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Author Topic: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC  (Read 74735 times)

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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2017, 11:06:45 pm »
A job will be far more rewarding for you than the HSC could ever be. Lots of people can hit the books and get a really high ATAR - It is even more special to balance that academic success with developing employable skills. And no, high ATAR does not mean employable ;) You'll be far more likely to get a job while studying at uni/on leaving school, whatever the case may be for you - Because you can show that you've developed communication skills, can work under pressure, can delegate... Etc!

Plus, work experience makes you far more eligible for scholarships. The amount of people I see score 99+ but then not get a scholarship (say, Coop) because they've never had a part time job, is astounding. Again, lots of academics out there. Not many good workers - Universities and sponsors like those people :)

Plus, mad dosh.

Plus, new social circles beyond your school, getting outside the bubble is a good thing! :)

Seriously, there are absolutely no downsides here. Take time off during busy exam periods if you need it (they sound really accomodating of you so awesome to hear), keep a timetable to make sure you stay organised. Most of all, enjoy it - it will be really good for you throughout the year I am sure ;D
Yeah, I suppose that's true, thankyou so much for the input. I had a job in the restaurant industry for 3 years before switching to this new one, so the job situation isn't new to me in the slightest—more so the fact that this new job has exponentially higher demand than my previous. The food it sells has kind of become a trend around the Northern Beaches so there are endless queues there every second of the day, and while I have worked a lot in a busy environment, I haven't been in a job where it is FULL ON PACKED BUSY 24/7 you know. Anyway, I hope it works out hahaha

I found having a job quite good during the HSC year. Although it stressed me out at times because it reduced the amount of hours I could study the weekend before trials, it actually ended up doing my mental state a favour, as the break from study relaxed me and I went into the trial exam the next day a lot more relaxed and confident. Also you get to keep making a little money to invest in the healthy and not so healthy HSC habits you may aquire hehe.

Worst comes to worst in terms of juggling school and work you can always reduce your shifts to 2 or 1 a week, and depending on the flexibility of the place, maybe even take whole weeks off, but you'd have to talk to your manager about that. Currently I've taken the whole last week of school until after formal off and my only shifts have been taking other people's because they were desperate and I figured it was ok to give up a night or two.

It also sounds like you'll have a good time with it since it isn't in the fast food industry lol. So yeah I reckon you can do study and a job during year 12, I believe in you.

Yeah, that's what I reckon will happen because I actually enjoy being at work for some reason hahaha. I'm sure it'll be fine though, thanks :)

Having a job is really useful to have, it may not seem like it now. But later on in your life, this piece of work-experience will become valuable in training "soft-skills" such as communication, team-work, mangaging timelines/deadlines, working in a "potential" high-pressure environment, etc. High school doesn't teach you these skills, let alone at the level work does.

If you find the job isn't working out, then leave it or reduce your hours. It seems like your employer understands your situation, so don't worry about it.

In terms of adapting, think of it as developing and/or maturing yourself into becoming an young adult. Seize the challenge and take it head-on. If your struggling, have no fear ATARNotes is here! I should coin that jingle now...
Yeah I know, I've had a job for 3 years prior—so the idea of being employed isn't new to me; it's just that my new job is so much higher demand due to a continuous overflow of customers coming in haha. I enjoy working, but I also want to attain a really high ATAR aswell. Thanks for the reassurance :)

Good luck with the new job!

I got a job in retail during year 12 last year (was probably a bit before Easter), and I don't think having to adapt to something new did anything bad. In fact, I think it was actually really good for me!
When you first start, it can be pretty daunting. I found product knowledge, and learning how to deal with peak customer periods tricky to adjust to at first, but I got used to it pretty quickly, and I reckon it taught me a lot about working well under pressure :) Soon enough, it'll be second nature to you!

