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Author Topic: HELP!! How Am I Meant To Write 5-8 Pages in 40 Minutes?!  (Read 8611 times)

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HELP!! How Am I Meant To Write 5-8 Pages in 40 Minutes?!
« on: August 31, 2020, 03:24:21 pm »
Just received my advanced English trial exams back and they were really bad... :-\ not the end of the world but I really want to push it up for the HSC.
Most of the feedback was based around the length of my responses, saying I should at least double my answers. I have only been able to write 1-2 pages in 40 minutes and, while I do have notoriously small writing, this is nowhere near enough for advanced English or my other essay subjects. I know most of the ideas and content and my assessment marks range from great to decent but I cannot write enough under exam conditions. Haven't received my ancient history or history extension exams back yet, but I assume there will be a similar trend.
Does anyone have any tips to increase the amount I can write in the next 2 months?? I have no idea how people write 5-8 pages per essay in 40 minutes. I'd appreciate any advice.


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Re: HELP!! How Am I Meant To Write 5-8 Pages in 40 Minutes?!
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2020, 04:04:46 pm »
Hey, welcome to ATAR Notes! Great to have you on the forums. :)

You sort of touched on it in your post, but to clarify, is the issue mostly not having enough content/ideas to write about under timed conditions (even though you have a good idea of the content in general), or not physically being able to write quickly enough to increase your responses under timed conditions?

Hope that question makes sense! :)
« Last Edit: August 31, 2020, 04:07:09 pm by Joseph41 »

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Re: HELP!! How Am I Meant To Write 5-8 Pages in 40 Minutes?!
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2020, 12:46:15 pm »
So if the issue is not physically being able to write faster, what would the advice be?


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Re: HELP!! How Am I Meant To Write 5-8 Pages in 40 Minutes?!
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2020, 02:34:55 pm »
I hear you on this one... being able to write the required amount is definitely my weak point too  :'(

Have you tried the weighted pen trick? Basically, the idea is that if you practice writing using weighted pens (everyone at my school used batteries taped onto the ends of our pens), then during the real test when you're writing without the weight you'll be able to write faster since you've built up the muscle. Whether this actually works is up for interpretation tho loool

If you're having trouble with what content you should be putting into your essays, I'd definitely recommend checking out the online seminar and Q&A session on 23 Sept by Dr. Jenny Wells! She's super good for HSC English and a really experienced teacher. I went to one of her Q&A sessions previously and it was an actual lifesaver. You can check it out here! eventbrite.com.au/e/117820368895


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Re: HELP!! How Am I Meant To Write 5-8 Pages in 40 Minutes?!
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2020, 06:38:17 pm »
You sort of touched on it in your post, but to clarify, is the issue mostly not having enough content/ideas to write about under timed conditions (even though you have a good idea of the content in general), or not physically being able to write quickly enough to increase your responses under timed conditions?
My issue is physically not being able to write enough... I've started trying methods such as the weighted pen trick and just practising under timed conditions. Any other last-minute tips?


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Re: HELP!! How Am I Meant To Write 5-8 Pages in 40 Minutes?!
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2021, 05:02:32 pm »
Hi, I have two recommendations
1. Don't worry about how neat your handwriting is, just get it on the page  ( Though, try and make it legible enough to read) 
After the exam, the neatness of your handwriting will not be your biggest concern, all you'll worry about is your mark, so just make sure that whatever you've got to say, say it. However bear in mind that if markers cannot read your handwriting you'll risk losing marks, but if it's legible enough to read you should be ok.

2. Strengthen your understanding of the topic this will give you more to write about and strengthen your response in answering the given question. ( Bear in mind, make sure that it is relevant and helps support whatever you are trying to say) Get as much as you can from classwork and other resources, relevant to your subject.

3. Hold your pen lightly don't press down so hard, just hold it and write. Also, it may help to have those lightweight gel quick-dry pens.

4. Look at past band 6/ Band 4 responses, this will give you a better idea of how you could improve your own writing and things to talk about if you are running out of ideas. Ensure that is done beforehand.

Hope this helps! (:


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Re: HELP!! How Am I Meant To Write 5-8 Pages in 40 Minutes?!
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2021, 05:54:40 pm »
I'm a big fan of the weighted pen technique mentioned above (practically saved me for my legal exam) and in the two months you definitely have the time to be able to build up your hand muscles. Another tip that might help you is just trying to write essays in the timed conditions to build up your stamina. This will also help you with time management as well as consolidate your knowledge on the topics. A few extra essays written every week (or everyday if you have the time) will make a massive difference and make you feel more confident once you step into your exams.

Hope this helps and good luck!!
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