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Author Topic: Some band 6 advice & case study notes :)  (Read 5001 times)  Share 

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Re: Some band 6 advice & case study notes :)
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2018, 01:10:13 pm »
ive done BST accelerated and managed to receive a band 6- the best advice id give is basically assign a case study to every section apart from role as well as know your GTDF (graphs table diagrams flowchards) to ensure your section 4 is set. i struggled with section 3 (insider info: my teacher showed me my mark, i got 16 which is pretty bad), so theres not much i can say about this section. Section 2 was my best (39/40), my advice for this is to do the dotpoint Qs, they help alot because BST is just alot of memorising and content dumping.

I have some leftover case study material for operations & marketing, post ur emails below and ill send you over through email (cant upload exceeds limit)

Wow man thanks for the advice!

I would also recommend using Graphs, Tables, Flowcharts etc in your notes, but not in actual exams, idk, I think they are more for conceptual understanding and not for showing off to markers. They literally just want you to recite the syllabus and get marks! :)

But also try using a variety of case studies and not just Quantas or McDonalds. Common other options are Apple, Dick Smith and your favourite resturant!

Hope this helps! :) :D


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Re: Some band 6 advice & case study notes :)
« Reply #16 on: January 18, 2018, 01:45:37 pm »
Wow man thanks for the advice!

I would also recommend using Graphs, Tables, Flowcharts etc in your notes, but not in actual exams, idk, I think they are more for conceptual understanding and not for showing off to markers. They literally just want you to recite the syllabus and get marks! :)

But also try using a variety of case studies and not just Quantas or McDonalds. Common other options are Apple, Dick Smith and your favourite resturant!

Hope this helps! :) :D
You can use graphs and stuff when applicable, and they can come in handy. When your essay isnt the best, sometimes your graph can give you a couple of extra marks. It works for me!!

I also personally play the safe route with case studies. I use qantas with pretty much every dot point and just slot in others whenever i remember them
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