called It's Kind of a Funny Story (one of my favourites :))

Good luck with the results and potential second test, and remember that you are not the school you go to :).

Haha lol, thanks Bendren εϊз  :D


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Re: JMSS, Please help me TT_TT
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2013, 08:32:15 pm »
I second what Brenden said. I go to a pretty crap school and dux still managed 99.85/99.90 (something like that). Great minds will succeed regardless of where they go to :P Point being, if you work hard you will definitely do well irrespective of your school's reputation.


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Re: JMSS, Please help me TT_TT
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2013, 08:38:12 pm »
I second what Brenden said. I go to a pretty crap school and dux still managed 99.85/99.90 (something like that). Great minds will succeed regardless of where they go to :P Point being, if you work hard you will definitely do well irrespective of your school's reputation.
I know what you guys mean :) , but I'm interested to get into the school because I have an interest in science ^__^ but if i don't get in I'll continue to go to my school  ;D :D


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Re: JMSS, Please help me TT_TT
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2013, 12:07:24 am »
Hey Hana.Flower

Look don't worry too much about the result on the exam. Learn from this experience and apply it to your own learning and as others have already said before, it doesn't matter about the school in which you go to but the amount of effort in which you put in which counts.
Don't be too negative and have no faith in yourself for this exam.. Try and relax for a bit to calm your nerves down :)

And yes if things don't go the way you want to then there's next year for JMSS and even EBSS (a new science school at Uni High). The JMSS exam for Year 11 entry is slightly different to the Year 10 exam I feel (~116 applicants this year for 20 places [exact number because I counted every single of the one LOL]) in terms of exam format and so forth.

And if you want to talk more about JMSS stuff then I can definitely talk to you about it if it makes you feel better :)


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Re: JMSS, Please help me TT_TT
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2013, 06:28:03 pm »
Hey Hana,
Firstly i doubt , 30+ kids tried out from your school , and even if there where 30+ kids did they try out , this probably means that the 3% rule doesnt apply for your school . As long as you think you have done alright/slighty above alrigths or belove  then you should get in . One of my friends who tried out  went to glen waverly  last year who got accepted into melbourne high . Walked out of the examination room feeling that he had no chance , he thought he had stuffed the whole exam up even . Plus there are at least 40 kids who try out each year for glen waverly , and you know what, he was one of 6 kids who got in . Its natural to feel this way after any exam , remember a lot of kids are feeling just like you . I recently did the exam for john monash as well and created a forum yesterday for people who'd like to reflect on the exam how did all you year 9's find the john monash entrance exam if you'd like your free to comment and express how you felt you went on the exam . And plus if you dont get in try out next year . Remember Henry ford once said that "failure is simply the opportunity to begin again ,this time more intelligently" .


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Re: JMSS, Please help me TT_TT
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2013, 07:29:04 pm »
Nawww Don't worry about the 3% cap because I don't think they will apply it to the selection of interviews. Your peers may be smarter than you but it doesn't matter as the interviewer would probably be more inclined to look for passionate and active students. Secondly it's okay to feel a bit anxious (I'm going through it too) just remember that the tests are now over and you should relax and hope for the best.

I once went to Edu Kingdom, the staffs are friendly and diligent in nurturing you to the best of your abilities. If you do decide to go there then I'd highly recommend you to use your three hours resourcefully by bringing a notebook and ask as many questions as you can. There is also a free Wednesday help session that will surely be helpful for your maths.

For this year's test I used the Oxford science text book and honestly it didn't help with science reasoning. However I was lucky enough to skim through my year 8 science text book and read the passage on electricity ^_^ The science reasoning is a really unpredictable test. With the essays I guess you need to be prepared for anything. If you truly do love science then it'll be great if you go on youtube and watch TED talks. They are great in broadening your knowledge of today's science and other affairs.

Don't stress over the exam and GOODLUCK!!


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JMSS, Please help me TT_TT
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2013, 08:11:12 pm »
Don't worry about the test... It's a natural feeling after any examination. All that's left is to hope for the best and I'm sure if you're in through to the interviews you'll get there! The passion you show for science just through the forums is admirable :')

I'm on a similar train as you, I don't feel too confident after the exam as well, just believe ;)

Good luck to all that sat it :)


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Re: JMSS, Please help me TT_TT
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2013, 08:53:25 pm »
Thanks guys for helping me, i really appreciate it.  :) But today the results came out and my friends got the email and i didn't.... I'm just wondering, but do you get an email saying that you participated because i didn't get anything. TT^TT Same with a few other people. Also I'm going to enroll into Edu-kingdom soon ^__^ I'm going to try again next year, but if i don't get in then i'll work hard in my current school ^O^!! Thank you again for helping me  :) :) :)


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Re: JMSS, Please help me TT_TT
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2013, 10:13:14 pm »
Hi Hana,
when I tried out for JMSS (2010), I went to the weekly exam prep classes at James An College. While they were more directed at the Melb High/Macrob entrance exams, since JMSS was only on its first year then and there wasn't many resources for them especially, I did find that James An helped me with time management and developing exam skills. On top of that, I did some work at home. I read some books on general science topics, and also practiced analytical/expository essay writing essays at home with  science opinions/debates I found in the newspaper. And as math a weakness of mine, I worked through a yr 10 math book at home. I also attended the analytical writing workshop at Hendersons and a mock exam there too which helped greatly. I definitely recommend Hendersons, it's pricey but for me it was worth it. While this sounds like a lot of work (I was pretty desperate to get out of my old school lol) I'm pretty sure half the people at school didn't go through this much effort. It paid off for me though, cause I got to skip the interview process, but a lot of people I know got in with an interview having not done as well on the test- because they were able to demonstrate an interest in science-so don't panic just yet! Some people get last minute calls for interviews too! Now in the unfortunate case that you don't end up getting in though, take it as an experience. I did terrible on the Macrob entrance exam, didn't prep at all, so I took that major failure as a wake up call and turned those averages into superiors within a year. If you can take that disappointment and turn it into drive and motivation to prove yourself, there's nothing stopping you from dominating the competition next year! Best of luck!

And on the note about other schools, since coming to a selective one I've realised I probably could have gotten the same grades at my old school, and with more confidence throughout the year. Selective schools really kill your motivation and self-belief in Yr 12 -_-
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