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Re: Just In Time? - Justin's HSC Journal
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2020, 08:33:56 pm »
This entry is half rant half narrative, so apologies if it's a bit of a mess

When I came into term 2, I thought it would be a fairly chill term considering online learning and the absence of half yearlies and trials.

Holy hell I was wrong.

I did a post back in week 1 about my week 3 deadlines, but I really hadn't anticipated the last two weeks, not to mention the absolute kerfuffle that the past two days have been.

So, a bit of background as to what my first 2 days of physical schooling have been. Monday, I had my final software major work due. This has been our project for about 5 months now, and I was quite happy with the end result - about 40 pages of documentation and a demo software product. That went really smoothly, our library was closed but my teacher was kind enough to let me use the TAS printers to print out my project.

However, I had my history extension assignment due Tuesday. I spent most of my time on this, as online learning gave me good opportunity to do lots of research. The assignment was a logbook check, which might sound easy but was actually pretty extensive. It had a long list of requirements, including a proposal, annotated sources, logbook entries, evidence of research and methodologies, self evaluations, teacher checkups, peer reviews, etc etc.

Monday night, I'd finished up pretty much everything, and pretty much just needed a few peer reviews of my work. As typical for high schoolers, a lot of people in our class were in the same situation, and so we did a sort of "peer review circle" over our messenger group chat where we all exchanged material to get reviewed.

Now, this should have been done and dusted, but when I was chatting with one of my classmates about their peer review, I realised that we also needed a draft paragraph. It was around 11 at that point, so I essentially had to choose between pulling an all nighter or doing it on the day, which would be risky since I may not have had time or have access to a printer at school. I chose to get started with a really garbage draft, sleep, then wake up early in the morning to polish since I had a free first. I managed to get the draft printed just before I left for school, which was Modern. I saw a bunch of my classmates working on their proposals and drafts throughout my classes, so make of that what you will.

I have history extension as an afternoon class, so I had a free right beforehand where I met up with my friend to do a final peer review. Because of the way our lines work, a lot of peopled ended up in the library to print that period, and we all had the pleasure of watching one of classmates whip out a draft in 20 minutes - like what the hell? I had a look, and it was actually a pretty quality draft so I guess some people just work better under pressure. Nevertheless, this has been a definite human experience.

Obviously, having finished 2 assessment events, I wouldn't be a very good student if I didn't take time to reflect on my mistakes and process. Obviously, I'm not saying this is a good way to go about your major work - please take this as a lesson on what not to do and read the assessment notification carefully. I could have avoided a lot of grief if I had known about the draft in advance. I also should have definitely started my work earlier, and known earlier that there was going to be such a major clash between my two subjects. I've given absolute priority to my major works for the last 2 weeks, which has been massively detrimental to my schoolwork but definitely increased the quality of my works. In the end, it's all a balancing act and I'm relying on my ability to be able to make up content.

However, I still think I did pretty well. In fact, I'm quite proud of what I accomplished. 40 pages of software documentation and prototype + a (in my opinion) fairly decent history project is nothing to be regretful over. There's no way I could have done this in year 11, which means my historical and technical skills have definitely improved.

All the chaos aside, that was the most action packed return to school I could have imagined. My next assessment is in Week 6, and my history project is also due Week 10 with a bunch other other assessments sandwiched between, so things are tight. On another note, I'm incredible impressed by the sophistication of a lot of my classmate's works. The drafts I've read are all super interesting, and written really well (eg. I read a draft on an ancient history topic which I had no background in and yet still understood completely because of how succinct and well worded it was!)

In terms of my next steps, I'm going to have a good rest and from tomorrow, start tackling the massive pile up of work I've left myself. I have an English imaginative due this friday, as well as a ton of math work to catch up on. Sorry for the massive blocks of texts, and hopefully this is coherent (because I'm certainly not rn). I just wanted to get it all out while still fresh.

As always, stay safe and if you're a NSW student, enjoy the return to school! I know I've really enjoyed seeing my friends again after the break :)
« Last Edit: May 12, 2020, 08:41:04 pm by Justin_L »
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Re: Just In Time? - Justin's HSC Journal
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2020, 09:48:04 pm »
Well, your start to the term definitely sounds pretty hectic! It's good to hear that you've been managing your workload, despite time constraints and other difficulties. Good luck with all your upcoming assessments!
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Re: Just In Time? - Justin's HSC Journal
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2020, 09:09:40 pm »
Well, your start to the term definitely sounds pretty hectic! It's good to hear that you've been managing your workload, despite time constraints and other difficulties. Good luck with all your upcoming assessments!

haha, I think managing is an optimistic way of putting it, but I'm definitely making progress. I haven't gotten any formal assessment notifications yet, which I'm glad for. My school seems to be a big fan of long, drawn out assignments with multiple parts, although Covid might be an influence there.

