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Author Topic: Slang, Jargon and Neologisms`  (Read 2006 times)  Share 

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  • Victorian
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Slang, Jargon and Neologisms`
« on: April 22, 2009, 12:26:37 pm »
Post any interesting slang, jargon or neologisms you've found. If you can, try to also post a definition, categorise them, or post additional information. You don't have to though. Here are some I've collected by I cbf giving too much info... if u want additional information on these lexemes you can just google them.


Phishing (n)
cyber-bullying (n)
facebook (n)
twitter (n)
to twitter (v)
dopeler effect (n)
nannyware (n)
Great Firewall of China (n)
netizen (n)
cyber-athlete (n)
internet hate machine (/b/ rule 1,2)

carbon neutral (n)
carbon trading (n)
carbon footprint (n)
grey water (n)
drought proof (n)
drought tolerant (n)
ecocide (n)
greenback emissions (n)
climbatologist (n)
sustainable development (n)

econocide (n)
credit crunch (n)
credit side (n)
stimulus package (n)
toxic debt (Macquarie Dictionary word of the Year 2008)
dead-cat bounce (n)
Madoff ('made off [with my money]') (v)
Brickor mortis (n)

Toxic bore (Tony Abbott describing Kevin Rudd) (n)
chickengate (n)
Islamaphobia (n)
Dog-whistle politics (n)
Truthiness (n)
Known knowns; known unknowns; unknown unknowns (n)
Axis of evil (n)


Melbourne Slang
toorak tractor (Large 4WD of the Toorak area) (n)
to 'Jeff' (to sack) (Jeff Kenett) (v)
Jeff's shed (Melbourne Exhibition Centre) (everyone backyard has a shed, it just happens that Jeff's is rather large) (n)
the G (n)
the Dome (n)
Dibby van (n)
Franga (Frankston) (n)
Chaddie (Chadstone) (n)
under the clocks (at Flinder's St. Station) (expression)
[from] Flinder's St. steps (derogatory insult) (expression)

Gaming Slang:
gg (good game) (n)
cheese (using a strategy which is considered annoying and which requires considerably less skill) (n)
frag (n)
apm (actions per minute) (n)
dps (damage per second) (n)
aoe (area of effect) (n)
teabag (n)
noob (n)
troll (n or v)
griefer (n)
to own (v)
imba (imbalanced) (n)
broken (more extreme version of imba) (n)
patch (n or v)
to nerf (v)
to buff (v)
to farm (v)
killsteal (n or v)
gank (v)
flame (v)
tank (unit that can take a lot of damage) (n)
spike (n)
d/c (disconnect)
dl (downloading)
spoofer (hacker who can alter their username illegally)
loot (n)
regen (n)


  • Victorian
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Re: Slang, Jargon and Neologisms`
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2009, 07:31:44 pm »
haha a lot of the gaming slang i recognise from dota. u BA?

o i have one:

gaming slang:
keyboard warrior/gangster
crit - critical strike
feed - to do really bad in a game giving the opponent a massive advantage
« Last Edit: April 29, 2009, 08:19:10 pm by pHysiX »
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