Aw thankyou! And yeah, I really like the challenge of a new job—it has peak hours literally 24/7, the queues never fucking stop hahha. In my previous job of 3 years, I adapted to the demand of peak hours relatively quickly because they were much less frequent, but man this is insane. There's no time to chill hahahaha. In my previous job, I had so much experience to the point of mastery—I knew the answer to every single question that could be potentially asked by the customer; whereas in this new job, I am clueless. This trial today made me realise how shitty being at the point of mastery is, because there's nothing new to discover so every shift is just boring as hell with nothing to look forward to. I love being unfamiliar with the work environment, because where I used to dread my shifts, I now look forward to them in hopes of learning something new.

Having some work can be  good as you get a change of environment. You aren't stuck in the house all day and experience new things!

Don't be too anxious about it :D, Have faith in yourself.
Aw thanks, I'm trying hahaah :)

Mod edit: Merged posts :)
« Last Edit: October 06, 2017, 08:11:36 am by Jess1113 »
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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2017, 09:41:24 pm »
The food it sells has kind of become a trend around the Northern Beaches so there are endless queues there every second of the day

I have been trying to figure out what type of food this is for a day and I am stumped. Can I have a hint to what cuisine it is at least :P
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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2017, 09:46:37 pm »

I have been trying to figure out what type of food this is for a day and I am stumped. Can I have a hint to what cuisine it is at least :P

Hahahah sure thing. It's partially inspired by Nepal, but their predominant focus is Hawaiian/Japanese :))
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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #18 on: October 06, 2017, 09:47:34 pm »
Hahahah sure thing. It's partially inspired by Nepal, but their predominant focus is Hawaiian/Japanese :))
That seems like a really intriguing mix of cultures
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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #19 on: October 06, 2017, 09:51:20 pm »

That seems like a really intriguing mix of cultures

Yeah it's pretty unique to say the least—hence the overwhelming popularity haha
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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #20 on: October 06, 2017, 09:52:17 pm »
Hahahah sure thing. It's partially inspired by Nepal, but their predominant focus is Hawaiian/Japanese :))

Yep I got you! Start's with an M near the Corso correctttt?
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Advanced English | Extension 1 English | Extension 2 English | Legal Studies | PDHPE | Society and Culture | General 2 Maths

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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #21 on: October 06, 2017, 10:31:49 pm »

Yep I got you! Start's with an M near the Corso correctttt?

Wow honestly didn't think you'd get it, but YESSSSS you're correct hahahaha
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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #22 on: October 06, 2017, 10:52:09 pm »
Wow honestly didn't think you'd get it, but YESSSSS you're correct hahahaha

Hahaa couldn’t not, they’re so unique and popular right now on the Beaches!
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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #23 on: October 07, 2017, 12:51:18 am »

Hahaa couldn’t not, they’re so unique and popular right now on the Beaches!

HAHAHAHHA so true, I had an irrational addiction to them as a regular customer prior to getting the job actually, so when I saw the ad on Facebook seeking service positions I was stoked! But I never thought I'd actually get the job hahahah. Literally when I met the manager for the first time on my trial shift, she was like "Oh, I know you!" HAHAHA
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Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #24 on: October 08, 2017, 11:50:46 pm »
Dang, these holidays went by so fucking slowly lol. Tomorrow's the first day of Year 12—the HSC year—and tbh, I'm pretty keen. I've literally been bored outta my mind and so having something to work on will finally cure that. I really want to do the thing where you rewrite your notes from school at home once a week or daily (?), but I'm not sure if I'll be able to maintain that habit. But at the same time, I always end up writing out each and every one of my notes literally the night prior to the exam which is, needless to say, stressful as hell. So, the idea of having them progressively done throughout the year sounds pretty good. I'll try it... but guaranteed I'll start slacking off in week 2 or something HAHAHA. Omfg and I'm probably going to get the result turnaround for all my subjects for the prelim final, which even though doesn't matter at all anymore, will be pretty interesting to see. Pretty sure I fucked up Legal and Economics because those extended response questions were both traumatising; the essay I'd prepared for both of them were literally void because the questions were on different topics in their entirety haha! Good luck to everyone going into Year 12 tomorrow, or the day after, you've got this! :)
« Last Edit: October 08, 2017, 11:53:29 pm by Lumenoria »
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Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #25 on: October 09, 2017, 04:08:48 pm »
Omg, got my English Extension marks back for the prelim finals, and while they're not great, I'm relatively happy with how I went considering I didn't hand in any drafts whatsoever (I wrote both the creative and essay a night before the exam). I've literally never been so unprepared for an English exam besides this. I got 16/20 (80%) for both essay and creative, which is one mark less than what I received in the half yearly—that I actually studied and drafted for. I'm kinda annoyed because the girl that I tied with in my last report for English Ext did exceptionally well in these exams, which means I lost my ranking. But whatever, I'm just pleasantly surprised with the fact that I got over 70% hahaha
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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #26 on: October 09, 2017, 04:44:12 pm »
What other classes did you have today? Did you enjoy them? (Although it probably was all very syllabus based thus far!)
HSC subjects
Advanced English | Extension 1 English | Extension 2 English | Legal Studies | PDHPE | Society and Culture | General 2 Maths

