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Author Topic: Doing our little bit for our one and only planet.  (Read 6048 times)  Share 

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Doing our little bit for our one and only planet.
« on: December 01, 2019, 12:27:57 am »
So this climate change stuff has really gained traction in the last year or so, especially amongst young people. It is clear to us now that the issue up for debate here is not if climate change is real or not, but how much our leaders are doing, how much we citizens are doing, and if it is enough to meet the targets we agreed upon. It is extremely likely that there are more individuals on AN that care even more deeply about the state of our planet's climate than I do, so please enlighten me on any important information with regards to this. Feel free to come up with your own questions as well.

A few questions I have for you out there:

- Are our leaders currently doing enough to address climate change? (Bonus: Which of the two major political parties will take the most effective, long-term action on climate change and why?)
- Do you believe we will meet our Paris Agreement targets?
- Are we as citizens doing enough? What more can we do?
- Will people of authority ever listen to these children taking days off school to protest?
- Is it too late?

p.s. Greta is a queen.
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Re: Doing our little bit for our one and only planet.
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2019, 04:12:06 am »
So this climate change stuff has really gained traction in the last year or so, especially amongst young people. It is clear to us now that the issue up for debate here is not if climate change is real or not, but how much our leaders are doing, how much we citizens are doing, and if it is enough to meet the targets we agreed upon. It is extremely likely that there are more individuals on AN that care even more deeply about the state of our planet's climate than I do, so please enlighten me on any important information with regards to this. Feel free to come up with your own questions as well.

A few questions I have for you out there:

- Are our leaders currently doing enough to address climate change? (Bonus: Which of the two major political parties will take the most effective, long-term action on climate change and why?)
- Do you believe we will meet our Paris Agreement targets?
- Are we as citizens doing enough? What more can we do?
- Will people of authority ever listen to these children taking days off school to protest?
- Is it too late?

p.s. Greta is a queen.
Well I've said this before to many people in real life who doubt climate change and I quote myself:
"It was been proven through many experiments that carbon traps heat, fossil fuels release carbon. Now tell me how is climate change at least not being accelerated by humans."

Personally I am very environmentally friendly and I believe everyone should strive to be.

Also the Paris agreements and what not are kind of useless I hate to say. Decreasing our emissions by such a small amount every year is negligible because technically even if we reduced emissions to zero across the world, this trend of warming will continue(I'm just stating this from sources).

As a firm believer in science I trust a Scientist from NASA over someones quick google search any day... Considering people are still arguing that the Earth is flat lol...


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Re: Doing our little bit for our one and only planet.
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2019, 09:58:34 pm »
Stumbled across this thread and thought I'd chuck in my two cents. Better late than never right? I think that I am constantly astounded and frustrated by the lack of action that our world leaders are taking to address climate change. It feels like no one is doing enough. When I am old enough to vote, the only party I can imagine voting for would be the Greens, because they are the only ones doing anything. Labour is definitely doing a marginally better job than the liberal party, but it is insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

I think that I often feel guilty that I'm not doing enough or doing my bit. I carry a metal straw and my own bag. I try not to accept single-use plastic. I recycle and compost (as well as doing soft plastic recycling). I recently bought a bamboo toothbrush, beeswax wraps and reusable bags for produce that are made of net. But, I'm still far from perfect and it feels like I'm constantly generating waste.

I guess it feels like doing something is better than doing nothing, but that my something isn't enough, so why bother? Climate change is such a disheartening issue because the consequences already are and will continue to be astronomical.