Thanks for the support! I really appreciate it!
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Re: Just In Time? - Justin's HSC Journal
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2020, 08:02:25 pm »
Hey y'all! Just wanted to give a quick update as a precursor to probably another big post tomorrow/later.

I'm listening to my old playlists I've built up over the past few years, and I'm being hit by massive waves of nostalgia. I'm not a particularly musical person, but I am a member of my schools crew, which means I've attended pretty much every single disco, talent show, or otherwise vaguely musical event. I've built up my music library painstakingly over the years, and so every single song is a throwback for me because I can remember the exact year and event where I first heard it.

Now that I'm almost halfway through Term 2 and received my HSC timetable, it's only now that I'm really grasping how final this all is. With all events cancelled, I'm probably never going to crew another disco. I'm not going to come to school on Saturdays to build props. To stay back after school and go on Maccas runs with the rest of the crew, then come back run sound for Night of Stars. To stay back til midnight bumping out lights and then heading to afters. I might keeping doing this sort of thing after, but it won't be this crew, or this school.

I don't know, I'm probably being irrational. But I've done these events every single year, without fail no matter what. I remember last year when I had an English assignment due during our musical week, and I ended up arriving home at 11, pulling an all nighter to get it done (My first!), handing it in the next day, and going back to calling cues that night with the help of some coffee.

Part of me wants to stay in high school forever, but the other part wants to just get this over and done with, to head off to Uni and start anew. Everything just feels wrong, because Term 2 shouldn't feel like the endgame but it somehow does. All of my hand ins and major works will be done by the end of this term, after which it'll be trials. I know that I'm romanticizing the past, and that's fine. When I look back, I'd like to look back without regret. I suppose that one of the key defining things of this year will be my atar, which will either make or break my year. Weird how my entire experience will be defined by one number. If I get a "good" number, it'll all have been "worth it", and I'll look back with satisfaction. If it's a "bad" number, I'll have looked back with regret, that I could have done more, spent less time procrastinating or on hobbies, etc etc. I know atar isn't the only option forward but it sure makes life a hell of a lot simpler if I just get my desired atar.

Although now that I mention it, I'm not sure whether I want to look back on the truth or on a romanticized version of the truth. I mean, we all know memories are unreliable. With no other evidence, how do I know that what I remember is an accurate depiction of the past? A journal like this only captures my thoughts at any given point in time, but can words truly convey all the work that has led to that moment? I'm probably going into 1984 territory here, but now that I think of it, how can you be sure that something really happened if not for your own memories? I'm sorry about going way off topic here but I'm going to check out the History Extension Discussion Thread or I don't know, there are so many things that need answering that I don't know and probably won't know the answer to.

I'm really sorry, this was suppose to be a quick update and not a brain dump but I'll hopefully be back later to edit this into something that makes sense.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2020, 08:06:30 pm by Justin_L »
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Re: Just In Time? - Justin's HSC Journal
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2020, 08:19:13 pm »
I completely feel you rn. I am so nostalgic about everything. Sometimes I never want high school to end (but in year 10 not senior years lol), and other times I can't wait to graduate and just go to uni and start my 'adult' life. High school has definitely been an experience for me of all sorts, but I don't want it prevent myself from being excited for the future! Whenever I talk about this to my older sister, she usually just rolls her eyes at me and scoffs something along the lines of "High school doesn't even matter.". I don't doubt her - there will definitely be so many more experiences to come, but right now you're in your last year of high school, so it's completely valid to reflect on your past experiences - make the most of what we have left!
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Re: Just In Time? - Justin's HSC Journal
« Reply #20 on: May 22, 2020, 09:12:11 pm »
T2 Week 4 Update

Hello, welcome back to my second "official" update where I'm going to go over my progress and make plans for the next few weeks. I've gotten most of my half yearly results back, so I'm going review and plan for my upcoming assessments

Maths Ext 1
Half Yearly: ~40%

Not great, I've just finished catching up on my in class notes and I'm going to try and find time to do some of the practice chapters our teacher set us. I have another exam for this in class in Week 8, and so I really need to up my game for that. The content is interesting, so I've got that going for me but since it's extension, I always get thrown a curveball right when I think I've understood something. I've got a great teacher and a solid set of notes through, so I'm quite motivated for this.

