Hello all,
I just found out about these journals and thought I would give it a go, hopefully I will continue to update you throughout the rest of the year.
I am studying advanced English, standard maths (dropped down about half way through term 1 from advanced), ancient history, biology and business.
I am completing year 12 through TAFE digital (fully online with no teacher support other than to mark assignments), so I don't have the support of normal teachers. I have struggled mostly with Advanced maths and English. I was able to get help from an English and Maths tutor recently, but was so behind in maths that I had to drop down. Standard maths is amazing though!! I have found it sooo easy after trying the advanced course, even with having to catch up.
My career interest is business particularly finance. I have also just completed grade 6 on the piano and am about to complete grade 8 on the violin.
I just submitted my first round of assessments and am expecting marks back soon. I think I did pretty well, but the Ancient one was very rushed at the end so not sure how I'll do on that one. Also unsure of how my rank will be as I haven't met any peers or know how many students are doing the same subjects as I am. I don't think there will be that many as most of my teachers only work 1 or 2 days per week.
Right now I am working on an assignment (not worth anything but has to be completed) for English on Module A. I am studying John Donne's poems and their incorporation into the play W;t by Margaret Edson. The poems are very difficult to understand so good luck to me. I am heavily relying on google analysis haha.
I will (hopefully) update you once I get my assessment marks and ranks back.