well basically Prospero, who symbolises the coloniser, takes caliban as his slave. Caliban is the native of the land, however he is perceived as a savage and thus is displaced of his rightful land. so i was trying to explore the implications of colonisation on indigenous, and the moral ambiguity of colonising 'new' lands, however i was struggling to link this idea back to the rubric. thanks for your help
Mmm, tricky. Ok, I tend to think that the best way of approaching this is copying and pasting the rubric into here, with all creds to
BOSTES of course.
Discovery can encompass the experience of discovering something for the first time or rediscovering
something that has been lost, forgotten or concealed.
From what I know, I don't think this describes the situation because the colonisation didn't come with a lost, forgotten or concealed nature. Discoveries can be sudden and unexpected,
or they can emerge from a process of deliberate and careful planning
Which one applies to Propsero's actions, do you think?evoked by curiosity, necessity or wonder. Discoveries can be fresh and intensely meaningful in ways that may be emotional, creative, intellectual, physical and spiritual. They can also be confronting and provocative
By the sounds of it, this applies. The confronting or provocative nature seems to fit because usually colonisations aren't taken lightly.. They can lead us to new
worlds and values
Does the moral ambiguity fit here?, stimulate new ideas, and enable us to speculate about future possibilities. Discoveries and discovering can offer new understandings and renewed perceptions of ourselves and others
Does anyone learn something about themselves or someone else through the colonisation?.
An individual’s discoveries and their process of discovering can vary according to personal, cultural,
historical and social contexts and values. The impact of these discoveries can be far-reaching and
transformative for the individual and for broader society. Discoveries may be questioned or challenged
when viewed from different perspectives and their worth may be reassessed over time
This seems to be the most relevant to me, based on what I know. I'm sure the perspective on the colonisation would be different when looking at it through Propero's lens, as opposed to Caliban's lens.. The ramifications of particular discoveries may differ for individuals and their worlds.
Again, this one seems relevant. The ramifications may be: loss of home, loss of identity, renewed perceptions, moral doubt, etc.By exploring the concept of discovery, students can understand how texts have the potential to
affirm or challenge individuals’ or more widely-held assumptions and beliefs about aspects of human
experience and the world. Through composing and responding to a wide range of texts, students may
make discoveries about people, relationships, societies, places and events and generate new ideas.
By synthesising perspectives, students may deepen their understanding of the concept of discovery.
Students consider the ways composers may invite them to experience discovery through their texts
and explore how the process of discovering is represented using a variety of language modes, forms
and features.
What do you think? I tend to think there are at least three strong areas for development there. Let me know your thoughts!