Maths Advanced
Half Yearly: 50%

Advanced is pretty much everything bad about extension and more. My advanced teacher tries to help, but he's just not particular good at teaching (In my opinion) and with online learning, I've fallen way behind. My notes are a mess, partly because we've been jumping from topic to topic and partly because I haven't been spending as much time as I should have. Again, I have an exam Week 8 the day after extension, so I need to up my game but it's difficult without motivation. Unlike extension, the content feels boring and repetitive, and there's a lot more of it since it's a 2 unit subject. I suppose there's nothing I can do but just keep chipping away at practice exercises and bringing my notes up to speed if I have time.

Mod A Hand In: 80%

I'm finished with Mod A, and I was surprised to find that I actually quite enjoyed my texts, W;t and Donne. I was annoyed that I was one mark off from a higher band though, and I still don't particularly enjoy English as a subject and feel like I'm often disagreeing with my teachers in terms of interpretation. I've heard rumors that the average for this task as actually 17-18 which have made be a bit uneasy but I suppose there's nothing I can do about it now.

We've just started our Mod B, King Henry IV and I find our in class analysis really boring. Again, I don't really vibe with my teacher's teaching style so I guess I just have to deal with it and do the bulk of the analysis at home.

Software Design and Development
Half Yearly: 94%
Major Work: 98%

I've gotten pretty decent scores for software, which I'm happy about but there's still a lot of uncertainty in terms of scaling and moderation. We're a pretty small class, and our teacher told us that the we've all done incredible well. I've asked around and from what I can tell, we're probably all a few marks away from each other, meaning things are incredibly tight in terms of rank. On the other hand, my classmates are pretty phenomenal and I'm not surprised that we're all getting close to the top mark. For our major projects, one of classmates used the school's VR gear to make a game, while one of my friends 3D printed a test dice roller and write a machine learning script to analyse and predict dice rolls. Like what ? ? ? how do y'all know this stuff in high school ? ? ?

But anyways, our teacher predicts we'll finish all the HSC content this term and we'll have all of next term for revision, so it's all chill.

Modern History
Half Yearly: 88%

hahaha, the marker (not my teacher) wrote me a lot of angry comments for not using double spacing and not including a word count, but my teacher said that I did quite well considering the task was changed very last minute. Personally, I'm not very happy with my mark, I was secretly hoping for a 90%+ but I suppose this is something I'll have to work on.

Our new topic is Apartheid is South Africa, and while it's arguably "easier" due to the super linear timeline and minimal foreign policy impacts, it just doesn't feel as interesting looking at "nonviolent" protest after studying Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany. (With nonviolent in quotations because imo, necklacing and sabotage are pretty violent)

We also got a new assignment notification, which is a 50 minute in class exam on what we've covered of apartheid in 2 weeks time. The content hasn't been coming along as intuitively for me, so I'll need to spend a fair but of time preparing and revising.

History Extension
Assessment Event 1: 93%

This turned out much better than what I was expecting, I lost one mark for some large gaps in my logbook journal, and one mark for not linking my annotated sources to my central argument (because I don't have one yet lmao). From the peer and teacher feedback that I've received, my proposal is solid, I just have no idea how to actually go about writing the thing which is a problem considering I have 5 weeks until it's due, at lease 3 of which will be spent on my other assignments. TBH, I'm more afraid of disappointing my teacher than of failing this subject so that's going to be quite motivating I expect.

Lately, I noticed that my binders were getting a bit full (I have one for maths and one for HSIE), and so I popped down to officeworks today and got 2 new ones. I have no idea how I'm going to carry them to school, but that's a problem for future me. I think I might just start carrying a "working" binder and leaving the majority of my notes at home.

Overall, just so much to do and so little time to do it. Such is life.

EDIT: Removed detailed marks and converted to percentages, removed weightings
« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 08:57:52 pm by Justin_L »
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Re: Just In Time? - Justin's HSC Journal
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2020, 09:14:53 pm »
T2 Week 5 Sprint

Just something a little different for my own reference - I'm super behind so I'm going to setup a sprint and check back at the end of the week to keep myself accountable. It'll also be an interesting experiment to see if posting publicly increases my success rate at doing things.