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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #27 on: October 09, 2017, 09:07:07 pm »

What other classes did you have today? Did you enjoy them? (Although it probably was all very syllabus based thus far!)
Economics, Mathematics, Advanced English, Multimedia and Biology! Yeah, I'm glad to be back at school finally doing something, but we haven't really been presented with anything excessively hardcore. In maths, we're still catching up on prelim content; however, everything else was like a 'taster' of the HSC lol. I fucking hate getting introduced to topics and such because it's so pointless imo, I just want to delve into its depths asap hahahah. Getting legal and economics results back tomorrow though, which shall be interesting... I'm praying for 85+ for legal and hopefully an 80 in eco. The question we had for the extended response in legal was traumatic though—my prepared response that initially took 45 mins at home ended up taking 1 hour 20 mins to write & adapt in the actual exam!! So, I'm not having high hopes really, but one can dream hahaha.
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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #28 on: October 09, 2017, 09:11:43 pm »
Economics, Mathematics, Advanced English, Multimedia and Biology! Yeah, I'm glad to be back at school finally doing something, but we haven't really been presented with anything excessively hardcore. In maths, we're still catching up on prelim content; however, everything else was like a 'taster' of the HSC lol. I fucking hate getting introduced to topics and such because it's so pointless imo, I just want to delve into its depths asap hahahah. Getting legal and economics results back tomorrow though, which shall be interesting... I'm praying for 85+ for legal and hopefully an 80 in eco. The question we had for the extended response in legal was traumatic though—my prepared response that initially took 45 mins at home ended up taking 1 hour 20 mins to write & adapt in the actual exam!! So, I'm not having high hopes really, but one can dream hahaha.

What was your legal question? Prelim work is still relatively fresh for me bc compacted
HSC subjects
Advanced English | Extension 1 English | Extension 2 English | Legal Studies | PDHPE | Society and Culture | General 2 Maths

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Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #29 on: October 09, 2017, 09:50:50 pm »
What was your legal question? Prelim work is still relatively fresh for me bc compacted
I don't remember it exactly word for word because we did it last term, but it was something like; Evaluate the law's ability to uphold individuals responsible for their actions. It's not a notoriously difficult question, but it was worded completely differently to how everyone expected—I was almost certain it would be what I had prepared for. Though apparently someone in our class got 25/25 for it... it shall be interesting to see who that is, definitely NOT me hahaha! I had to adapt so much more than I had anticipated, but I'm relatively confident with how I executed my response (didn't get time to look over it at the end though), so if I get 23 or over, I'll be happy.. which I bloody hope I get, considering I spent 75% of the exam duration on its 33% worth of the test lol
« Last Edit: October 09, 2017, 09:54:57 pm by Lumenoria »
HSC 2018 (ATAR 96.35) - English Advanced (96) | Mathematics General (87) | Legal Studies (94) | Economics (89) | Industrial Technology (94)