Yes, it was marked consistanty across the cohort. I suspect it was more to do with achieving a bell curve to make it look like a better designed test than it actually was. I lost marks due to this change, whereas others gained marks which makes me think it was to do with achieving a bell curve result. I really just wanted to know how to challenge this as I am at a private school where all staff and principals cover each others back, no matter how out of line they are. I have raised my concerns with the assistant principal and she sent back a note supporting the changes (although she had previously said in a conversation that this was not acceptable). I also mentioned that I will be looking into my options and will come back to this after the holidays - trying to give myself enough time to find out how to approach this problem. I need to know whether this is permissible as it changes the way I would have approached certain questions. Thanks for taking the time to respond to my query.