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July 27, 2024, 01:42:53 pm

Author Topic: Advanced English Comparative study: King Richard III & Looking for Richard  (Read 5103 times)  Share 

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Right now I am writing a comparative essay on King Richard III and Looking for Richard....Just wondering if anyone knew of some good techniques/quotes in King Richard III that show power/authority? 🤔



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Hello there!
Not sure if these will help since it does kind of depend on what type of power/authority you’re trying to explore but here you go.

ACT 1 Scene 2 - “Your beauty was the cause of that effect: Your beauty, that did haunt me in my sleep” —> anaphora of ‘your’ (power over Anne through appeal)

ACT 2 Scene 4 - “the tiger now hath seized the gentle hind” —> metaphor, animal imagery, symbolism (comparing Richard to a tiger - powerful creature)

ACT 4 Scene 4 - too much to put all here but there are lots of good examples of stichomythia there particularly with Elizabeth and Richard
(Richard) “as long as heaven and nature lengthens it”
(Elizabeth) “as long as hell and Richard likes of it” —> short, sharp sentences showing how Elizabeth and Richard meet at an equal level of power through their use of words (words through this technique are demonstrated to be like powerful weapons that can be used against others)

Though I don’t have much on this one sorry, I suggest to also take a look at Act 5 with Richmond in it, there are plenty of places for comparison in which you can show the difference between the way Richard handles power and authority (more cruel and negatively) compared to Richmond handling power and authority (more positively). Maybe you can even mention the set up of the act and how Shakespeare purposely - in the beginning - cuts between Richmond and Richard’s scenes!



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Hey, Lydia.k!

Welcome to the forums  ;D KC181 has provided some excellent quotes to use that encompass the themes well. I didn't study your prescribed texts but may I also draw your attention to our amazing Notes section on the forum?  8) You can access some quote banks from the following resources in particular  ;D

Module A: KRIII / LFR Notes
Values and Ideas in King Richard III
English Advanced Quote Technique Effect Table

There are also sample essays you can read too in order to assist you in writing yours. These two are highly rated by users who have had a look at them before  :D

King Richard III – Looking for Richard Essay
Module A: King Richard III and Looking for Richard

Hope this helps  :)

Angelina  ;D
-HSC 2018-


-UNI 2019-2022-
Bachelor of Music (Music Education) at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music


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U r both legends. This is an assessment draft  due on Wednesday  so this was a massive help, great quotes too!