« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2016, 06:45:13 pm »
Hey guys,
Again u can move this topic to wherever u want to. Cause I don't know where to move it.
What do u guys think of this plan? Just need some advice.
Year 10 - extended investigation 3/4, 20th century history 1/2, bio 1/2, year 10 enrich English, year 10 accel maths, year 10 science
Year 11 - bio 3/4, chem 1/2, methods 1/2, further 1/2(or psych1/2, economics 1/2 or bus man 1/2), English 1/2
Year 12 - further 3/4, methods 3/4, English 3/4, chem3/4
I'm in year 10 in 2017, so still open up to suggestions and advice. But definitely doing extended investigation. If anyone had any advice or can pm me any notes or anything EI related that would be great.
Enjoy your holidays guys!!!!!!
If that's the stuff you're interested in studying, then go for it. CAn see no problems there
2013-15: BBiomed (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), UniMelb
2016-20: MD, UniMelb
2019-20: MPH, UniMelb
2021-: GDipBiostat, USyd