- Math Adv: Area between X and Y curves
- Mod His: Review all of Apartheid and get min. 1 practice q done for exam prep
- HISEX: Polish up logbook, Get a rough draft out

I'll check back Friday, either in an edit or in a separate post depending on how things go.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2020, 09:16:30 pm by Justin_L »
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Re: Just In Time? - Justin's HSC Journal
« Reply #22 on: May 31, 2020, 10:15:20 pm »
Hey y'all,

It's been a pretty bad week tbh. I have multiple assessments to prep for, but I just spent most of my time in bed looking at tik tok and youtube. I have no idea why I've suddenly just lost all motivation.

On an unrelated note, I used to really like rain but now it just feels kind of cold and depressing. Whatever the case, it really doesn't help with productivity. I also learnt that sprints don't work for me, I didn't accomplish any of my goals. Guess I'll just stick with my usual system.

School is returning to a normal routine, we've been able to reclaim our old space in the quad after some juniors tried to take over, and there have been just a few timetabling changes which work out in my favour (I have a extended Monday (8AM-4:30PM), but a shortened Tuesday (10AM-1:30PM) now!)

I'm really worried about my schoolwork though. I've just caught up on Maths Extension, but I'm at least 3 weeks behind in advanced (I never did catch up from online learning) and I haven't done a single practice response for Modern. Worst, I have no idea how to write my History Extension essay. I have a solid proposal, case studies, sources, but I just can't seem to put words on a page. Everything I write feels like I'm just rewording/summarising my historians.

It's been much better today though. I resolved to delete tik tok and caught up on a lot of my overdue homework. Libraries reopen tomorrow, and I'm planning to make full use of them - I am so done with learning from home. I also watched a few lectures by Richard Buckland about communication and security engineering today. He's an absolutely amazing professor with a lot of good insights into education and cybersecurity, and I'd highly recommend his content if you're interested in any of those fields.

That's all for now! To anyone reading this, I hope you have a amazing day/night. Until next time.
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Re: Just In Time? - Justin's HSC Journal
« Reply #23 on: June 01, 2020, 10:15:45 am »
Hi Justin,

It's been a pretty bad week tbh. I have multiple assessments to prep for, but I just spent most of my time in bed looking at Tik Tok and youtube. I have no idea why I've suddenly just lost all motivation.

Procrastination is the enemy of all of us. Especially me - I really tried this year to be as "motivated" and "studious" as the StudyTubers that I watch, but sometimes (and now, pretty much all the time) I lack the motivation to do anything. However, maybe we can help each other with motivation and stuff if you're interested? I've seen a lot of students use this method to make their online learning experience a little bit better, so we can definitely try that if you would like.

I'm really worried about my schoolwork though. I've just caught up on Maths Extension, but I'm at least 3 weeks behind in advanced (I never did catch up from online learning) and I haven't done a single practice response for Modern. Worst, I have no idea how to write my History Extension essay. I have a solid proposal, case studies, sources, but I just can't seem to put words on a page. Everything I write feels like I'm just rewording/summarising my historians.

I can definitely help you with your schoolwork as well! While I'm not an HSC student (I'm a QCE student), I do subjects similar to yours so I can definitely help you if you need. I do English, General Maths, Literature, Biology and Modern History, so if you would like to ask any questions based on those subjects (or their equivalents), please don't hesitate to as I would be more than happy to help!

I also offer free tuition services for my Humanities based subjects (English, Literature and Modern History) where I can proofread, edit and annotate your assignments or practice essays for you. Please contact me if you're interested :)

For your other subjects, however, I would suggest using the ATAR Notes forums to your advantage as there are many experts in each individual subject and they can also help you to catch up with your workload as well! There are also many online learning platforms you could use to learn as well (For HSC students, I recommend the "Art of Smart" website).

It's been much better today though. I resolved to delete tik tok and caught up on a lot of my overdue homework. Libraries reopen tomorrow, and I'm planning to make full use of them - I am so done with learning from home. I also watched a few lectures by Richard Buckland about communication and security engineering today. He's an absolutely amazing professor with a lot of good insights into education and cybersecurity, and I'd highly recommend his content if you're interested in any of those fields.

That's great that you're feeling better! I believe that the first steps of regaining motivation are to prioritise yourself and maintain a balance between you and your study. To prioritise yourself, you need to experiment and find study methods, self-care activities and a "structure" of your day that works for you. While it may be tempting to "copy and paste" from various "studious" and smart people, their way of learning may not work for you, which is where my downfall was for my studies.

