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July 27, 2024, 12:47:48 pm

Author Topic: MOD B STRUGGLES :(  (Read 1029 times)  Share 

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« on: September 14, 2018, 05:55:29 pm »
Hi guys! I'm dying right now and I'm hoping that you can help me out with some good old advice :)

Just for some background, I'm an Advanced English student and I'm really struggling with Mod B- Hamlet. Basically, my issue (and it's been like this since we started the module) is that I have no idea how to prepare for this module in paper 2. The questions they ask in exam tend to be so narrow and specific- they're  basically asking you to analyse specific quotes and parts of the play (yuck). In saying this, you can't really pre-prepare a general essay for the module and again- the questions are disgustingly specific- it's gotten me so flustered. I CAN NOT STRESS ENOUGH HOW LONG I'VE BEEN STRUGGLING WITH THIS  :'(

How did you get around this and how do you guys normally study for Module B? :(


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« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2018, 10:29:30 pm »
Hey there!

I didn't study Hamlet, so take my advice for what it is worth. But I did do speeches, and they could have specified any one of those eight speeches same as they can specify any aspect of Hamlet. So, similar!

The thing is - There really isn't a shortcut. This module is the one to get people who like to prepare generic essays, and they have it (partially) for that reason. The way to succeed in Module B is to just know enough quotes/techniques/examples from your text to be prepared for anything. I had over 50 quotes memorised for my speeches - Overkill, but that is what I needed to make myself confident that I could handle anything they threw at me. You need to hit that number for yourself, that's what will make you feel more in control. I don't think it would (or should) be anywhere near 50, but you probably will need to remember more quotes for Module B than the other modules.

My study for Module B was just:

1- Memorise a shit tonne of quotes
2- Practice essays, as many as possible, so that I could test whether I had enough to answer every question.

Try and pick quotes from different parts of the text (different Acts), that cover different themes and concern different characters and ideas. The more you have to pull from, the easier you will find it to answer these super specific questions. The more you practice the more confident you will be! :)


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« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2018, 02:53:49 pm »
My assessment task was a speech. So i turned my paragraphs into generic paragraphs and made a fourth, and I can split one (it is about both women). If you want to go the generic route try and have wide ranged stuff so you are able to adapt to the q
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