The second step is to maintain a balance between you and your study. It may be challenging at first, especially as there is much more of a focus on study rather than health, but it's essential to academic success. Personally, I recommend using the Pomodoro method -- usually, people would work in a 50-minute block and then take a ten-minute break but you can adjust this if you would like to suit your individual needs.

For example, when I was in Year 10, I procrastinated 24/7, so I used the Pomodoro method of 25 minutes productivity block and a five-minute break as I was easily distracted back then. I recommend experimenting with the productivity blocks to see what works for you and what suits your individual needs. I would also recommend writing a more structured to-do list. Rather than writing a long list of the stuff that you "should", "would" or "could" get done, write a list that focuses on your productivity.

For example, in the first column, write what you need to get done (your task). In the next column, write what time you started completing the task. In the column after that, write what time you finished that specific task. And finally, in the final column, tick if you actually completed the task. I personally find this a great way to structure my homework, study and revision whilst maintaining responsibility and accountability for my own learning.
You could also use the ATAR Notes "Motivation and Accountability" forums for inspiration if you would like.

Hopefully, this helps :)

Have a great week and kind regards,

Darcy Dillon.

QUT 2021 - Bachelor of Education (Primary).


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Re: Just In Time? - Justin's HSC Journal
« Reply #24 on: June 01, 2020, 06:49:46 pm »
Hey y'all,

It's been a pretty bad week tbh. I have multiple assessments to prep for, but I just spent most of my time in bed looking at tik tok and youtube. I have no idea why I've suddenly just lost all motivation.

Me. Too. But honestly, I feel like most students are going through a mental slump at the moment. It'll pass - there will always be times when you don't feel like doing anything; I encourage you to take those times as chances for self care, rather than stress about the work you haven't accomplished.

I'm really worried about my schoolwork though. I've just caught up on Maths Extension, but I'm at least 3 weeks behind in advanced (I never did catch up from online learning) and I haven't done a single practice response for Modern. Worst, I have no idea how to write my History Extension essay. I have a solid proposal, case studies, sources, but I just can't seem to put words on a page. Everything I write feels like I'm just rewording/summarising my historians.

Since you have a backlog of work, I suggest not focusing TOO much time on it - yes, you should make sure you know the content, but maybe give yourself a deadline to finish the most important work, and then leave any unfinished work by that date. I know it sounds scary, but sometimes not doing every piece of work is more beneficial - you don't want to be left further behind by trying to finish all the work from before. I have a list of ALL the work I have not done (you know, those times when you have a casual teacher and you get textbooks for the whole lesson), and that list is pretty substantial - not excessive, but not small either. I realised I was wasting my time by trying to tick off everything on that list, since I was just taking the attention off of what was currently going on in class.

I'm having the exact same problem with my History Project! I feel like I'm not even writing an essay - it just sounds like I'm summarising my research. Though I'm not behind on schoolwork, I would like to be further ahead for trials preparation, so I'm planning to spend more breaks in the library studying, and utilising all my free time to make sure I'm not cramming for trials.

It's been much better today though. I resolved to delete tik tok and caught up on a lot of my overdue homework. Libraries reopen tomorrow, and I'm planning to make full use of them - I am so done with learning from home. I also watched a few lectures by Richard Buckland about communication and security engineering today. He's an absolutely amazing professor with a lot of good insights into education and cybersecurity, and I'd highly recommend his content if you're interested in any of those fields.

YES!!! PROGRESS!!! TikTok is so addictive lmao - I set up a 60minute time limit on it. It's really good that you're researching university courses!! I feel like often as HSC students we forget what is beyond the HSC exams - I know many people at school neglect to find out what they want to do after they graduate.

Good luck!!! I have full faith in you.
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Re: Just In Time? - Justin's HSC Journal
« Reply #25 on: June 09, 2020, 10:51:52 pm »
EDIT: Reworded my last comment to be closer to what I intended to say

Oh damn, that formatting came out much worse than I was expecting. I'll try and separate stuff using more colour, bold, and line breaks.

So, I have a couple of things I need to prepare for this holiday. I'm going to list them out in priority order so I can reference this later on.

Priority 1 (Assessments)
1. Software Major Work (Weighted)
2. History Extension Major Work (Weighted)
3. Maths Extension Half Yearly (Unweighted due to corona)

Priority 2 (Homework)
1. Read King Henry IV (Module B)
2. Polish up general notes for all subjects
3. Misc.

Anyways, this is just a general list to get my thoughts together, I'm obviously going to break this down into subtasks and all that tomorrow. I dread the thought of touching any of my major works so much because it just seems so massive, but it also makes the most sense since those are guaranteed to still be weighted. Luckly, they're both internally assessed so they haven't been impacted by the NESA's new rulings.

P.S. If anyone has any tips on understanding Shakespeare or on KHIV, hit me up because I find reading Shakespeare harder than reading actual academic publications.

lmao hope im not too late to the bandwagon, haven't read angelina's comments yet but no fear shakespeare? i think watching the play is so good if you can find one on yutube or sum! they do be fire n its like watching a movie, use the book in front of u and it do just be like reading subtitles heheh, i find audio books to be good as well but mostly i just go with the gist like context wise? i feel like a general understanding is all you need for shakespeare until you're looking for quotes for essays, das when you gotta break it downnn, can't say im shakespeare #1 comprehended but its been working ok, hope this helps
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Re: Just In Time? - Justin's HSC Journal
« Reply #26 on: June 09, 2020, 10:57:21 pm »
oh dang man, lmaooo, i just realised your first post was in april! you fire bro, also, I took inspo from alice's format which was infact ur format  ;D damn things got real meta real fast, jus want to say thanks! everything is so noice n pretty, i love it n hope you don't mind me also taking inspo from it n yeahhh, looking forward to reading more updates hehe
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Re: Just In Time? - Justin's HSC Journal
« Reply #27 on: June 15, 2020, 08:58:24 pm »

Thanks Darcy! Lot's of good practical tips and advice in there, I might message you for a few questions later down the track if that's alright.

I have a list of ALL the work I have not done (you know, those times when you have a casual teacher and you get textbooks for the whole lesson), and that list is pretty substantial - not excessive, but not small either. I realised I was wasting my time by trying to tick off everything on that list, since I was just taking the attention off of what was currently going on in class.

That's a really good point, there's so much that I "should" do and not enough time to do all of it. In terms of homework, our teachers are giving us sane amounts but it's can be difficult when you're studying for exams and you have to just go through a massive chunk of content at once. That's definitely a good tactic though, although a bit of a slippery slope for me since I've done this in the past and it's come back to bite me when we start building on previous content, especially in subjects like math.

I'm having the exact same problem with my History Project! I feel like I'm not even writing an essay - it just sounds like I'm summarising my research. Though I'm not behind on schoolwork, I would like to be further ahead for trials preparation, so I'm planning to spend more breaks in the library studying, and utilising all my free time to make sure I'm not cramming for trials.


oh dang man, lmaooo, i just realised your first post was in april! you fire bro, also, I took inspo from alice's format which was infact ur format  ;D damn things got real meta real fast, jus want to say thanks! everything is so noice n pretty, i love it n hope you don't mind me also taking inspo from it n yeahhh, looking forward to reading more updates hehe

haha, thanks fluffysama, sorry for all the meta I suppose studying metaphysical poetry for english got into me.

Thanks everyone, I really appreciate all the support! I have a math test tomorrow and I've sort of accepted that I'm sort of screwed but that seems to be a bit of a recurring theme for me and math. I've got so much stuff I want to write about but I'm going to be responsible, do some last minute math revision, and write about it tomorrow.

One tangent I will go off on is that today, our cohort gathered at lunch to watch one of our classmates eat a whole chocolate mudcake and chug a 2L bottle of milk. I'm not sure if they were trying to replicate the chocolate cake scene from Matilda, but sometimes, moments like these make me question... everything.

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Re: Just In Time? - Justin's HSC Journal
« Reply #28 on: June 20, 2020, 10:38:20 pm »
Hey y'all! Just wanted to give a quick update as a precursor to probably another big post tomorrow/later.

I'm listening to my old playlists I've built up over the past few years, and I'm being hit by massive waves of nostalgia. I'm not a particularly musical person, but I am a member of my schools crew, which means I've attended pretty much every single disco, talent show, or otherwise vaguely musical event. I've built up my music library painstakingly over the years, and so every single song is a throwback for me because I can remember the exact year and event where I first heard it.

Now that I'm almost halfway through Term 2 and received my HSC timetable, it's only now that I'm really grasping how final this all is. With all events cancelled, I'm probably never going to crew another disco. I'm not going to come to school on Saturdays to build props. To stay back after school and go on Maccas runs with the rest of the crew, then come back run sound for Night of Stars. To stay back til midnight bumping out lights and then heading to afters. I might keeping doing this sort of thing after, but it won't be this crew, or this school.

I don't know, I'm probably being irrational. But I've done these events every single year, without fail no matter what. I remember last year when I had an English assignment due during our musical week, and I ended up arriving home at 11, pulling an all nighter to get it done (My first!), handing it in the next day, and going back to calling cues that night with the help of some coffee.

Part of me wants to stay in high school forever, but the other part wants to just get this over and done with, to head off to Uni and start anew. Everything just feels wrong, because Term 2 shouldn't feel like the endgame but it somehow does. All of my hand ins and major works will be done by the end of this term, after which it'll be trials. I know that I'm romanticizing the past, and that's fine. When I look back, I'd like to look back without regret. I suppose that one of the key defining things of this year will be my atar, which will either make or break my year. Weird how my entire experience will be defined by one number. If I get a "good" number, it'll all have been "worth it", and I'll look back with satisfaction. If it's a "bad" number, I'll have looked back with regret, that I could have done more, spent less time procrastinating or on hobbies, etc etc. I know atar isn't the only option forward but it sure makes life a hell of a lot simpler if I just get my desired atar.

Although now that I mention it, I'm not sure whether I want to look back on the truth or on a romanticized version of the truth. I mean, we all know memories are unreliable. With no other evidence, how do I know that what I remember is an accurate depiction of the past? A journal like this only captures my thoughts at any given point in time, but can words truly convey all the work that has led to that moment? I'm probably going into 1984 territory here, but now that I think of it, how can you be sure that something really happened if not for your own memories? I'm sorry about going way off topic here but I'm going to check out the History Extension Discussion Thread or I don't know, there are so many things that need answering that I don't know and probably won't know the answer to.

I'm really sorry, this was suppose to be a quick update and not a brain dump but I'll hopefully be back later to edit this into something that makes sense.

you got meta, this was fire, totally feel it, omg heheh, I keep saying meta on my comments but its true! I guess your meta poetry REALLY did get you, this is so weird, english is so coOl oop
:( about it all, it defo feels so weird to have everything cancelled and like knowing that things won't be the same for some time is a boo boo, I'm in school orchestra so I would probably been one of the people really benefiting from all your efforts as a crew member! thankyou !
but also again, sad sad, I do art and music and every year our school has an exhibition, so all muso kids preform and there's a sort of art gallery set up, it would've been so cool but so far, it seems to be cancelled ugh but also, I'm hopeful that we get to squeeze an event in somewhere on the calender soon! stay hopeful!?

ps: love brain dumps
Class of 2020: Advanced English, Japanese Beginners, Economics, Music 1, Visual Arts


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Re: Just In Time? - Justin's HSC Journal
« Reply #29 on: June 20, 2020, 10:40:05 pm »
Thanks Darcy! Lot's of good practical tips and advice in there, I might message you for a few questions later down the track if that's alright.

That's a really good point, there's so much that I "should" do and not enough time to do all of it. In terms of homework, our teachers are giving us sane amounts but it's can be difficult when you're studying for exams and you have to just go through a massive chunk of content at once. That's definitely a good tactic though, although a bit of a slippery slope for me since I've done this in the past and it's come back to bite me when we start building on previous content, especially in subjects like math.


haha, thanks fluffysama, sorry for all the meta I suppose studying metaphysical poetry for english got into me.

Thanks everyone, I really appreciate all the support! I have a math test tomorrow and I've sort of accepted that I'm sort of screwed but that seems to be a bit of a recurring theme for me and math. I've got so much stuff I want to write about but I'm going to be responsible, do some last minute math revision, and write about it tomorrow.

One tangent I will go off on is that today, our cohort gathered at lunch to watch one of our classmates eat a whole chocolate mudcake and chug a 2L bottle of milk. I'm not sure if they were trying to replicate the chocolate cake scene from Matilda, but sometimes, moments like these make me question... everything.

justin bro, doode, man, bruv,
I love that spoiler,
the boys at my school did something similar but not as cool,
they smashed an apple with their head, 1v1 typa thing, was a highlight, defining moment in our school history
Class of 2020: Advanced English, Japanese Beginners, Economics, Music 1, Visual Arts